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Stanley Meyer Movie Video

Welcome to the Stanley Meyers Video Movie Libary. We have decided to to include the best we can find from stand collections. There are many videos and movies of Stanley Meyer teaching other about hydrogen on demand systems.


Stanley Meyers was a Water Legend registering and gaining over 30 patents for the water technology thus preserving his unqiue though culture for applying the technology he and his brother developed of 25-30 years.


It is with great pleasure I openly share this technology to you and the rest of the world as a Satnley meyers movie collection in a variety of formats flash,wmp,mpeg,wndows media, vimeo and many others.


Please save copy and distribute these videos to preserve them for future generations.


Make a Stanley Meyers Website to display movie and inforamtion, use it to teach and show people that Stan through his movie and videos make remarkable efforts to preserve the process and eveolution of the technology for Hydrogen on demand and HHO.


All combustion engines can now be converted to run clean and we can delet oil from our energy plateforms.

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