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HHO Dry Cell vs  Wet Cell or Compared

DRY Cell Pros(good Reasons) and Cons ( Bad Reasons)

Fast Way to make Fuel Saving and Cut poulltion


Dry Cell Water is on inside only


Here are 3 important reasons:

1. Dry Cell USers Say When the edges of the plates of a hho generator are submerged in the water/catalyst bath a great deal of the electrical current passes through the edges of the plates. This current is largely wasted in terms of HHO production.


This Statement is due to the fact people have not research or trail using wet cells. As Wet cell do purposely put voltage into the water so the cell becomes a water fuel capacitor like Stanley Meyers Desgined. Thus if you have the knowledge you than make your system using this extra power in the water capacitor to boost your water cracking and hydrogen hho producing ability.


When the edges are outside of the bath, as with the HHO dry cell, all of the current is forced to travel directly to the faces of the plates.  Yes and No , you still have leakage some dry ell designs try to totall insulate the cell from the air with delrin cases. but you have to plan and unserstand, Dry cell are fast to install but have limitations with how much voltage they can hold , using titainium platinum and stainless steel is very popular, Some people have started using Nickle plaste or to coat plates in nickly , this effectively turn them into a capacitor water cell like stanley meyer though there are pollution side effect where as stanley Meyers Design did not have any side ffect as the water was the capacity and has no limit to how much volatage can be applied and when recheaing saturation it turn water to hydrogen faster which is the goal.   Both work both have thing which should be understood clearly to maximise pwoer being fed in so to reduce the amp demand as much as possible from alernator as it is a load on engine.


Therefore Dry cell is a fast but not perfect way to make HHO as most  of the current supplied to the HHO generator is utilized, inside for efficiently making HHO gas but it is by brute force and will not build a charge or voltage up high enough to help reduce amps or load over not, and quickly discharges..


2. If using electrolyte the bath attacks and will eventually destroy the electrical connections if they are submerged. With the HHO dry cell design they are outside of the water/catalyst solution which is stored in a separate reservoir and recirculated by the HHO dry cell, this helps in producing more HHO gas and less heat (steam). But using Electrolyte will effect the alloy parts of a engine and corode them fast, and most people us a bubbler to avoid that, so bubler act like a scrubber of electrolytes which dilutes the potency of the HHO.


3. Because it is efficient, there is not a lot of wasted space and electrolyte solution that is not being used and charged with current. The very small volume of electrolyte solution that enters the HHO dry cell is subjected to electrical current and able to react and create HHO gas, then exit the HHO dry cell generator and recirculate. Many point to consider with flow refeeding and gas management if using KOH.


The plates of our HHO dry cells are made of 316L stainless steel.


This has been found to have the best properties of resistance to attack from the process of electrolysis. Mounting hardware and wire and cable are very difficult to find in 316L grade and are very costly to use.


With the HHO dry cell design, all of these connections are outside of the electrolyte so this isn't an issue.


Dry cells operating in a "closed" system as we employ, run cooler, because the electrolyte is circulating throughout the system and dissipates the heat more efficiently than the old "wet bath" cells.


Our electrical current delimiters (PWM) also cap the amperage at designed levels to prevent heat "thermal runaway", as often happens in the old "wet bath" cells.  This is not true as we know that the voltage build up in Wet Cell if understood and

managed correctly is an asset and resource of power as a capacitor is to use to crack water, IF we are taught to appreciate that high amps is bad in water hho production and we have system that use high voltage and low amps they do not get hot they stay cool.


Secure Supplies has taken time to point out the diference here,

We invite every one to start using Dry Cell and Wet Cell and

get it on board their vehilce , they can they lean and improve to totally run on 100 hydrogen. As they fine tune and configure systems. At this point in time Dry cell are fast cheap and easy to install with 20-30% gains. to be aimed at with most install.


Always use Scrubber(dry) not bubblers (wet) there is adiference in the out put power and h saturation.



Wet Cell Pros(good Reasons) and Cons ( Bad Reasons)

Recommened Path By Secure Supplies


Wet Cell Water is on inside of cell and Surround each cell in a water bath , this can be as a group as shown above or each cell is a singular water bath insulated from each other for better management like Stanley Meyers Did.


Here are 3 important reasons:

1. When the edges of the plates of a hho generator are submerged in the water/catalyst bath a great deal of the electrical current passes through the edges of the plates. In a Wet cell this leakage if insulated to saturate and stay in the water makes the cell into a capacitor. This give your a voltage (POWER) Reservior. This voltage can be used to boost the water craking process.


2. These is no need for  electrolyte bath  as if it is a Correctly set up cell that retains voltage in the water with low amp electronics the super boost to crack water in to HHO comes voltage build up and cell cacade not electolytes so cell is cell and never stops working.


3.  If Cell are individually Isolated from each other whilst still remaining to be wet cell it give you a extrodinary ability to use and controll the excess power, contain in each cell you can run them in serers or parrelle to try new things, if 1 cell is charge up ir can be use as a resource to crack and another cell on and so on.


Water Circulation is a point which need to be trailed along with ultra sonic in the cell, it may be possible to incaputlate the H into the water to staurate the Water to be High in H and thus make a fuel. More so than a gas.



Why do we use a PWM?

BEcuase in brute force dry cell threy draw alot of amps

and will heat up and the more the electrodes plates heat the more am they will draw.  Putting alot ofload on engine and alternator.


We add a PWM to vibrate the circute or adjust pulsing of cicuirt to reduce this heat up and stil provide similar results.  We when add KOH we make moe gas for a short period but in fact we are ending up with a circuit which will demand even more power thus it is the wrong direction to go. As you get leakage out of cell into the koh which is never mentioned.


What Stanel Meyer Did was make Circuit with a pwm but oscilating at much high speeds and use a wet cell


he made the cell water charge up very fast and turn it into a capacitor as well so he ended up with a high voltage static charg int he water arond cells, thus using much lower amps once charged up and no neeed for koh


This is the right path as it give instant powerful results from the engery held in the water as a charge instead of seeking it from the altnerator or engine RPM.





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