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Welcome This is a Green Horn rapid uptake Guide


The Goal of this Green Horn Page info is to give Young people and Mechanics and engineers in general a broader look

at the technology and how it works.


If your a Builder or a Profressional Enthusiast/ Race etc you will want to  go through these links and move on to the DIY Guide

which is the more advanced Technology study and technology designing and building and or buy finish product soluyions from us.


If you are a Engineer trained a certain way and or  Power Plant operator Community Fueler this is of no real use except to gain a basic understanding of how tech is changing advancing and adapting to main stream no and your welcome to discuss your projects or replacement needs.


Some of the basic principles are detailed on this page and in DIY guide and employed in our , Survey Design, Fabrication and Completed amd  Engineered Product Solutions which are Certified broadly by industrial Standards in each case or project category ,Industrial Gas and Maritime for example.

Very Basics

Green Horn Rapid Hobby Builder 

Uptake Guide Links

If your a Builder or a Profressional Enthusiast/ Race etc you will want to  go through these links and move on to the DIY Guide   which is the more advanced study and Building technology.


PS Yes I am putting the above  into a-z order and will join topic near each other and further expand the new info into each of the above just enjoy and share this to others.  the above is for technical People, and for learners to have a basic idea of what goe sinto our finished products.

We Welcome every one to join in and ask questions and share .


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