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A Green Horn General Install  Guide -

Please See Specific Guide for the Equipment you purchase fromn Secure Supplies.


A System  designed for installation into vehicles with internal combustion engines, including Hybrid vehicles, 1900 and earlier to 2012 model vehicles.   


System  works in co-operation with existing emission control systems and on gasoline, diesel, bio-diesel, CNG and propane engines.


The on-demand HH2 units provide low pressure hydrogen extracted from water in the vehicle using the 12 volt /24 volt Systems electrical system to provide the power necessary to complete the cool fusion, dividing the hydrogen and oxygen into two separate gases for use in a vehicle.


The unique design of the unit provides two separate orifices for the hydrogen and oxygen gases.  HH2+ units may combine gases from a single orifice for certain applications.










The design of the unit allows on-demand Hydrogen to be released into the outlet orifice and to be sent into the air induction filter via tubing that contains a filter and multiple back flash one way valves, in front of the filter and after the filter.     


Approximately 10 to 35% hydrogen is created by this system for induction into the engine, mixing with incoming outside air and combining with the fuel entering the engine system, the hydrogen molecules combining with the larger hydrocarbon fuel molecules and providing the catalyst for complete combustion of the fuel and carbon in the cylinders.


The hydrogen burn temperature is much higher than the fuel used by the engine, thereby contributing to a more efficient utilization of the fuel and incineration quickly any other contaminants present, including polluted air from outside the vehicle. Nitrogen aids in cooler exhaust temperatures as a result.


In addition, the energy released by the Hydrogen is approximately 3 times that of typical gasoline fossil fuel, commonly used in most motor vehicles and other devices. (HYDROGEN OCTANE IS 130).  


The increased energy improves the power and performance of the vehicle.  The faster burning also leaves the cylinder of the engine quickly, thus reducing temperatures within the engine, resulting in a cooler engine and exhaust discharge temperatures.     


The exhaust from the engine passes through the catalytic converter, exhaust pipes and muffler, and in passing through these areas cleans any carbon from those areas, exhausting cleaner air than the air that entered the engine from outside the air intake system.


 Inducing Hydrogen into the engine also consumes other toxic particulates and assists the vehicle’s pollution systems in their efforts to control vehicle emissions.


Installer Instructions:

The installer should carefully examine the vehicle to select a location for the unit that provides secure mounting and protection from excess engine heat. Preferred locations for units is in front of the vehicles radiator area for air flow, installer must be careful not to have the unit contact any radiator metals and unit should be installed so it will not move or contact any metals when vehicle is in operation.


Space considerations must be considered prior to installation of the devices.

The tailpipe outlet should be checked for carbon build up, noting the presence of any oily black deposits therein. This will be checked again after test driving the vehicle with the HH2 installed.  Once a suitable location is determined, even remote locations such as the trunk area of the vehicle, appropriate attachments must be made to secure the device(s) to prevent movement or spillage of any of the electrolyte from the device. 


The unit should be mounted in an easily accessible location, for water filling and monitoring of the devices.

Easy access is necessary for water re-filling as required in the course of normal maintenance and servicing.  Optional auto fill devices are available.

 Trunk mounted units should be in the provided mounting chassis and piping should be installed from the trunk to the engine to provide secure and protected shielding from external damages. 


The piping and wires must be mounted inside protective conduit from the trunk area up to and into the engine compartment.

Depending on the vehicle fuel system, the Hydrogen gas will be induced into the Air Intake Filter box, at a location as high as possible. 


The installer must drill an access hole for the installation of the provided 3/8” or larger male brass connector for the Hydrogen gas to enter the Air Filter box.  Other sizes of fittings may be required depending on the size of the engine in the vehicle.     


Once the unit(s) have been securely installed, attach  the 12V relay to the 12 Volt battery positive output the line marked 12 V + using 12 volt relay wiring to the battery connection.


The line marked 12+ volts/24 volt  then is connected to the 30 amp inline fuse holder and the 30 amp fuse is then installed.

The supplied 12 volt / 24 volt relay connection is made to provide power to the positive side Anode post of the device.  Stainless steel nut and washer attachments must be used; these are provided in the installation kit.


Install the inline fuse between the battery and relay and the supplied on/off switch connection that will work only off of the ignition switch (required),  or engine ignition on only circuits in the vehicle.  Usually is the under dash fuse panel.   


A small access hole in the firewall may be required to put the wires from the relay into the passenger compartment of the vehicle.


Caution:  Do not connect to any other circuits as some wires have multiple uses and may damage vehicle electronics or operations.


A manual off-on switch is also to be installed for the user inside the vehicle providing the ability to positively disable the device for any reason (Included). Power Should be Sourced from Circuit that only comes on when engine is running such as a fuel pump or oil pressure switch.


 The negative ground connection(s) must be installed on a suitable chassis (12- volt) ground area.  The area must be clean and provide a solid connection to the negative ground of the vehicle. 


The installer must clean the connection area of any contaminants, paint or other materials to provide a secure and solid connection to the negative ground of the vehicle.


The connections now can be made to the HH2 unit.

 The positive 12 V + connection is placed on the connector marked by a + sign (ANODE produces the Oxygen) and the connector has a black marking on the top of it.  The negative 12 V – connection is placed on the connector marked by a – sign (CATHODE Produces the Hydrogen) and the connector does not have a black marking on top of it. The separation of Hydrogen and Oxygen from water is commonly referred to as electrolysis.


Various electrolyte solutions may be used in the device.  Sodium Citrate, Sea Salt, Kosher Salt, Salt Water, KOH (Potassium Hydroxide), Sodium Hydroxide etc.  Naoh i s the Preffered Medium, if making oxygen for breathign  use only water, or gilmer salt to avoid CO %


Distilled water should always be used except in emergency situations, then mineral water, spring water and some tap water may be used.  However, some tap waters will cause clouding and residue forming on the bottom of the units. 


Flush unit with clean water at first possible servicing time and refill with proper mixture to prevent buildup on the electrodes.

Using an alternate water type will not affect operation of the unit; it often results in sludge deposits in the bottom of the unit and should be cleaned ASAP. 


Gold or Reddish films or water tint are normal and do not affect operations of the unit.  Coloring of the electrode surfaces in normal as a molecule plating action often occurs binding catalyst molecules onto the surfaces of the electrodes over time.  This is a GOOD thing.


When using KOH for electrolyte in the device, the installer should use an optional Ampere Meter gauge to set the maximum Amperage to 20 or less, the maximum Amps after 20 minutes of warm up testing.


Example:  A typical 4 cylinder device that has a water level for 8 ounces of fluid, adding 2 ounces of Sodium Citrate or ¼ to ½ ounce or less of KOH will bring the Amperage level up to 15 amps or less on the gauge. Most units will operate at far less Amps with less KOH or Sodium Hydroxide.  Typical small units operate very well on ¼ Teaspoon of Sodium Hydroxide in 8 to 10 ounces of distilled water. 


Units with sodium citrate operate well in the 5 to 10 Amp ranges.  Larger units with higher water capacities can use more catalyst due to water volumes, but, too much could create unwanted heat and cause the fluids to boil.

Installer must monitor heat temperatures of fluids, it is better to add small amounts instead of large amounts of catalyst until desired Amp range is achieved.


However, the installer should monitor the mixture to provide optimum Hydrogen generation and reduce or add additional catalyst to achieve the ideal maximum of 15 to 20 amperage reading.   Sodium Citrate is recommended for smaller engines.

Once the unit has been checked for any leakage, the installer should attach the included tubing and route the Hydrogen tube first into the back flash check valve, then into the Hydrogen Filter, then into another back flash check valve and then into the air intake filter box.


When all connections have been tested and the fluid is installed in the device, start the engine and let it idle for several minutes to continue checking for any fluid leakage or air leakages.


If everything passes this inspection, flip the switch to energize the unit.  After a few moments, the installer should see misting or vapor in the Hydrogen tube.


As an option, the Oxygen output can be routed via tubing into the cowl air vent grill to mix the Oxygen with the incoming passenger compartment air flow.  Or the Oxygen may be sent via the tubing to the outside of the vehicle.


The vehicle engine should be running with the Hydrogen feed on for 10 to 15 minutes to check for leaks and monitoring the flow of gas.  The unit voltage must be verified for consistent and steady power input. (12 to 13V)


The device is ready for a test drive; either the owner or installer should take the vehicle out for a test drive of 30 minutes or more and return to the installation location to have the device checked for any loose connections or leakages. 


The optional auto-fill water reservoir kit may also be installed at this time.  The kit is for the convenience of the vehicle owner to assist in maintaining a suitable water level in the device for maximum efficiency.     


In the event that the optional auto-fill kit is not installed, the vehicle owner should check the water level in the device with every tank fill up of fuel.

The vehicle owner should monitor his or her fuel consumption, engine temperature and be vigilant for any signs or sounds of any unusual nature, not normal in the vehicle. 


If any of these signs or sounds is detected, turn off the device and the vehicle should be returned to the installer as soon as practicable. 

 There is no danger or damage to operate the vehicle with the device turned off.

 The system should be checked again after the first full tank of fuel has been expended to verify correct connections and operations at that time.     


Important notice:

Most vehicles have computer controlled electronics and emission systems, over time these systems will LEARN to adapt to HH2 Hydrogen induction.


Clean air results should be noticed in the first 50 or 100 miles of driving, fuel efficiency will continue to improve and settle in after 500 miles of driving with the device turned on. 


The device should always be turned on for vehicle operation, only if a problem arises should the device be turned off. 


Constant off and on operation can confuse the on-board computer systems and result in poor results and possible damages to the units electrodes.

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