Client Types for our Distributor Builder Partners.
We have Multi Nation Fleet and Engine Install for Hydrogen on demand and Engine Live Monitoring. Join us as a installer.
We are some of the Example Client you sould be Working on with us to switch fleets over to hydrogen.
#Aircraft, #Aerospace and #Defence #Industry
#BAE #Systems
#Canadian #Space #Agency
#Concurrent #Technologies #Corporation
#EADS (#European #Aeronautic #Defence and #Space #Company)
#Ensco, Inc.
#General #Dynamics * 500
#ITT #Corporation * 500
#Lockhead #Martin * 500
#Lufthansa #Systems
#Northrop #Grumman * 500
#Raytheon #Company * 500
#Thales #Group
#The #Boeing #Company * 500
#Safran - #Techspace #Aero
#Copa #Airlines
#Automotive #Industry
#Daimler #AG
#General #Motors #Corporation
#Key #Safety #Systems, Inc.
#Mercedes-#Benz #Luxembourg S.A.
#PACCAR * 500
#TRW #Automotive
#Kiowa #Casino
#Charities and #NGOs
#Association #for #Computing #Machinery
#CTBTO (the #Comprehensive #Nuclear-#Test-#Ban Treaty #Organization)
#Girls and #Boys #Town
#International #Committee #of #the #Red #Cross
#Salvation #Army
#Swedish #Golf #Federation
#United #Nations #UN
#Consultancy, #Law and #Business services
#ANPI #Associated #Network #Partners Inc
#BNN #Baker #Newman #Noyes LLC
#Booz #Allan #Hamilton
#Claria #Corporation
#Computer #Sciences #Corporation
#Cozen #O#Connor
#Dechert #LLP
#Deloitte & #Touche
#Haynsworth #Sinkler #Boyd, P.A.
#IPC #Systems, Inc.
#IT #Operations & #Consulting
#KPMG #International
#Latham & #Watkins
#Media# Transfer #AG #Netresearch #& #Consulting
#Ramboll #Management
#SAI #Global
#Spotless #Services (NZ) Ltd
-, Inc.
#Tecolote #Research, #Inc.
#Tekco #Management #Group
#Veitch #Lister #Consulting
#Correctional #Facilities
#Arizona #State #Prison #Complex - #Kingman, #USA
#Education & #Research
#Aberdeen #Schools, #United #Kingdom
#Antelope #Valley #College, #United #States
#Auburn #University, #United #States
#Austrian #Research #Centers
#Battle #Grounds #School #District, #United #States
#Brown #University, #United #States
#Carnegie #Mellon #University, #United #States
#Center for #Genomics & #Bioinformatics #Indiana #University, #United #States
#Chapman #University, #California
#Charles #Darwin #University, #Australia
#College of #Biblical #Studies
#Columbia #University, #United #States
#Cyclotron #Institute #Texas #A and #M #University, #United #States
#CWI #National #Research #Institute for Mathematics #and #Computer #Science), #The #Netherlands
#Dartmouth #College, #United #States
#Erasmus #University #Rotterdam, #Netherlands
#Flagler #College, #Florida
#Florida #Community #College #at #Jacksonville
#Freie #Universität #Berlin, #Germany
#Grand #Forks #Public #Schools, #United #States
#Grenoble #Universités, #France
#INHOLLAND #University of #Applied #Sciences, #Netherlands
#John #Hopkins #Applied #Physics #Laboratory, #United #States
#Lamont-#Doherty #Earth #Observatory #of #Columbia #University, #United #States
#Louisiana #State #University in #Shreveport
#Mary #Baldwin #College, #United #States
#Massachusetts #institute #of #technology
#MIT #Lincoln #Laboratory
#National #Research #Council #Canada
#North #Central #Education #Service #District (ESD)
#Ole #Miss #University, #Mississippi, #United #States
#Oregon, #United #States
#Northshore #School #District, #United #States
#Ohio #University #Southern, #United #States
#Pace #University, #United #States
#Politecnico #di #Torino, #Italy
#Purdue #University, #United #States
#RICE #University, #United #States
#Royal #Melbourne #Institute #of #Technology #University, #Australia
#RSM #Erasmus #University, #Netherlands
#Salish #Kootenai #College - #Pablo, #MT
#Rutgers, #The #state #University #Of #New #Jersey, #United #States
#Skagit #Valley #College, #United #States
#Stanford #University
#Stanley #County #Schools
#St. #Bonaventure #University, New York
#TAFE #Technical #And #Further #Education#NSW Sydney, #Australia
#Texas #Culinary #Academy
#The #Jackson# Laboratory
#The #Juilliard #School, #United #States
#The #Rockefeller #University , #United #States
#The #University #of #Göttingen
#The #University #of #Melbourne, #Australia
#University of Michigan #Health #Systems
#The University of Newcastle, Australia
#The Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), #Austria
#Tulane #University, #United #States
#Tulsa #Community #College, #United #States
#UCLA #Micro-#Biology, #United #States
#United #States #Military #Academy #at #West #Point, #United #States
#Universidad #de #Carabobo, #Venezuela
#Université #de #Neuchâtel #unine, #Switzerland
#University #of #Arizona, #United #States
#University #of #California #at #Irvine , #United #States
#University #of #California, #United #States
#University #of #Center #Florida, #United #States
#University #of #Colorado at #Boulder , #United #States
#University #of #Delaware, #United #States
#University #of #Georgia, #United #States
#University #of #Glasgow, #United #Kingdom
#University #of #Minnesota, #United #States
#University #of #Oklahoma
#University #of #Pretoria, #South #Africa
#University #of #Tromsø, #Norway
#US #Naval #Post #Graduate #School
#Vanderbilt #University, #United #States
#Electronics #Industry
#AV #Professional
#Bose #Corporation
#Cisco #Systems * 500
#DELL * 500
#EFIRACK, #France
#Esilicon #Corporation
#Hewlett#Packard * 500
#IBM * 500
#Intel * 500
#MABE, #Ecuador
#Motorola * 500
#Oberturcs #Card #Systems
#Orbotech #Ltd.
#QLogic #Corp.
#Q.E.S. #Ltd., #Ireland
#Siemens #S.p.A, #Italia
#Sony #Computer #Entertainment #Europe Ltd.
#Sony * 500
#Energy #Industry
#Anglo #Coal, #Australia
#British #Petroleum #BP p.l.c
#Cegedel S.A.
#Chevron * 500
#CitiPower & #Powercor, #Australia
#Consorzio #RFX
#Deutsche #Tamoil
#Duck #River #Electric #Membership #Corporation #DREMC
#Électricité #de #France
#El #Paso #Electric * 500
#Empresa #Eléctrica #Ambato #Regional #Centro #Norte #EEASA, #Ecuador
#Giant #Industries #Inc. * 500
#Hydro #Québec
#North #West #Shelf #Australia LNG
#Philippine #Nuclear #Research #Institute
#Qatar #Petroleum
#SBM #Offshore N.V.
#SECPA #Southeast #Colorado #Power #Association
#Tesoro #Corporation * 500
#TriState #Generation and #Transmission #Association
#Vattenfall #Europe
#Western #Power
#Westinghouse #Electric #Corporation
#Engineering and #Construction
#4A #Solutions Ltd.
#Aan #de #Stegge #Bouw & #Werktuigbouw
#ARC #Business #Solutions Inc.
#Ashland Inc. * 500
#BGC #Contracting, #Western #Australia
#Dessau, Inc.
#Enterprise #Martin
#Fluor #Corporation
#Haliburton * 500
#Holcim #Group
#Intergraph #Corporation
#Linzmeier #Bauelemente #GmbH, #Germany
#NDA #Engineering #Ltd.
#Page #Europa #S.r.l., #Italy
#Ranbuild, #Australia
#Reinertsen #AS, #Norway
#Rio #Tinto
#Rosetti #Marino
#Scherer #Brothers #Lumber #Company
#Tralaco #Technology #Limited
#TECO #Toledo #Engineering #Co., #Inc.)
#Vasko #Partner
#Vetco #International
#Financial #Sector
#AAA #Insurance
#Bahn #BKK
#Bank #North #Group
#Bank #of #America * 500
#Bank #of #Queensland
#Bessemer #Trust
#BNP #Paribas #Gulf #Group
#Caisse #d’#Epargne
#Caja #de #Ahorros
#Capital #Institutional #Services #Inc.
#CheckFree #Corporation
#Citigroup * 500
#Commerce #Bank
#Countrywide #Financial * 500
#Deutsche #Bank
#Downey #Savings and #Loan #Associations
#EFC #Systems #Fidelity
#Fidelity #National #Financial, Inc.
#FIMCO, Inc.
#Financial Network Inc.
#First #National #Bank and #Trust #Company
#First #New #York #Securties, L.L.C.
#First #West #Credit #Union
#HealthEquity, Inc.
#Hiway #Federal #Credit #Union
#IG #Index
#IMC #Pacific
#ivv #Informationsverarbeitung #für #Versicherungen
#JP #Morgan #Chase & #Co. * 500
#LCL #Credit #Lyonnais
#Mackenzie #Financials
#Macquarie #Group
#Munich #Re
#Mutual #de #Seguros
#National #Bank of #Oman * 500
#National #Financial * 500
#Oman #Isurance #Company
#Pulse #International
#Queensland #Investment #Corporation
#Reserve #Bank of #New #Zealand
#Richelieu #Finance
#Societe #Generale #Bank
#Southcoast #Community #Bank
#Tax #Technologies #LLC
#The #Doctors #Company
#TOWER, #New #Zealand
#Trade & #Exchange #Online
#Unitrin,# Inc
#Union #State #Bank
#Valley #First
#Van #Lanschot #Bank
#VDK #Spaarbank, #Belgium
#Wauwatosa #Savings #Bank
#WIR #Bank #Genossenschaft
#Food & #Beverage #Industry
#Coca #Cola * 500
#Foster’s #Group #Limited
#Ingresoll #Rand
#Karlsbrau #France
#Millbrook #Distribution #Services
#National #Prawn #Company
#PepsiCo, #Inc. * 500
#SAB #Miller
#Billion21.#Co., #Ltd
#Chubb #Security
#CNB #Construction #Navale #Bordeaux #France
#Dubai #World
#Harbour #Group
#Old #Republic #Home #Protection
#Toronto #Blue #Jays #Baseball #Club
#Governmental #Sector
#ACMA #Australian #Communications and #Media #Authority
#Alaska #Department of #Transportation, #United #States
#Australian #Government #Department of #Defense
#Australian #Government #Department of #Human #Services
#Badan #Pusat #Statistik #BPS #Statistics #Indonesia
#Banverket, #Swedish #Rail #Administration
#City #of #College #Station, #Texas #United #States
#City #of #Liberty, #Kansas #City
#City #of #London, #Canada
#City #of #Madison, #United #States
#City #of #Manchester, #United #Kingdom
#City #of #Ottawa, #Canada
#City #of #Wittlich, #Germany
#Clay #County, #Missouri, #United #States
#CNC #Centre #National #de #la #Cinematograpie #France
#Commonwealth #Bureau #of #Meteorology, #Australia
#Comunidad #Autónoma #de #la #Región #de #Murcia
#County #Council of #Värmland , #Sweden
#Danmarks #Domstole #Courts of #Denmark
#DCMS #Department #for #Culture #Media & #Sport #United #Kingdom
#Department of #Treasury and #Finance #Tasmania
#Dubai #Chamber of #Commerce & #Industry
#EPA – #United #States #Environmental #Protection #Agency
#FAA William #J. #Hughes #Technical #Center
#French #Government #Portal, #Prime #Minister
#Gemeente #Haarlemmermeer, #Netherlands
#Gemeente #Zaltbommel, #The #Netherlands
#Hervey #Bay #City #Council, #Australia
#Kingston #City #Council, #Australia
#Kvinnherad #commune, #Norway
#Long #Beach #Water #Department, #California
#Ministry of #Transport, #Czech #Republic
#National #Reconnaissance #Office
#Natural #Resources #Canada
#North #Shore #City #Council, #New #Zealand
#North #Trøndelag #County #Council, #Norway
#Northern #Territory #Government of #Australia
#NSW #Department #of #Primary #Industries, #Australia
#Ohio #Board of #Regents, #United #States
#Parliament of #South #Australia
#Queensland #Government, #Australia
#Rotorua #District #Council, #New #Zealand
#Royal #Netherlands #Meteorological #Institute #KNMI
#San #Francisco B#ay #Area #Rapid #Transit #District
#Staatsministerium #Baden-#Württemberg, #Germany
#State #Department #of #the #United #States
#State of Alaska, #United #States
#Tennessee #Valley #Authority, #United #States
#The #Savannah #River #Site , #United #States
#The #Sharjah #Economic #Development #Department #SEDD#
#United #States #Air #Force
#United States Army
#USDA #Rural #Development
#US #National #Park #Service
#United #States #Court #of #Federal #Claims
#VINNOVA #Swedish #Governmental #Agency #for #Innovation #Systems
#Waikato #District #Council, #New #Zealand
#Yolo #County #Flood #Control & #Water #Conservation #District, #United #States
#Hospitality #Industry
#Alte #Lokhalle #Mainz
#Amsterdam #RAI
#Booth #Creek #Ski #Holdings, #Inc. #Resort
#Intrawest #ULC
#Messe #Essen
#Rolling #Hills #Casino
#The #Dubai #Ladies #Club
#Whistler #Blackcomb
#ICT #Industry
#Adobe #Systems * 500
#Alcatel #Lucent
#Alhambra #Eidos
#Americall #Group, Inc.
#ANM & #AFAM, #Tanzania
#aon * 500
#ARM #Embedded #Technologies #Pvt. #Ltd.
#Hall #Mark#
#Automatic #Data #Processing, #Inc. * 500
#Avaya * 500
#Avenum #Technologie #GmbH
#Bay #Area #Internet #Solutions
#Bell #Canada
#Chequamegon #Communications #Cooperative
#CIS #Computer & #Internet #Services
#Collocation #Gateway
#Comm#Tel #Network #Solutions
#Damovo #Group S.A.
#Data #Center #System Inc.
#DataGlyphics Inc. #Derivco
#DataMentors, Inc.
#EDS #Electronic #Data #Systems #Corporation * 500
#Electrodata S.A.C.
#Fibertech #Networks
#GO #Maltacom #p.l.c
#Hosting #365
#Hutchison #Telecoms
#Ikoula, #France
#Infineon #Technologies #SensoNor #AS
#Infinity #AccessNET
#Innovative #Interfaces, #Inc.
#Ipswitch, #Inc
#Ivaris #AG
#Kabel #Noord
#Kneurr #Pte #Ltd.
#Laufenberg #Computersysteme
#Law Information T#echnologies #Co. #Ltd., #Korea
#Loudoun #Wireless
#NEC #Australia #Pty. #Ltd.
#National #ICT #Australia #NICTA#
#Netsource #One, Inc.
#Netvision, #Israel
#Network #Extensions #SRL, #Italy
#ÖBB #Telekom #Service #GmbH
#Orlando #Business #Telephone #Systems
#Professional #Products, #Inc.
#P&T #Luxembourg
#Recommind #Inc
#RAM #Mobile #Data
#RingNett #AS
#Road #9
#Sandvine #Incorporated
#SATEC #Sistemas #Avanzados #de #Tecnología, S.A.
#Secant #Technologies
#Brennan #IT
#SONET #ISP, #Macedonia
#Sprint – #USA
#SPM #Telecom
#SSH #Communications #Security
#Sybase Inc.
#Taide #Network
#Telecom #Norway
#Teledata #ICT #Ghana
#Telecom #Fiji
#Tellabs #Oy, #Finland
#Tigo #Millicon #Lao
#T #Mobile
#Unwired #Australia #Wireless #Broadband #Carrier #Australia
#U.S. #Computer Software
#Verizon #Communications * 500
#Wacom #Technology #Corporation
#Washington #Broadband, Inc.
#WestNet, #Australia
#Windstream #Communications
#X #DataNet
#Yes #Telecom
#Industrial #Products
#Acklands #Grainger #Inc.
#Ditch #Witch
#Dresser #Wayne
#Empire #Paper #Company
#Fassa #SpA
#Gundle/SLT #Environmental, #Inc. #GSE
#Knorr #Bremse
#Ponti #Group
#Vogel #Paint
#Weir #Minerals
#Law #enforcement
#Australian #Federal #Police
#Dubai #Police #HQ
#Emergency #Communications #Department
#Harrison #County #Bureau #of #Emergency #Services
#Home #Office #Police, #United #Kingdom
#Humberside #Police, #United #Kingdom
#Independent #Emergency #Services
#Mississippi #Highway #Safety #Patrol, #United #States
#Police #Academy #of #The #Netherlands
#Polizei #des #landes #Nordrhein #Westfahlen, #Germany
#Wilkes #& #McHugh, #P.#A.
#Law #Firms
#Chapman #Tripp
#Great #River #Regional #Library
#Las #Vegas-#Clark #County #Library #District
#Swiss #Library# for #Blind & #Physically #Disabled
#20th #Century #Fox
#Blattner #Brunner
#Constantin #Film AG
#Fairfax, #Australia
#Forlaget #Benjamin
#Hit #Radio FFH
#M&C #Saatchi
#Monolith Productions, Inc.
#Omnilab #Media
#Sint #SpA
#The #Weather #Underground, Inc
#Time #Warner * 500
#Walt #Disney * 500
#WAQP #TV #Saginaw #Mi
#Warner #Music
#WNYB TV #Buffalo #Ny
#Yell #Limited
Medical and Pharmaceutical Sector
#Bio-#Behavioral #Medical #Clinics, Inc.
#CCLRC #Council #for #the #Central #Laboratory #of #the #Research #Councils
#CHUV #Centre #Hospitalier #Universitaire #Vaudois #Lausanne
#Clinque #de #l’#Orangerie
#Contract #Pharmacy #Services, #Inc.
#CORA #Health #Services #Inc.
#Dubai #Healthcare #City
#Fairview #Health #Services
#Fibrogen #Lab
#Fisher & #Paykel #Healthcare , #New #Zealand
#Genzyme #Corporation * 500
#Hospital #Corporation #of #America
#Laboratories #Gelos, #S.#L., #Spain
#Midwest #Neurosurgery
#Mundipharma #Pty #Limited
#Norhwest #Hospital & #Medical #Center
#Queensland Health, #Australia
#Red #Cross
#Seattle #Mental #Health #SMH
#The #Jackson #Laboratory
#The #Sheikh #Khalifa #Medical #City
#Wright #Filippis