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Stanley Meyer Circuit

Discovering Stan Meyers circuit  Volts not amps , make magnetisium in cell same as a capacitor


It has been found that without the use of RESISTANT wire there will be no resonance . !  Also The fuel cell is part of the resonant circuit normally referred to as a condenser.


The fuel cell will resonate with the Resistant Coil forming and LC circuit,


Therefore the input power to the circuit is DC, during resonace the Resonate CHOKE is powered by AC from a DC source Due to resonance.

As Fuel Cell (electrolyzer also act as a Wate capacitor, the simple methos is stan charges up the coils in a stepping fashion with a pwm circuit and than dumps them into the electrolyzer (water capacitor) this is repeated over and over

and creates a compounding rythum and magnetic force to crack water into it's gases.

A demo circuit of a Fuel cell in Resonance would Be as followed.

1 RESISTIVE Choke hooked in series with the fuel cell, then to the 12v battery supply.


Simple setup, take the coil and cell and hook in series.

Then hook the Remaining Terminals to the battery.

The resonate Freq is controlled by Dead Shorting the Condenser, Fuel cell. Upon Dead short Coil is Charing, Upon Release Cell is charging,


A resonance occurs!

This will result in the coil powered by AC even though the power source is DC. It is said to be high Freq.

 It is clear that a Strong capacitor discharge is needed in order to do this. Examples could be charging up a capacitor to 250 volts and then dead shorting it under water, the amount of energy released is so powerful that water blows up instantly on demand.


However the Capacitor discharge is coming from the inverter many fail to Replicate it.

However The Fuel Cell resonate Circuit Is unique and does relate to discharging a capacitor under water to gain explosions of water.


It is problem matic to use Capacitors for discharge, what i believe to be the Vic from Stanley Meyer is much better.


The way the circuit is setup due to resonance Water can be exploded on demand far greater than what normal discharge capacitors can do. As it restrict amps and raise voltage into extremly high voltages.


These circuits also relate to bringing about vortec cavitation and much more.   3 phase is related as well.

To further understand The VIC, To understand where compounding Energy comes from, to understand how to place a freq across a fuel cell and get it to resonate all the circuits are clearly the same.

To understand what is going on, what can be done and what you lack.


Please look very very very very very hard at the old time Auto ignition circuit. Learn that the Coil is powered by AC and not DC. Also learn how the auto spark works. And most of all remember, to get this type of resonance i believe you have to have resistant wire!

The auto ignition circuit is labeled as an LC circuit! For less confusion ignore magnetos.

If this post did not seem like the most important post you have read in this wfc technology, then i highly suggest you read it again.


Then if your still skeptical i suggest you get an ignition coil and a battery, a Normal AC UNIT capacitor and find you some schematics and start playing. This circuit is clearly resonating. Without Resonance you would not be driving your car down the road! ! !

Blowing water up on demand DC is no longer good, AC WILL overtake DC and When the public scientist start to realize what is going on this Technology WILL SKYROCKET!


Step charge ignitions circuits are under investigation.

So Begin,  please support Secure Supplies buy making a purchase on this website.


We now have kits and are advancing and lowering prices as we increase stocks and manufacture efforts.




A quick heads up.


I was referred to 20 windmills that can produced 24 Thousand volts at 1500000 watts per windmill or 30000000 watts for all 20.


These Windmills each Produce a maximum amount of current of 62.5 AMPS at 24k volts.


Each Windmill is a Giant! So they Take Very high voltage, 24k volts at 20 windmilles equal to 1250 AMPS

and step it down using a utility pole transformer.

Normal PowerLine Ratings are between 17 and 18 kilo volts.

If your home is consuming 10k watts at 110 and 220 volts the amps going to your home would be "about"  83 amps.

When you consume 10000 watts from your power company, you are taking about 17000 volts at about half an amp

from the utility wire!!!!!!!

In some cases,


IF Extra High Voltage(Transmission) – over 230 kV, up to about 800 kV, used for long distance, very high power transmission

Then you would consume .0125 Miliamps (12.5 Ma) from the powerline wire since .0125 * 800000 volts = 10000 watts

That's Amazing, isn't it!

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