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HHO refers to:

  • HHO gas, a synonym for oxyhydrogen

  • HHO is a new form of fuel for Combustions engines

  • HHO Vehicle and HGV Hydrogen Gas Vehicle and new terms for Vehiles that run on Hydrogen.

  • HHO Electrolyzer, a term for a cell or unit that make hho gas,hydrogen ,oxygen gas from plain water.

  • HHO Cell, a term for a electrolyzer that makes HHO from plain water to provide Hydrogen and Oxygen gas to Combustion Engines.

  • HHO Injection, a method or term for injecting Hydrogen gas and Oxygen Gas into combustion engines as a prime fuel source.

  • HHO Saftey, A term for a method of safely controlling gas for use in combustion engines.

  • HHO Mixing, a term used to describe the mixing of Hydrogen gas and Oxygen Gas to adjust the burnt rates for use as a combustion engine prime fuel sourced from Water.





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