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About Certification 

Secure Supplies was founded in 2011 as a corporation with a mission “to support, and work with, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, professionals, and stakeholders to develop and implement quality credentialing and certification programs for practitioners.” The first Secure Supplies Hydrogen HHO Installer certification exam (now called HHo Hydrogen Installation Professional) was administered in 2015. 


The Hydrogen Fixed Engine  Installer certification was first administered in 20015 and the HydrogenSales Professional was launched in 2015. Secure Supplies  has been running Entry Level examinations since 2015 and the Company Accreditation Program started in 2012.

Secure Supplies is committed to providing a certification program of quality and integrity for the professionals and the consumers/public it is designed to serve. 


Secure Supplies programs are administered to the highest standards for certifications and testing. The Secure Supplies Installation Professional and Hydrogen Fixed Engine  Installer Certifications are accredited to the International Standard. 

ISO/IEC 17024 standard

by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Secure Supplies understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities. Secure Supplies treats all applicants, candidates, and certificants fairly and impartially by following the policies and procedures outlined in our Certification Handbook.


The organization maintains policies and procedures designed to manage conflict of interests and ensure objectivity throughout the certification process.


Secure Supplies goal is to develop voluntary national certification programs that will:

  • Promote renewable energy

  • Provide value to Solar Installation and Sales Professionals

  • Promote worker safety and skill

  • Promote consumer confidence


Professionals who choose to become certified demonstrate their competence in the field and their commitment to upholding high standards of ethical and professional practice. If you have an ethical complaint against a Secure Supplies Certified individual please view the Ethics Procedures.


If you have an operational or policy complaint, objection, dispute, grievance, disagreement or similar matter, please view the Secure Supplies Grievance Policy. This policy will apply to any grievance matter concerning an action, policy or practice of the Secure Supplies as a corporate body; Secure Supplies candidates or certificants; the Secure Supplies Board of Directors and Officers; Secure Supplies  executive management and staff; Secure Supplies Committee members; and Secure Supplies volunteers and representatives acting on behalf of the Secure Supplies (parties).


Non-endorsement and Disclaimer Statement


Secure Supplies does not endorse, sponsor, or otherwise support the services or products of any individual or organization, including those who provide an Internet link to the Secure Supplies website or those who sponsor Secure Supplies with financial, in-kind services, or other forms of support. 


Secure Supplies is not in any way responsible for such services or products, or the representations made by those individuals or organizations concerning their services or products. Secure Supplies is a certification organization for professional installers in the field of renewable energy. Secure Supplies  issues voluntary certification credentials to those qualified professionals who satisfy eligibility requirements established by the Board of Directors. Secure Supplies  certification is not a professional license issued by a government agency, and does not authorize a certificant to practice.

Secure Supplies  certificants must comply with all legal requirements related to practice, including licensing laws.




Product Certification 


Secure Supplies  offers testing & certification and standards solutions to manufacturers of hydrogen fuel-producing generators.


Our international network of testing facilities delivers you efficient local service no matter where you manufacture and sell your products worldwide.


Complete EU , ASEAN & North American testing & certification

Secure Supplies  will provide you dedicated, technical experts to work with you throughout the testing & certification process. We test & certify to:

  • CSA No. 5.99

  • ISO 16110-1

  • ISO 22734-1

  • ISO 22734-2

  • TUA

  • SGS

Standards solutions

Secure Supplies offers the confidence of working with a global leader in alternative energy standards development.


Today, the industry  in collaboration with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), are developing standards for state-of-the-art hydrogen vehicle and hydrogen refueling station components. To Fuel Healthy Communities.


Secure Supplies is a proud member and supporter of:



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