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Gas Processor 

Parts Kits and Pcs 

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RWG notes
1o 70,000 cmd
2o red 630 nm
total 24 uv led 44 leds
clear lense
resistors on russ's
560 ohms
20 milliamps each  
2 volt

max notes
7 220 ohm 1/2 watt each mini board
red leds defused 7 pc
3 boards x 7 led = 21

Per  led 1 220 ohm  resistor

needs a 5 volt power supply.
9xd is available from max

5 volt regulor on one side
for led array 1 amp.

Please Alo See , 

Ionized Air intake, 


Actually there is 2 seperate units doing different things here This Page Deal with the gas processor and HHO from Electrolyzer.​


Also See â€‹

Ionized Air Intake 

The Gas processor (GP) is the most important part of Stanley Meyers whole system coupled with the Electron Extraction Circuit (EEC) and the Lazar energy input, for without these you can have no Hydrogen Fracturing Process. ​


The purpose of the Gas Processor is to raise the energy content of the whole reaction by stripping electrons from the incoming air supply by a corona discharge (Ion impact charging of the atoms). The GP is made to focus on the Oxygen atoms in that the LEDs coherent light is chosen to match oxygen’s wave lengths and are used to bombard the oxygen atoms at the right wavelengths so the energy will be absorbed by the atoms. This Laser energy in effect lowers the energy required to pull off electrons from the oxygen atoms by pushing the electrons to a higher orbit thus farther away from the nucleus weakening their bond and making it easier to remove the electrons in the process. The pulsing of the EEC is 180 degrees from that of the GP. The pulsing of the LEDs should be done in a lasing fashion and is independent of the GP & EEC pulsing. The LEDs pulsing should be done so the mirror bounce back is timed and another pulse is added to amplify the LEDs phonic energy a process known as lasing. Here are the ionization energy levels of oxygen:​


• 1st 1313.9 kJ/mol

• 2nd 3388.3 kJ/mol

• 3rd 5300.5 kJ/mol

• 4th 7469.2 kJ/mol

• 5th 10909.5 kJ/mol

• 6th 13326.5 kJ/mol

• 7th 71330.0 kJ/mol

• 8th 84078.0 kJ/mol


Now let us take a look at the reaction to break and form the water molecule under normal conditions.

4 H-O 459 kJ/mol bonds are broken taking 1836 kJ/mol to do so.


2 H-H 436 kJ/mol bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol are formed yielding -1370 kJ/mol.

This is why all scientist say it takes more energy to break the bonds of water than you get from combining them, for the net sum of the reaction is positive, 1836-1370 = 466 kJ/mol, meaning it is an endothermic reaction.


Now the new reactions after the GP and WFI's have stripped the electrons off of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms to form the water molecules have two parts to them, one chemical, and the other nuclear. Let’s take a look at the 1st energy level of 1313.9 kJ/mol and 1312.0 kJ/mol respectively.


The chemical side yields: 2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol = -1370 kJ/mol and the nuclear side yields 2(1312.0) + 1(1313.9) = -3937.9 kJ/mol. These two add up to 3937.9 + 1370.0 = -5307.9 kJ/mol now this is then divided by 1.34 and that gives us -3961.1 kJ/mol being given off from Meyer's hydrogen fracturing process with one electron being stripped from all the atoms. Now this is lower than gasoline which as a range from -4864 kJ/mol to -5080 kJ/mol depending on grade used.

Stanley Meyer said he stripped four electrons or more off of the oxygen atoms so let us take a look at the reactions as told to us in the patent.


The new reaction to form the water molecule at the 4th energy level is as follows:

The chemical side yields: 2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol = -1370 kJ/mol and the nuclear side yields 2(1312.0) + 1(1313.9 + 3388.3 + 5300.5 + 7469.2 ) = -20095.9 kJ/mol. These two add up to 20095.9 + 1370.0 = -21465.9 kJ/mol now this is then divided by 1.34 and that gives us -16019.3 kJ/mol being given off from Meyer's hydrogen fracturing process with one electron being stripped from the hydrogen atoms and four being stripped from the oxygen atoms. Note that is 3.15 times larger than gasoline.


Now this is more than 3.15 times the energy content of that of gasoline, and gives a most probable answer to the question of, "How did Stanley Meyer run his 1.6L engine with an hho production rate of only 7L/min.?" For you still have more electrons that can be stripped off. So the net effect of stripping off electrons from the oxygen & hydrogen atoms changed the reaction from an endothermic reaction to a exothermic reaction and the process of stripping electrons didn't take that much energy as everything was done in a resonance condition using two or more forms of energy that all sums together to do the work working together of stripping the electrons from the atoms.


Another question some might have at this stage. "Why doesn’t the GP make Ozone?" That is the job of the Electron Extraction Circuit(EEC). The gas speeds inside of the GP and the proximity to the EEC’s positive screen mesh grid doesn’t give the freshly stripped electrons a chance to form ozone by consuming them in the form of heat. The unstable oxygen atoms will have a positive charge and will be unable to stabilize for at least 0.74 seconds. That may sound like a short time but the gas speeds inside of an engines intake system are very fast. What the gas speeds are I will leave for the reader to calculate. Without the EEC the GP will only produce mostly ozone, though ozone does have a higher energy content than normal oxygen atoms it also will oxidize just about anything it comes into contact with.


Now this may be the relationship between the two forms of energy, now remind you this is a guess as it may be far more complex than this.


b = c - a


a = Lazar energy absorbed, b = energy put into the voltage zones, and c = energy required to remove an electron or breakdown a molecule. Most c's are known to us for we know it takes 1836 kJ/mol of energy to breakdown the water molecule and we also know the energy needed to eject an electron from an atom as is the case for oxygens ionization energy levels for example, 1st energy level requires 1313.9 kJ/mol of energy to remove an electron from the oxygen atom.


Now with this new relationship we can lower the energy requirements to do the job. If a = 0 then b = c and everything is as normal. If b = 0 then we call that photo ionization and the amount of energy that has to be absorbed by the atoms/molecules is equal to c. Now when the two forms of energy are put together we get Meyer's technology. Again it may be more complex than that but it does show a working relationship for just what Stanley Meyer was doing.


As I said it might be more complexed than that and I was right. The types of energy working on this are, Electrical(b), Light(a), Gravitational(d), Heat(e). So to add these in to the above equation we get this:


b = c - (a + d + e)


and perhaps the others can be added in at the reaction side of the equation not shown, since Meyer says we get thermal explosive energy. Gravitational energy is the pressure and the engine relieves this pressure by creating a vacuum. The Steam Resonator creates the heat as well as the fuel after the engine warms up. But when using all of these different types of energy they work together to do work in the case for Stanley Meyer to pull electrons from atoms and to break down molecules, ie the water and NOx molecules as he made two gas processors one on the intake system and the other in the place of the catalytic converter.


Why would Meyers use a GP in place of the catalytic converter on modern engines?


Because he recycles the engine exhaust back into the combustion chamber along with the processed intake air. The GP renders the intake air unstable making it possible to combust water in the combustion chamber.


So that is how he did it. Using the energies together to get the tasks he wanted done. This effectively lowers the energy required for the electrical input to the voltage zone(s) to strip the electrons away from the atoms. And using these different energies in this way opens up a whole new field of science. This all still follows the conservation of energy and that is music to my ears.


Now when I look at the reaction side of the equation, IE, horsepower measured at the wheels, the reaction involved should look like this:


f + g + h = total HP at the wheels


Chemical(f), Stored Mechanical(g), and Nuclear(h). Chemical is the easy one for that is just 4H + O2 => 2H2O, Stored Mechanical comes from the engines flywheel, and the new one, Nuclear, comes from the atoms now being in an unstable state.

Now the reason I say Nuclear is due to Meyer's lecture videos primarily the New Zealand one. He states that he is preventing the water molecule from forming, but just what is that doing and how it is being done? The hydrogen is missing one electron and the oxygen is missing four, now due to the electro negativity the oxygen atoms will have first pic at getting any electrons. When the unstable atoms go to form the water molecule they can not do so until all of the electrons are present.


Thus when they go to form the water molecule the hydrogen atom has to make electrons from it's nucleus, reason why I point at Nuclear energy, but the oxygen atom takes the electron as soon as it is made to fill in it's missing electrons, and the process repeats until all the electrons are created from the nucleus of the hydrogen atom giving off the same amount of energy it took to strip the electrons off in the first place.


Meyer says that energy is coming from the aperture, but in keeping with science it's a good bet it's coming from the nucleus, hence "thermal explosive energy." Anyway that is just my idea of how it is all working.




Non-sequential ionization


When the fact that the electric field of light is an alternating electric field is combined with tunnel ionization, the phenomenon of non-sequential ionization emerges. An electron that tunnels out from an atom or molecule may be sent right back in by the alternating field, at which point it can either recombine with the atom or molecule and release any excess energy, or it also has the chance to further ionize the atom or molecule through high energy collisions. This additional ionization is referred to as non-sequential ionization for two reasons: one, there is no order to how the second electron is removed, and two, an atom or molecule with a +2 charge can be created straight from an atom or molecule with a neutral charge, so the integer charges are not sequential. Non-sequential ionization is often studied at lower laser-field intensities, since most ionization events are sequential when the ionization rate is high.

Now let us look at what is said in the patent: My words are in red.


Thermal Explosive Energy

Exposing the expelling "laser-primed" and "electrically charged" combustible gas ions (exiting from Gas Resonant Cavity) to a thermal-spark or heat-zone causes thermal gas-ignition, releasing thermal explosive energy (gmt) beyond the Gas-Flame Stage, as illustrated in Figure (1-19) as to (1-18). { What this is saying is the mixture can be either spark or heat ignited to set off the reaction.}

Thermal Atomic interaction (gmt) is caused when the combustible gas ions (from water) fail to

unite or form a Covalent Link-up or Covalent Bond between the water molecule atoms. as

illustrated in Figure (1-19). The oxygen atom having less than four covalent electrons (Electron

Extraction Process) is unable to reach "Stable-State" (six to eight covalent electrons required) when the two hydrogen atoms seek to form the water molecule during thermal gas ignition.


{ This is saying that Meyer stripped the oxygen atom to its' 4th ionization energy level of 7469.2 kJ/mol or less than the 4th energy level. Why because the oxygen atom has six electrons in its' outer orbit.}


The absorbed Laser energy (Va. Vb and V c) weakens the "Electrical Bond" between the orbital

electrons and the nucleus of the atoms; while, at the same time, electrical attraction-force (qq'),

being stronger than "Normal" due to the lack of covalent electrons. "Locks Onto" and "Keeps" the

hydrogen electrons. These "abnormal" or "unstable" conditions cause the combustible gas ions to

over compensate and breakdown into thermal explosive energy (gmt).


{ What this part is saying is that these primed oxygen atoms have enough energy to break the water down and re-react with them with more energy yield than just the hydrogen/oxygen reaction in air alone. Plus tells that the phonic energy is also aiding the stripping of electrons from the oxygen atom.}


This Atomic Thermal Interaction between highly energized combustible gas ions is hereinafter called "The Hydrogen Fracturing Process."

By simply attenuating or varying voltage amplitude in direct relationship to voltage pulse-rate

determines Atomic Power-Yield under controlled state. { This part is telling us that by simply raising/lowering the voltage we can control the power output of the reaction, and he went and grouped terms again.}


Also in the patent:

The Hydrogen Fracturing Process dissociates the water molecule by way of voltage stimulation, ionizes the combustible gases by electron ejection and, then, prevents the formation of the water molecule during thermal gas ignition ... releasing thermal explosive energy beyond "normal" gas burning levels under the control state ... and the atomic energy process is environmentally safe.

Abstract of WO9222679


An injector system comprising an improved method and apparatus useful in the production of

a hydrogen containing fuel gas from water in a process in which the dielectric property of water

and/or a mixture of water and other components determines a resonate condition that produces a

breakdown of the atomic bonding of atoms in the water molecule.


The injector delivers a mixture of water mist(1), ionized gases(2), and non-combustible gas(3) to a zone or locus(5) within which the breakdown process leading to the release of elemental hydrogen from the water molecules occurs.

{This is giving us the formula needed to break down water into its elemental forms hydrogen and oxygen with just the Gas Processor, water fuel injector, and a spark ignition or high heat ignition from a high compression type engine 16:1 compression ratio or higher. The need of the firestorm type spark plug is a must so that it makes sure the reaction occurs, that would be considered the locus. That formula is: (charged) water mist, ionized gases, noncombustible gas, and spark or heat ignition.}​


I present the further understanding of Stanley Meyer's patent bringing science to them when none exsisted before. He only would sound off words of importance but not talk about why those words where important. Words like "Water is a dielectric liquid" and "utilizing the properties of water" and as far as I know he only mentions the "4th energy level or more" once in his all of his patents. That last one makes no sense put in any other context other than with the stripping of the electrons from oxygen and the resulting energy content of the reaction after the said energy levels are reached.​

Now with the concern of coherent light you choose to use you have to hit the oxygen atoms at the correct resonance wavelengths or the atoms will not absorb the energy. You can't just put any wavelength of light you want in there it has to be light that the atom can absorb. For example if you put 405 nm in there oxygen will not absorb that wavelength so nothing will happen. Some wavelengths for oxygen:​
As you can see from the list you would have missed oxygens absorbtion spectrum. If you miss the absorbtion spectrum the nucleous will not absorb energy and thus will not push the electrons about it further away from the center so they can be stripped off in what Meyer calls destablizing the atoms. So it is very important you ask or do research on the LEDs you chose to use to find out what wavelengths they actually put out.​

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