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Published on Jun 30, 2013


An Electrical Engineer (MSc) explains how Stan Meyer's car on water actually works, connecting many dots, a/o with the so-called "cold fusion" experiments which rocked the scientific world in the 1980s and which are still being debated.


Note that Stan Meyer's car has been publicly proven to work on TV:


I already published this theory here, with lots of references, etc.:



Prof Claus Turtur's paper:

His rotor mentioned in the vid:


Home-made electrolytic "baking soda" rectifier showing "the glow", essentially a "cold plasma":


Papers, etc. about Dielectric break down, water arcs, "cold fusion", etc., etc.:


A description of a/o the 4 replications mentioned and their results:


An E-Book explaining all about growing of dielectric layers on aluminum for use in electrolytic capacitors:



What's wrong with Einstein's theory and Quantum Mechanics:


This video is placed into the public domain. You can do whatever you like with it. Copy, translate, publish, whatever. The more this information is spread around, the better.


-- Arend --


UPDATE September 5th, 2013:


Since the idea is that the WFC is supposed to be an electrolytic capacitor, I went looking for ways to make a suitable dielectric layer on top of stainless steel. The first direction I thought of was some kind of nickel oxide, because stainless 316 has the highest concentration of nickel, and nickel is also being used in super capacitors. However, these use a different mechanism and are thus NOT suitable in a normal electrolytic capacitor like the WFC.


So, I went looking for what I could find out about chromium oxide, and more particular, Cr3O2, which is the oxide growing on top of stainless and which is what protects the metal from rusting.


It turns out that Cr3O2 has similar properties as aluminum oxide, which is being used in electrolytic capacitors. It has a dielectric constant comparable to aluminum oxide and it has a high ohmic resistance, i.e. is an insulator (at room temperature).


AND it turns out that so called "electropolishing" process which is used a/o for passivating stainless steel for medical applications is very similar to the process by which normal electrolytic capacitors are made, which are mostly based on aluminum.


So, I think I finally found Stan's big secret. He used "electropolished" stainless. For more details see:


Some more info on electropolishing:



As it turns out, Stan's original design has become available after his estate has been sold. These have been converted to CAD drawings by a/o Russ Griess and all the components appear to be available ready made now for reasonable prices, although details may still have to be changed in future versions:!elect...!elect...



So, it appears that we are getting very close to being able to successfully replicate Stan's WFC.





@Stephanie Weber: Here's my collection of multipactor documentation:




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Atahualpa Amary

3 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


The oxide layer formed by electropolishing is not thick enough to reduce the impedance of the cell. Also normal passivation is also not good enough. I've tried this already.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to Atahualpa Amary


REDUCE the impedance? The oxide should have a high ohmic resistance. Perhaps not as good as aluminum oxide as used in most normal electrolytic capactors, but the goal is not to make a perfect electrolytic capacitors. A certain amount of capacitor leakage is no problem. These are losses we have to "invest" in order to get the oxide layer polarized so it can extract energy out of the vacuum/ZP field. Did you have this done professionally or did at home? It needs to be done very carefully...

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to HBFTimmahh


Quite a lot of stuff has turned up on Russ Griess' open-source-energy forum. See links in description underneath vid. A/o cad drawings have been made from Stan's original drawings.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to lordgeoff6669


The process in the fuell cell, powered by the electric field created by a polarized dielectric, actually creates a cold plasma within the cell. This is "the glow", which is being observed by some replicators as well as with old school electrolytic capacitor. See theory thread linked in description underneath vid.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to lambdatempest


Thx. :)

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago


Stan Meyers BIG secret: "electropolished" stainless steel Since the idea is that the WFC is supposed to be an electrolytic capacitor, I went looking for ways to make a suitable dielectric layer on top of stainless steel. Turns out that chromium oxide (Cr3O2) is a suitable dielectric which can be made by "electropolishing". So, I think I finally found Stan's big secret. He used "electropolished" stainless. See update in description for more details.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


It appears there are now kits available after Stan's original design. Should be a piece of cake to have the parts electropolished, since that process is used a lot in the industry. See updated notes in description underneadth vid.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to Stephanie Weber


I don't know much about multipactor effect, but I did collect some documentation on that. Will post a link in the description underneath the vid.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to RockSoilerToil TaleTattler


The materials involved are nothing but water and electro-polished stainless steel. Yes it can be made to blow, like the Space Shuttle Challenger, but it's clean, cheap, environmentally friendly AND allows us to convert our existing infrastructure into using free energy sources. As for weaponization: it's definately an appropriate weapon against the tyriannical financial system based on the "petro-dollar".

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to aproblemsolver1


The definition is correct and based on the principle that matter can only interact with "something", be it the aether or other matter. The problem is that our current science made a mess of the solid base layed by a/o Newton and Maxwell. They yell "laws of thermodynamics" for no reason, yet the believe space can bend and particles can "entangle" thus breaking just about ALL fundamental laws of nature. Strange fellows, these Einsteinians and Quantum Crackpots. :)

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to HBFTimmahh


It needs to be a dielectric layer with material having a relatively high dielectric constant and a high characteristic resistance. It appears chromium oxide is a good material, which happens to be created using the "electropolishing" process, which also removes Iron and Nickel contaminations. See new notes in description under vid.

Arend Lammertink

3 months ago

in reply to lordgeoff6669


Yep. Just found out that this is called "electropolishing". See update in notes underneath vid.


3 months ago

in reply to Lee Schrimpf


Only if you break down water in an over unity fashion this is the case. There are reports that Meyer's car had a very foul smelling exhaust. Begs to wonder why. If you can break up water at half the expected energy cost, and produce the simplest form of HHO, you can loop it and run a car on it. It would require a huge engine, and humongous alternator and bubbler, but it would run. And the exhaust would not smell.

Lee Schrimpf

3 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


I do not think atompheric air intake would be nessary due to the fact that when water is broken down you are left with oxygen and hydrogen which are two parts of the "fire triangle" which are fuel and oxygen only missing heat source or a way to combust the hydrogen; inginition. As well no pollution (I Believe) when hydrogen is combusted and released into the atmoshere will form water. Hydrogen greek or latin for water creator.


5 months ago


what if the Aluminum was Anodized? You can Anodize aluminum plate in a 15% Battery Acid solution (mixed with Distilled Water). you use 15v @ 5ish amps using 2 aluminum plates and the negative side will form the anodized layer, which is non conductive.

Phil Golden

5 months ago


Excellent work my friend!


5 months ago


Arend, I've been following your work for a few years now. I subscribed to you earlier, knowing that your logical way of thinking would soon produce something notable. You did not disappoint. My question to you: the elaborate sub-systems Stan used, and are being replicated by passionate builders, are those just decoys, or actual necessary parts to make it all work? Will this be a clean exhaust, not an ammonia or similar gas due to Nitrogen taken from air? Great work, thanks.


5 months ago


Thank you for all of your study, efforts, and analysis of this pioneering work. You bring a complex subject to a much more comprehensible form. Personally I think that our current definition of energy is only an accurate description of a type of energy and not a definition of all forms of energy.

Arend Lammertink

5 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


What we are pretty sure of with Stan's systems is that the "simple" cell worked and has been replicated. I am less sure about his injectors and other later developments. They may have worked, they may not. We don't know, AFAIK. However, running an engine on HHO is well known, so once you succeed in generating the gas very efficiently, all the rest can be done along well known theory and practices. I do not think Stan planted decoys, but he had his own theory and may have run into problems.

Stephanie Weber

4 months ago


I have a idea for a water triode where you feed high frequencies back in so its basically a reverse water filled triode cause I mean the multupactor effect is proven OU that is seen as a problem in tubes why not harness that effect like philo t farnsworth did ? Any feed back is welcome here

Ryan Ducken

5 months ago


Just a suggestion for the short attention spanned folks. dont hesitate to add illustrations, physical examples etc... when explaining things. Many people like myself are visual learners.


5 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


ammonia way better than what is coming out of our cars now. Ive been looking at meyers stuff for a while now, in the old patents he claims to make syngas with a hydrogen component. I believe he was actually running his car on ACTIVE NITROGEN using a little bit of hho as a catalyst using cold plasma to acheive these things

Arend Lammertink

5 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


In other words: it is possible that Stan patented some of his later ideas/developments while still in the stage of being "under construction", from the firm belief he would get it working. And in the later period, he would also have needed investors, so he may have been a bit too positive in his communications. However, now that we know *how* the energy is provided to the system, we have a foundation to work with. We will find out later how far this principle can be pushed.

Anthony Barrett

4 months ago



Hans Peter Grote

5 months ago


Mr. Arend Lammertink, thank you for sharing your Information. I am researching ways of producing Hydrogen on Demand Production for more than one Year now. Your Info helped to fully understand this Science


4 months ago


dude that hat is awesome.

Halen Jakowski

5 months ago


simply amazing! great guy you are god bless


5 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


It appears the gentleman that now owns Stans Car and Equipment is in Detroit. He has stated he worked out a deal with Stan's Widow and Family for the VW and much of the Gear that was still there. I seen he put up some y/t vids in early 2012... but thats as far as it has went. So last I knew, Stans Car and most of his papers ect is here in Michigan.


5 months ago


You can grow a chromium oxide dielectric layer on stainless (probably what stan did).....I made a borax rectifier with aluminum tubes and I highly recommend it, I learned a lot observing the cold corona glow

Arend Lammertink

5 months ago

in reply to HBFTimmahh


Yes, "anodizing" is essentially what we are talking about: the creation of an insulating layer on top of metal with desired properties. In this case, we need a number of additional properties besides "insulation" and "rusting prevention". However, this is all pretty well known, especially for aluminum. See the e-book about electrolytic capacitors I added to the notes above.


5 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


I presume you may be leaning toward the Type III "Hard" anodizing layer? or would say Anodized Ti be more suited? I ll take a look at the E-book Thanks, sounds like an interesting read. I have had faith Zero Point Energy from the Aether is not a farce,, but something that has been purposely suppressed, Or as I feel, actually Used in Secret while charging the sheep for every watt. JP Morgan wasnt an idiot. if he could make Free Energy, and then charge for it, he would have. I feel they Did.


5 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


This does not make Arend incorrect IMHO. The Water Fuel cell is only a part of the system. The same methods were used to process the air to get atomic nitrogen. The exhaust gasses that were recirculated were already ionized by combustion. Stan was also developing or had had developed an cold plasma ionizer for the exhaust to bust up any nitrous oxide emissions.....thus, you can do lots of things with theses processes

RockSoilerToil TaleTattler

4 months ago


are 'water' engineers a la SM and nuke ones for that matter, what you call 'genius'? No doubt, but overly complex, overly nerdy, socially autistic, extremely male minded, over equivocating, easily marketed and .. of course .. alas, all too often weaponized .. and the thanatopical tox begins to fly from getgo .. the poisonous materials are literally ande figuratively intractable .. that's why i prefer the simple gravity devices and even simple stick, rope rockspinners .. prayerwheels loaded ....

Arend Lammertink

5 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


What I am explaining are the fundamentals, the basic principles. There are many practical details which need to be addressed later. One of them is the choice of metal and electrolyte and the details of how to grow the dielectric layers. Another problem I did not address in the vid is the need to keep the fluid in movement, a/o in order to prevent gas bubbles to stick to the dielectric layers. Meyer did this by using acoustic resonance. So, the capacitor pipes are being used as organ pipes.


5 months ago

in reply to Arend Lammertink


I have always been confused by the complexity of his systems. As it seeems all you need is a signifantly "overunity" amount of plain HHO gas, and you can loop it to get "free" propulsion at the wheels. Even if it is just 10% of regular engine output, it will be loud and violent, but free. There is talk of more potent versions of HHO being created. If true, you don't even need more gas volume. I hope you'll get in touch with builders to start efficiently searching for solutions there.


5 months ago

in reply to Cloxxki


Stan used very little HHO. It was mixed with nitrogen from the air and a syngas was made. He was running his car on a lot of active nitrogen and a little hho. That is why he used exhaust gasses and processed ambient air before it was mixed with the gas from the fuel cell


5 months ago

in reply to lordgeoff6669


Will ammonia exhausts fall apart back to No2 and H2O? I am not sure what happens if all of Bejing would swap to such engine systems. Now they have smog to worry about, but what about high ammonia levels in ambient air? For the work of RWG Research I do get the impression that processed nitrogen might have been a key factor to get the system to work. This may not make Arend incorrect. If Stan found a way to tap the ether, there may be different avenues to get sufficient gains to run water as fuel

Dielectric Layers Explained.

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