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Healthy Community Fueling Planning


What is Communtity Energy?


Secure Supplies is a local Regional Development Community Fueling Company, looking into the feasibility of  

community owned renewable energy sites for each Community to fuel in a healthy & renewable way.


What is the rationale for a Project?


This initiative has been developed as a result of a recent advances with solar to gas fuel maker  technology by Secure Supplies opening the ‘opportunities for renewable energy in local communties and businesses, which has developed methods to improve the energy situation in each location directly with in 90 days at each site.  = Makes Renewable energy and Releases

Pure Oxygen to the atmosphere.


It is realised that the supply and security of energy has been an issue that has dogged various communties and business  for a long time and creates risk and barriers to the social, environmental,health and economic well being of each community.


In summary, numbers of constraints were identified

  • The current system is at or near its capacity and unsustainable from current methods.

  • The connection to the main grid is nearing its replacement date and over loaded

  • Security of supply is largely met by diesel coal and bed emission generation

  • The existing network cannot sustain significant development to encompass fuel cellls or electric cars being added.

  • Use of alternative energy fits the global community profile of clean healthy and green.


The Regional Development and Sustainability council identifies significant renewable energy resources and demand side solutions that could be utilized to address current issues in energy supply that place restrictions on economic development in every community globally.


The report identifies the following development and deployment of energy and demand conservation initiatives:

  • Release spare capacity on the existing energy infrastructure and start a ROI program to build modernize and expand.

  • Enable the connection of new load via gas pipe line grid infrastructure in parallel to electric grid.

  • Provide opportunities for economic development particularly in the small business sector

  • Enhance the electricity infrastructure by establishing mini grids and production from renewables

  • Meet State and Local Government policy objectives regarding the development of renewable energy by putting people first

  • Improve supply security

  • Deploy Fuel Cells, Hydorgen Fueled Fixed Engines for 24 hr power plants and water pumping/

What are the components of a feasibility study?


The project comprises the following components:

  • Environmental scan – detailing the regulatory, market, supply and distribution factors that will impact on the operation and success of the enterprise.

  • Market access – covering in principle arrangements with distributors, retailers and potential customers

  • Technical and site evaluation – evaluation of both wind and solar technologies, as well as identifying appropriate locations

  • Financial Modeling – considering the full development and life of project costs, market returns and options for funding

  • Corporate Structure – with Secure Supplies and it's local partner as the initial proponent for survery design supply service training provider on behalf of the community, with the ability to invite direct community participation.

  • Community engagement strategy – to connect with members of the community and secure their support and participation in the project

  • Industry Development – to identify local  industry capability as potential suppliers to the project for non core proprietary technology.

  • Public benefit – to capture the lessons from the project in order that it might provide a model that could be used by other councils and regions in borader communities around the country & world for the development of other community owned renewable energy projects.

What the project will deliver?


The project will deliver a site survey and design plan with the supply and operational deployment proposal.  


It will be sufficiently detailed to enable the proponents to decide on the next steps with a realistic view

as to the likely success of successful implementation of the plan.  


This information will be consolidated into two key documents:

    • A Survey Result that details fully an offer for community participation in 

    • An application to the Regional Development Australia Fund for matching funding


    • Benefits include



    • Healthy Community Fueling

    • Healthy Industrial Fueling

    • Healthy Farm Fueling

    • Healthy Port Power and fueling.

    • Value Adding Solar , Wind and Geo thermal sites to Make Higher Roi from a Gas Product. 

    • More Efficient and low cost distribution via new local gas pipe line grids. 

Community Engagement


What is community engagement?

Community engagement or community consultation is a way of including the views of local community in local planning and decision making processes. In other words, to engage the local community to identify, understand and develop strategies to address and respond to their needs and concerns for now and in the future.

Community energy projects empower communities to play a constructive role in determining their energy future. They create a point of focus that can provide direction and leadership – thereby aggregating and leading community effort.

Characteristics of community energy schemes are that they are:

  • Instigated by the local community

  • Scaled to the communities own energy needs

  • Funded and owned by the community

  • Welcomed within the community

  • Accountable to the community

  • Built and managed for the community

This inlcudes Selecting location adjacent to local major industry to further provide a compeditive advantage and reduce carbon emissions.


Why do we refer to this project as a “Healthy Community Fueling ” Energy Project?


In order to address current constraints in energy supply that place restrictions on economic development in our communtieis,

to protect our communities from rising energy prices and to get a better energy infrastructure with clean and green future,

we are looking into the deployment  of a community owned renewable energy project or business.


Community renewable energy can be defined as:

    • Owned and controlled by the community

    • Appropriately scaled to meet the needs of the community

    • Structured to allow benefits to stay within the community

    • Open to investment by all residents and businesses

    • Providing a ROI to the Community not offshore.

What are the benefits for the local community?


Community energy projects empower communities to play a constructive role in determining their energy future.  

They create a point of focus that can provide direction and leadership – thereby aggregating and leading community effort.

In other words:

  • They can own the infrastructure

  • It will create jobs and build capacity and skills within our community

  • The financial benefits will remain in the community

  • We can generate clean energy into the future and establish critical training and skill base growth.

  • We can demonstrate to the other regions what can be achieved.

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