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 Parallax use For Stanley Meyers  Systems

Why I use Parallax Propeller chip instead of Atmel or Arduino for my software projects

here you find a brief compilation of my arguments for the Propeller uC chip integrated into laboratory equipment:


Now PGen Version 2.0 also supports as a new advanced feature phase shift and lock control for up to 4 channels in a single uC.

You can run each channel independently or bind 2 to 4 channels together so that their pulsing scheme is synchronized.

phase shift can be exacly modified in realtime for each individual channel. each channel can have completely different designed pulsetrains with or without gating, different duty cycles, different pulse repetition rates and as long as total pulsetrain length is equal those channels will stay locked towards each other.

if you make slight changes in pulsetrain length for a channel you can easily create controlled floats of pulses between those bound channels.

total pulse train length is monitored and displayed for each channel and between channels so that it´s easy to adjust timing for each channel to make sure that pulselength stays the same.

for all those adjustments you not even need a scope because the control information is displayed by PGen.

This complex feature gives total control i.e. for the Gas Processor EEC vs. high voltage pulse and led pulse control, railgun, Bob Boyce applications, magnetic gas applications and many others.

For more information


Quick info -

There is a special PGen package offer avaliable by Innovationsshop to support free energy project developers for a full featured single channel PGen solution. It´s exclusively software at $20 and not listed at Innovationsshop´s pricelist.

it can be set against later channel upgrades.

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