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Water Properties and Controlling cell Capacitience resistance

Right, the inductance and capacitance determine the resonant frequency of the circuit.
The "resistance" determines the "Q" or "Quality" of the circuit. (Not to be confused with "Q" for Charge.)

(Metal Detector)
(Very quick "Q" explanation.)

This Page is in development


JUst quotes ------
Distilled Water 65 to 70 Megavolts per meter.
65 x 10^6
70 x 10^6

Boy, Wikipedia can be so useful at times.

Another Link...
Ranges from 34-78.
They did not give a legend for the units. (I A$$-U-ME its in MV/m)

One more link... I trust it more than Wikipedia.
Dielectric Strength of Insulating Materials - CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
(By the way, Wikipedia uses those numbers.)


What voltage is required to reach dielectric breakdown?
(Using the .5" Diam tube-set.)

Quick number crunching.
E - Electric Field
V - Voltage between the plates
d - Distance between the plates
k - Dielectric Constant

E = (V / d)*(1/k)

Rearrange to get our voltage...
E*d*k = V

What electric field strength to use:
1) 34 x10^6 V/m
2) 65 x10^6 V/m
3) 70 x10^6 V/m
4) 78 x10^6 V/m

1.) (34 x10^6)*(.00159)*(78.54) = ~4.2 x10^6 Volts
2.) (65 x10^6)*(.00159)*(78.54) = ~8.1 x10^6 Volts
3.) (70 x10^6)*(.00159)*(78.54) = ~8.7 x10^6 Volts
4.) (78 x10^6)*(.00159)*(78.54) = ~9.7 x10^6 Volts

(That sure beats 125 Million Volts...

Wikipedia says 65-70 for Distilled Water. I would use that...

70 MV/m is a LOT of voltage. But I believe this gets us to 70KV/mm

Other than that, we have to go to the molecular bond...
Finally, our number should be smaller because anything less than distilled water has impurities and those
will reduce the dielectric strength .

So, I think our target is to get close to 20-35KV next.


omethings wiki do not show is flash point of water and auto ignition point of water. cannot use water to stop very hot fire because water will increase fire burning(from hydrogen and oxygen of water).


That is a great point. I know one demonstration I saw was an AMPED UP spark plug, put inside water, and it was quite EXPLOSIVE.
Also, based on Explosions in water, there should be something to help guide us...










So, this means we should be looking for 6KV - 10KV... We are actually CLOSE to this... I can picture Gps having obtained this in the past

"Sometimes we use the quality factor, or Q, of a circuit instead, where Q = 1/2ζ. There are three possible conditions to consider:
If ζ<1 or Q>0.5, the circuit is under-damped.
If ζ=1 or Q=0.5, the circuit is critically damped.
If ζ>1 or Q<0.5, the circuit is over-damped.

An under-damped circuit can allow the oscillations (sometimes called ringing) to occur. This can mean trouble under certain conditions, so we must be able to determine and adjust the damping factor of any circuit that contains both inductance and capacitance. In other situations, we will want this phenomenon to occur. But we will still want to be able to predict and control it."

ζ is a "damping factor"



My hand close to one would in fact change the frequency at which it was operating at, you could actually hear the change as I would move my hand back an forth.
I also think Delrin is the way to go now, I would sure like to see or check into delrin being extruded and printed on a 3d printer. I will have to check the melting point of delrin, would be very interesting to try. Keep up the good work guy's you will get there






Thought that this was worth noting as well...


Glad to hear it.
I'd hate to rewind those bobbins.

Driven w/ no load.
Primary Frequency = 3.623 kHz
Primary Voltage = 12 V
Primary Current = .35 A
Secondary Frequency = 5.556 kHz
Secondary Voltage = 3.623 kV
Secondary Current = N/A

Neg. Choke & Capacitor:
Driven directly from the frequency generator.
Frequency = 4.09 kHz
Voltage = 1.6
Current = .02 A

We're trying to get the "Neg. Choke & Capacitor's" Frequency to match the "Flyback" Frequency. Essentially, we need to come up from 4.0 kHz to 5.5kHz.

However, here's the weird catch.
When we measured our inductance (of the Neg Choke) we had a fairly large number. (Between 7-9 Henries... Yes, Henries. Not mH, not micro Henries, Henries.)

That tells me we should have had a frequency closer to 1.8-1.6 kHz. (For the choke and Cap)
However, we had the best results when it was at 4kHz.

I'm at a loss on this one guys...
Why would the circuit be operating at a higher frequency when we have values that tell us the thing should be at a lower frequency?
Is this due to the Self Resonant Frequency of the Neg Choke?

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