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WE are Selling Hydrogen fuel injectors

in the shop $285 each PLease click on product

connects to ecu direct or with adaptor.
















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(Meaning of this term as used by Stanely Meyers.

Is a  sleeve or spark wave guide that screws onto a spark device such as

a flame ignitor or similar sparker decvice system  or a spark wave guide

which  contains  a spark device inside)

This device incorporates plumbing that feeds in hydrogen on demand fuel

&  mixed gases

(HHO Ionised ambient air and Recycled exhaust gases)

Through the device to the

spark/cyclinder environment.

There is a very close but seperate High Voltage coil ( VIC Style2 )

which delivers a pulsed spark to the Injector head) Timing can be controlled

by ECU or after marker ignition controllers, or suiable stock units.

This Part also has a very close but seperate set of solenoids 1 solenoid controlling the Hydorgen feed to the part , and 1 solenoid controlling  the Mixed gas(ambient ionised  air recycled exhaust gases to the part , Some version have only 1 port to injectors hydrogen with other mixed gases going to in let manifold.I have tried to detail both for you on this page..  Upon start engine with start motor ,


This hydrogen on demand system is  operated in a very similar way to a normal injector solenoid and spark plug system. Particulary when we talk about injecting and sparking in  time with the crank case movement.


But the the delivery channel, spark plumbing and feed of hydrogen and gases is very different. And where where ever possible we are trying to avoid having air and hydrogen entering the intake manfold as the open space is not easy to control. 

So in the Hydrogen on Deamnd System we preffer to inject directly into the cylinder right on firing.

ON this system the inlet manifold air movement and fuel expansion in the manifold is heavily controlled and restircted, the air entering manifold is heavly ionized with the gas processor and mixed slightly with recycled exhuast gases.(some time a small amount of hydrogen to achieve idle.  As we simply want just enough to realeae vaccum pressure to allow cyclinder to move down slightly and be filled with ONly Ionised Charged air. And to be position ready for the injection of hydrogen and mixed gases form the Injector part which is sparked are a very high frequency and caused hydrogen tp be made on board and Combustion and rapid gas exspansion inside  pistion makng it move.


On a well built system one would have to look very close to see the differences from a normal gasoline injected fuel rail system the most noticable would be plumbing to the injector part.

hydrogen injecor
Here you will find injector kits and parts.
In Stan's design the injectors did not have a solenoid built on the injector its self the solenoid was separate.  
The injector can be made in several ways it is a consolidator, a way to bring water,gas and air together near head of spark plug and apply voltage. the key to using it is to couple it with modern ignition timing and multi solenoids on multi  fuel rails to feed into not the manifold but to the injector head simple adaptors can be made for this purpose.

We are here to educate promote ,share and sell. s you build thing lease share we can sell and promote advances here. 


Read on as blow you will find alot of information on the injectors (adaptors) and How to apply them.

Learn More Now  Go Here 

Note the Water Meth video just take out meth and gasoline and use the knowledge in the video to your inejector and further knowledge on this page.

Canadian Patent # 2,067,735

Water Fuel Injection System

Stanley Meyer


An injector system comprising an improved method and apparatus useful in the production of a hydrogen-containing fuel gas from water in a process in which the dielectric property of water and/or a mixture of water and other components determines a resonant condition that produces a breakdown of the atomic bonding of atoms in the water molecule. The injector delivers a mixture of water mist, ionized gases, and non-combustible gas to a zone or locus within which the breakdown process leading to the release of elemental hydrogen from water molecules occurs.


This invention relates to a method and apparatus useful in producing thermal combustive energy from the hydrogen component of water…

The invention of this present application represents a generational improvement in methods and apparatus useful in the utilization of water as a fuel source. In brief, the present invention is a microminiaturized water fuel cell and permits the direct injection of water, and its simultaneous transformation into a hydrogen-containing fuel, in a combustion zone, such as a cylinder in an internal combustion engine, a jet engine, or furnace. Alternatively the injection system of the present invention may be utilized in any non-engine application in which a concentrated flame or heat source is desired, for example, welding.


The present injection system eliminated the need for an enclosed gas pressure vessel in a hydrogen fuel system and thereby reduces a potential physical hazard heretofore associated with the use of hydrogen-based fuel. The system produces fuel on demand in real-time operation and sets up an integrated environment of optimum parameters so that a water-to-fuel conversion process works at high efficiency.

The preferred embodiment of the invention is more fully explained below with reference to the drawings in which:

Figure 1 figuratively illustrates the sections and operating zones included in a single injector of the invention.

Hydrogen Fuel Injector,

we sell a hydrogen fuel injector replacement part.


It will help in the conversion process,

This is a low impedence injector.


So if you car use high impedenceyou will need out  Adapter kit and controller piggy back unit.


See Low impedence controller sections.


ON the left is a diagram of how injector looks inside.


These injectors inject gaseous Hydrogen

Figures 2A is a side cross sectional view; Figure 2B is a frontal view from the operative end; and Figure 2C is an exploded view --- of an individual injector.

Figure 3 and Figure 3A respectively show a side cross-section view and frontal view of an alternatively configured in injector.

Figure 4 shows a disk array of injectors.

Figure 5 shows the resonance electrical circuit including the injector.

Figure 6 depicts the inter-relationship of the electrical and fuel distribution components of an injector system.

Although I refer to an injector herein, the invention relates not only to the physical configuration of an injector apparatus but also to the overall process and system parameters determined in the apparatus to achieve the release of thermal energy. In a basic outline, an injector regulates the introduction into a combustion zone of process constituents and sets up a fuel mixture condition permitting combustion.


That combustion condition is triggered simultaneously with injector operation in real time correspondence with control parameters for the process constituents.

In the fuel mixture condition that is created by the injector, water (H2O) is atomized into a fine spray and mixed with (1) ionized ambient air gases and (2) other non-combustible gases such as nitrogen, argon and other rare gases, and water vapor. (Exhaust gas produced by the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen is a non-combustible water vapor. This water vapor and other inert gases resulting from combustion may be recycled from an exhaust outlet in the injector system back into the input mixture of non-combustible gases).


The fuel mix is introduced at a consistent flow rate maintained under a predetermined pressure. In the triggering of the condition created by the injector, the conversion process described in my patent # 4,936,961 and co-pending application serial # 07/460,859 is set off spontaneously on a micro level in a predetermined reaction zone.


The injector creates a mixture, under pressure in a defined zone (or locus) of water, ionized gases and non-combustible gases. Pressure is an important factor in the maintenance of the reaction condition and causes the water mist/gas mixture to become intimately mixed, compressed, and destabilized to produce combustion when activated under resonant conditions of ignition. In accordance with the aforementioned conversion process of my patent and application, when water is subjected to a resonance condition water molecules expand and distend; electrons are ejected from the water molecule and absorbed by ionized gases; and the water molecule, thus destabilized, breaks down into its elemental components of hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (O) in combustion zone. The hydrogen atoms released from the molecule provide the fuel source in the mixture for combustion with oxygen. The present invention is an application of that process and is outlined in Table I:

The process occurs as water mist and gases are injected under pressure into, and intimately mixed in the combustion zone and an electrically polarized zone. In the electrically polarized zone, the water mixture is subjected to a unipolar pulsed direct current voltage that is tuned to achieve resonance in accordance with the electrical, mass and other characteristics of the mixture as a dielectric in the environment of the combustion zone. The resonant frequency will vary according to injector configuration and depends upon the physical characteristics, such as mass and volume of water and gases in the zone. As my prior patents and application point out, the resonant condition in the capacitive circuit is determined by the dielectric properties of water: (1) as the dielectric in a capacitor formed by adjacent conductive surfaces and (2) as the water molecule itself is a polar dielectric material. At resonance, current flow in the resonant electrical circuit will be minimized and voltage will peak.

The injector system provides a pressurized fuel mixture for subjection to the resonant environment of the voltage combustion zone as the mixture is introduced to the zone. In a preferred embodiment, the injector includes concentrically nested serial orifices, one for each of three constituent elements of the fuel mixture. (It may be feasible to combine and process non-combustible and ionized gases in advance of the injector. In this event only two orifices are required, one for the water and the other for the combined gases). The orifices disperse the water mist and gases under pressure into a conically shaped activation and combustion zone (or locus).

Figure 1A shows a transverse cross-section of an injector in which supply lines for water 1 ionized gas 2 and non-combustible gas 3 feed into a distribution disk assembly 4 having concentrically nested orifices.


The fuel mixture passes through a mixing zone 5 and voltage zone 6 created by electrodes or conductive surfaces 7A and 7B (positive) and 8 (negative or ground). Electrical field lines are shown as 6A1 and 6A2 and 6B1 and 6B2. Combustion (i.e., the oxidation of hydrogen) occurs in the zone 9. Ignition of the hydrogen can be primed by a spark or may occur spontaneously as a result of the exceptionally high volatility of hydrogen and its presence in a high voltage field. Although a differentiation of the mixing zone, the voltage zone and the combustion zone is made in explaining the invention, that differentiation relates to events or conditions in a process continuum, and as is evident from Figure 1, the zones are not physically discrete. In the zone(s), there is produced an excited mixture of vaporized water mist, ionized gases and other non-combustible gases all of which have been instantaneously released fro under high pressure. Simultaneously. The released mixture is exposed to a pulsed voltage in the zone/locus at a frequency corresponding to electrical resonance. Under these conditions, outer shell electrons of atoms in the water molecule are destabilized and molecular time share is interrupted. Thus, the gas mixture in the injector zone is subjected to physical, electrical and chemical interactive forces which cause a breakdown of the atomic bonding forces of the water molecule.

Process parameters are determined based on the size of a particular injector. In an injector sized approximately for use to provide a fuel mixture to a conventional cylinder in a passenger vehicle automobile engine, the injector may resemble a conventional spark plug. In such an injector, the water orifice is 0.10 to 0.15 inch in diameter; the ionized gas orifice is 0.15 to .20 inch diameter; and the non-combustible gas orifice is 0.20 to 0.25 inch diameter. In such a configuration, the serial orifices increase in size from the innermost orifice, as appropriate to a concentric configuration. As noted above, the introduction of the fuel components is desirably maintained at a constant rate; maintenance of a back-pressure of about 125 pounds per square inch for each of the three fuel gas constituents appears satisfactorily useful for a spark-plug injector.


In the pressurized environment of the injector, spring loaded one-way check valves in each supply line, such as 14 and 15, maintain pressure during pulse off times.

The voltage zone 6 surrounds the pressurized fuel mixture and provides an electrically charged environment of pulsed direct current in the range from about 500 to 20,000 or ore volts at a frequency tuned to the resonant characteristic of the mixture. This frequency will typically lie within the range of from about 20 KHz to about 50 KHz, dependent, as noted above, on the mass flow of the mixture from the injector and the dielectric property o the mixture. In a spark-plug sized injector, the voltage zone will typically extend longitudinally about 0.25 to 1.0 inch to permit sufficient dwell time of the water mist and gas mixture between the conductive surfaces 7 and 8 that form a capacitor so that resonance occurs at a high voltage pulsed frequency and combustion is triggered. In the zone, an energy wave is formed related to the resonant pulse frequency. The wave continues to pulse through the flame in the combustion zone. 


The thermal energy produced is released as heat energy. In a confined zone such as a piston/cylinder engine, gas detonation under resonant conditions produces explosive physical power.

In the voltage zone, the time share ration of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms comprising the individual water molecules in the water mist is upset in accordance with the process explained in my aforementioned Patent # 4,936,961 and application serial # 07/460,859. To wit, the water molecule which is itself a polar structure, is distended or distorted in shape by being subjected to the polar electric field in the voltage zone. The resonant condition induced in the molecule by the unipolar pulses upsets the molecular bonding of shell electrons such that the water molecule, at resonance, breaks apart into its constituent atoms. In the voltage zone, the water (H2O) molecules are excited into an ionized state; and the pre-ionized gas component of the fuel mixture captures the electrons released from the water molecule. In this manner at the resonant condition, the water molecule is destabilized and the constituent atomic elements of the molecule, 2H and O are released; and the released hydrogen atoms are available for combustion. The non-combustible gases in the fuel mixture reduce the burn rate of hydrogen to that of a hydrocarbon fuel such as gasoline or kerosene from its normal burn rate (which is approximately 2.5 times that of gasoline). Hence the presence of non-combustible gases in the fuel mixture moderates energy release and modulate the rate at which the free hydrogen and oxygen molecules combine in the combustion process.

The conversion process does not spontaneously occur and the condition in the zone must be carefully fine tuned to achieve an optimum input flow rate for water and the gases corresponding to the maintenance of a resonant condition. The input water mist and gases may likewise be injected into the zone in a physically pulsed [on/off] manner corresponding to the resonance achieved. In an internal combustion engine, the resonance of the electrical circuit and the physical pulsing of the input mixture may be required to be related to the combustion cycle of the reciprocating engine. In this regard, one or two conventional spark plugs may require a spark cycle tuned in correspondence to the conversion cycle resonance to that the combustion of the mixture will occur. Thus, the input flow, conversion rate and combustion rate are interrelated and optimally should each be tuned in accordance with the circuit resonance at which conversion occurs.


The injection system of the present invention is suited to retrofit applications in conventionally fueled gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines and conventionally fueled jet aircraft engines.

Figures 2A, 2B and 2C illustrate a type of injector useful, inter alia as a fuel source for a conventional internal combustion engine. In the cross-section of Figure 2A, reference numerals corresponding to identifying numerals used in Figure 1 show a supply line for water 1 leading to first distribution disc 1A and supply line for ionized gas 2, leading to second distribution disc 2A. In the cross-section, the supply line for non-combustible gas 3 leading to distribution disc 3A is not illustrated, however, its location as a third line should be self-evident. The three discs comprise distribution disc assembly 4. The supply lines are formed in an electrically insulating body 10 surrounded by electrically conductive sheath/housing 11 having a threaded end segment 12.

A central electrode 8 extends the length o the injector. Conductive elements 7A and 7B (7A and 7B depict opposite sides if the diameter in the cross-section of a circular body) adjacent threaded section 12 form, with electrode 8, the electrical polarization zone 6 proximate to combustion zone 9. An electrical connector 13 may be provided at the other end of the injector. (As used herein electrode refers to the conductive surface of an element forming one side of a capacitor). In the frontal view of Figure 2B it is seen that each disc comprising the distribution disc assembly 9, includes a plurality of micro-nozzles 1A1, 2A1, 3A1, etc., for the outlet of the water and gases into the polarization/voltage and combustion zones. The exploded view of Figure 2C shows another view of the injector and additionally depicts two supply line inlets 16 and 17, the third not being shown (because of the inability to represent the uniform 120 degree separation of three lines in a two-dimensional drawing).

In the injector, water mist (forming droplets in the range, for example, of from 10 to 250 microns and above, with size being related to voltage intensity) is injected into fuel-mixing and polarizing zone by way of water spray nozzles 1A1. The tendency of water to form a bead or droplet is a parameter related to droplet mist size and voltage intensity. Ionized air gases and non-combustible gases, introduced through nozzles 2A1 and 3A1, are intermixed with the expelling water mist to form a fuel-mixture which enters into voltage zone 6 where the mixture is exposed to a pulsating, unipolar high intensity voltage field (typically 20,000 volts at 50 KHz or above at the resonant condition in which current flow in the circuit  [amps] is reduced to a minimum), created between electrodes 7 and 8.

Laser energy prevents discharge of the ionized gases and provides additional energy input into the molecular destabilization process that occurs at resonance. It is preferable that the ionized gases be subjected to laser (photonic energy) activation in advance of the introduction of the gases into the zone(s); although, for example, a fiber optic conduit may be useful to direct photonic energy directly into the zone. Heat generated in the zone, however, may affect the operability of such an alternative configuration. The electrical polarization of the water molecule and a resonant condition occurs to destabilize the molecular bonding of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. By spark ignition, combustion energy is released.

To ensure proper flame projection and subsequent flame stability, pumps for the ambient air, non-combustible gas and water introduce these components to the injector under static pressure up to and beyond 126 psi.

Flame temperature is regulated by controlling the volume flow-rate of each fluid media in direct relationship to applied voltage intensity. To elevate flame temperature, fluid displacement is increased while the volume flow rate of non-combustible gases is maintained or reduced and the applied voltage amplitude is increased. To lower flame temperature, the fluid flow rate if non-combustible gases is increased and pulse voltage amplitude is lowered. To establish a predetermined flame temperature, the fluid media and applied voltage are adjusted independently. The flame pattern is further maintained as the ignited, compressed, and moving gases are projected from the nozzle-ports in distribution disc assembly 4 under pressure and the gas expands in the zone and is ignited.

In the voltage zone several functions occur simultaneously to initiate and trigger thermal energy yield. Water mist droplets are exposed to high intensity pulsating voltage fields in accordance with an electrical polarization process that separates the atoms of the water molecule and causes the atoms to experience electron ejection. The polar nature of the water molecule which facilitates the formation of minute droplets in the mist appears to cause a relationship between the droplet size and the voltage required to effect the process, i.e., the greater the droplet size, the higher the voltage required. The liberated atoms of the water molecule interact with laser primed ionized ambient air gases to cause a highly energized and destabilized mass of combustible gas atoms to thermally ignite. Incoming ambient air gases are laser primed and ionized when passing through a gas processor; and an electron extraction circuit (Figure 5) captures and consumes in sink 55 ejected electrons and prevents electron flow into the resonant circuit.

In terms of performance, reliability and safety, ionized air gases and water fuel liquid do not become volatile until the fuel mixture reaches the voltage and combustion zones. Injected non-combustible gases retard and control the combustion rate of hydrogen during gas ignition.

In alternate applications, laser primed ionized liquid oxygen and laser primed liquid hydrogen stored in separate fuel tanks can be used in place of the fuel mixture, or liquefied ambient air gases alone with water can be substituted as a fuel source.

The injector assembly is design variable and is retrofitable to fossil fuel injector ports conventionally used in jet/rocket engines, grain dryers, blast furnaces, heating systems, internal combustion engines and the like.

Example II

A flange mounted injector is shown in cross-section in Figure 3 which shows the fuel mixture inlets and illustrates an alternative (3) nozzle configuration leading to the polarization (voltage) and combustion zones in which one nozzle 31A, 32A and 33A for each of the three gas mixtures is provided, connected to supply lines 31 and 32 (33 not shown).



Electrical polarization zone 36 is formed between electrode 38 and surrounding conductive shell 37. The capacitive element of the resonant circuit is formed when the fuel mixture, as a dielectric, is introduced between the conductive surfaces of 37 and 38. Figure 3A is a frontal view of the operative end of the injector.

Multiple injectors may be arranged in a gang as shown in Figure 4 in which injectors 40, 41, 42, 43, 4, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 are arranged concentrically in an assembly 50. Such a ganged array is useful in applications having intensive energy requirements such as jet aircraft engines, and blast furnaces.

The basic electrical system utilized in the invention is depicted in Figure 5 showing the electrical polarization zone 6 which receives and processes the water and gas mixture as a capacitive circuit element in a resonant charging circuit formed by inductors 51 and 52 connected in series with diode 53, pulsed voltage source 54, electron sink 55 and the zone/locus 6 formed from conductive elements 7 and 8. In this manner, electrodes 7 and 8 in the injector form a capacitor which has electrical characteristics dependent on the dielectric media (e.g., the water mist, ionized gases, and non-combustible gases) introduced between the conductive elements. Within the macro-dielectric media, however, the water molecules themselves, because of their polar nature, can be considered micro-capacitors.

Fuel distribution and management systems useful with the injector of this application are described in my co-pending applications for patent, PCT/US90/6513 and PCT/US90/6407.

A distribution block for the assembly is shown in Figure 6. In Figure 6 the distribution block pulses and synchronizes the input of the fuel components in sequence with the electrical pulsing circuit. The fuel components are injected into the injector ports in synchronization with the resonant frequency to enhance the energy wave pulse extending from the voltage zone through the flame. In the configuration of Figure 6, the electrical system is interrelated to distribution block 60, gate valve 61 and separate passageways 62, 63, and 64 for fuel components.



The distributor produces a trigger pulse which activates a pulse shaping circuit that forms a pulse having a width and amplitude determined by resonance of the mixture and established a dwell time for the mixture in the zone to produce combustion.

As in my referenced application regarding control and management and distribution systems for a hydrogen containing fuel gas produced from water, the production of hydrogen gas is related to pulse frequency on/off time. In the system shown in Figure 6, the distributor block pulses the fluid media introduced to the injector in relationship to the resonant pulse frequency of the circuit and to the operational on/off gate pulse frequency. In this manner the rate of water conversion (i.e., the rate of fuel production by the injector) can be regulated and the pattern of resonance in the flame controlled.


Whilst we prepare the injectors parts for  both styles of stans, the  wave guide style and the threaded sleeve on ignitor styles. We invite home machiners to contacts us to assist in our preparation.


We have decided to list  the products below for sale for this category so you have a chance to purchase and order parts in preparation and to support our manufacture on it. 


We Believe these to all be useful for making hydrogen on demand systems and make great gifts.




These cheap plastic 1/8th BSP to 4mm nylon tube push and lock fittings are also available in brass or plated brass and with nuts and olives for greater security, but these work just fine if you keep your eye on them!

These screw into the outlets of the two Hydrogen and Gases solenoids One is shown drilled and tapped to accept the nitrous flow control jet  - Actually its a Weber carburettor main jet from the local ford dealership...


Now the fun bit..  Nitrous can give literally as much extra power as you want, with the limiting factor being only "detonation" or physical strength of gearbox or whichever bit breaks first!                




Most healthy modern engines can cope easily with a 25% to 40% increase without any other changes.

Hydrogen  Solenoid DIY modifications and why you need them! 


There's a lot of serious detail on this long page that's essential if you plant to build your own systems.


(Serious DIY Build and Modify details a long way down this page!) 



The on / off control is taken care of electrically, as both solenoids (the on off valves) will be automatically 'off' unless an electricity

supply is turned on.


On a bike this can be the horn or starter button, or a small micro switch on the throttle so as to activate only at WOT (wide open throttle) conditions. An arming switch on the dash, or anywhere accessible is also required so the system only works when you decide to "Start Flow" .


Actual power increase provided depends on the amount of Nitrous Oxide and additional GAs/air mixture  delivered to the motor, and this will  a fixed constant amount regardless of engine's rpm.


The amount of Hydrogen delivered depends on the size of the 'jet' fitted into the Hydrogen Solenoids outlet. This jet is fitted into the back of the 1/4" BSP to 4mm OD nylon fitting required to connect the 4mm OD blue nylon pipe to the Solenoid Valve.


The best jets to use are 'Weber' carburettor jets available from many places. These are like cheese head screws, with a 5mm metric thread and a hole down the middle! (So if you can drill a hole down a screw you can make your own, as I do now. Actually M5 short stainless cap headed (Allen heads) are ideal jets once drilled. In all cases these jets like Japanese Mikuni jets / Weber jets,  are all marked in Millimetres ID, or bore.  So a 125 main jet on a bike is 1.25mm bore.

So an average Japanese bike that makes 120 BHP at the back wheel will (should!) take a 40BHP increase easily, (and usually, much, much more!) Lean mixtures and over advanced ignitions are what does the damage. 


So retard the ignition by a good few degrees to begin with, and make very sure your hydrogen system is set over rich to start with. The CORRECT timing and the one that gives the best power will be more retarded than stock settings because you have more of everything in the combustion chamber!


This means effectively higher compression.  This also means that less initial advance will be needed as the oxygen rich, more densely packed cylinder also burns much faster. 


The faster pressure rise means a more retarded ignition will be needed, to prevent detonation. Also use smaller plug gaps with stock ignition systems, colder plugs, and higher octane fuel all to prevent the possibility of detonation. Just in case!


How much power will a given jet give?  The closet document we have is for Oxy Nitros Jets  as we install and Trail Hydrogen on Demand Systems we will adjust this document( for now it is a gudie only on what to expect at ceratin size adjustments.)              Click HERE for PDF document

You will need this chart if you plan to build your own systems...

Buy a cheap small drill set! And a handheld "pin" drill. Now you can drill ANY jet you might want in a couple of minutes!



Tiny M5 Alloy anodised Allen screws make excellent jets! (If you cannot buy the Weber ones locally.  Remember a "jet" is simply a screw with a small hole in it, that's all!  Nothing technical here!


Now using the chart you can see that its easy to work out how much fuel you will need for any given nitrous jet size. But remember that this is a safe/rich guide only on most non turbo motors. Weather you get this fuel volume delivered by low pressure by a big fuel jet, or by using a very small jet and tapping into the fuel rail on a modern fuel injection car (3 bar) makes no difference!


The hydrogen flow is controlled via a similar jet in the same position in the fuel solenoid. At 10 psi regulated fuel rail  pressure the correct gas jet is about the same size as the hydrodgen  jet used - but every installation is different.


Mixture setting : Read this carefully!


A single injection point usually gives better distribution, as flow is constant and each cylinder inducts at different times. No jets are needed at the injection point only the ones fitted at the solenoids are required. If more than 1 point of injection is used then a distribution block or several tee joints will be needed. All pipes going to the injectors must be the same length. IN Most case is preffer to inject into a spark plug fitting close to the spark point directly into the cylinder. Examples of design are located on this injector body page.


Inline X2 X3 and X4 plastic push lock fittings are available for the 4mm plastic / nylon tube and these are ideal, but several tees are also ok - see pic! All compressed air/pneumatics dealers keep these kinds of fittings for industry.


Pipework from Solenoid Valves to Engine
Inlet manifold or cylinder head or carb rubbers must be tapped M5 to allow the fuel and nitrous injection points to be added.


Fittings with a nut and olive or push lock fittings can be used, available for industrial airline or hydraulic system use. These fit the ends of your 4mm OD nylon pipes and have an M5 male thread. The Nitrous ones must be fitted in such a way as to atomize the fuel and carry it into the engine. This may require a little thought before you drill any holes!! It may be possible to use just one nitrous and one fuel injector for the whole motor or a pair of each, if fuel injected or turbocharged, depending on layout and throttle bodies etc. Bikes will normally need to have one Nitrous and one fuel injector per cylinder, unless turboed.


A single injection point usually gives better distribution, as flow is constant and each cylinder inducts at different times. No jets are needed at the injection point only the ones fitted at the solenoids are required. If more than 1 point of injection is used then a distribution block or several tee joints will be needed. All pipes going to the injectors must be the same length.


Inline X2 X3 and X4 plastic push lock fittings are available for the 4mm plastic / nylon tube and these are ideal, but several tees are also ok - see pic! All compressed air/pneumatics dealers keep these kinds of fittings for industry. See below...


M&H Pneumatics in Grimsby keep all the pipe, air fittings, solenoids etc that I use.                                 Or you can go to our fitting pages.

Why jet it at the solenoids outlet instead of the "Foggers" ???

Lots of people keep asking why it is jetted at the solenoids themselves rather that at the point of injection (as all US based commercial systems are). HighPower Nitrous systems are also jetted at the solenoids as we all understand why this is far superior. HighPower did this first, well before anyone else did. Me, I just looked and saw all the advantages! So Now we do it with Hydrogen ON Demand Systems.


THE REASONS? Basically as follows:

Water /1st ?  Firstly there is no air or anything in the fuel line before the solenoid. So it does not atomise at all here - JUST SOLID LIQUID FUEL - the jet just controls the flow.  It does this equally well if at the point of injection, (Like NOS etc) or at the solenoid's outlet. 


If there is any air in the lines after the fuel solenoid due to the pulsing from the motor as different cylinders induct at different times, - (and there will be) - then the fuel cannot reach the motor until it has pushed all this air through the small fuel jet at the inlet manifold end (nozzle?) on US style systems.


This increases the time it takes to for it to arrive at the motor. This means it can go lean for an instant, when you hit the button on US style systems.


This can start destructive detonation off nicely even if you don't notice the delay. Or it can result in an instant intake backfire as you hit the  button off the line, due to the initial weak mixture. 


If it's jetted at the solenoid's valve outlet instead, then the correct flow of fuel starts straight away as there is no restrictive jet at the end of the line that you have to first push all the air through.  It ALWAYS takes the same time to reach the engine. That is its more consistent.

Gas Mixtures  2nd ? If you are trying to get reliability and consistency then the gas mixture too must be jetted at the solenoid!  Here the jet is controlling fully dense Water direct from the tank . It is still liquid as the solenoid is supplied by a larger pipe than its rated flow and it is cool, not attached to the hot engine or going through hot areas... If the metering flow jet is installed here then you are measuring a known quantity and density of HHO.  Every time.


Alternatively if you fit these metering jets near the hot (especially at the strip in summer!) motor / engine bay then the pipe work after the solenoid is both long and hot due to the engines heat, and the hot engine bay area.

This is much worse when sat on the start line due to zero airflow.  Nitrous (no longer sat as a liquid at the correct pressure to keep it liquid in the bottle) is in a long pipe hot pipe! So it boils, expands and "foams" as it travels towards the metering jets on the engine. So you are now metering what? A liquid? Or Gas? Or a VARIABLE  mixture of both!  In reality in unknown and varying proportions depend on temperatures and length of the pipe work etc.


Eventually (a few secs with low thermal mass nylon tube) the pipe is cooled so the liquid now flows all the way to the metering jets at the nozzle, and you get to meter a much more dense liquid so it runs leaner later on... So it is far more accurate to meter it at the solenoids outlet where it is still a liquid. Here the density remains pretty constant at all times.

Fitting the metering jets at the "end of the line" will obviously work, as all the US based NOS / Nitrous Express etc; systems show, but it is simply not as good a solution. I know I tried it both ways and did lots of testing. Plus... More importantly still:

If you decide to use a Nitrous controller that pulses the solenoids to control the power, with the jet fitted directly to the solenoid the amount of nitrous you get is proportional to the length of the pulse width. So 50 percent open time will give half the Nitrous flow..

If the jetting is at the inlet manifold end / port, then the size of the solenoids seat is the limiting factor - not the jet, as the pipework becomes a Nitrous "reservoir" that the solenoid just keeps topping up...

This means that for example a solenoid rated at 150bhp maximum flow would flow around 75bhp of Nitrous at a 50% pulse width. If the jet on the end of this pipe is a 25bhp jet for e.g., then the solenoid just keeps topping up the reservoir, (the pipe work) so you would get about 20bhp at a 50 percent setting! This is not too serious unless you consider that the fuel is not compressible so it will be giving a true 50 percent... Melted pistons anyone??

Another quick description!


This was in reply to an email question.


Because in the beginning there was NOS...


Then came a massive multitude of clone systems designed by someone without a brain!


Trevor Langfield (The Wizard of NOS  or High-power Nitrous Systems) also jets at the solenoid - he did it first.  Here is why...


1) Fuel line gets full of air as the fuel drains out of the (oversized) line. Now when the solenoid opens it has to push out the air first, sometimes taking a full second!  During this time you are metering only air.  And because of the often hot (engine bay in summer!) lines it gets worse!  The fuel can boil and vaporise along the hot line and some jets get fed only fuel vapour for some time!  And the higher the thermal mass of the often metal braided lines the longer this happens for.  So apart from the air being in the way, the temperature also makes a difference! Sometimes a very expensive (nitrous only = backfire) one!


2) The fuel line isn't the only problem!  The nitrous line also has problems.  Now on a cold day the liquid nitrous will most likely stay liquid (mostly) all the way to the jet.  Except that it gives off gas (boils) as it goes from the solenoid into the lines and boils off further as it goes through distribution blocks etc.  Add to this the fact that the lines are hot in summer under the bonnet, and you can see that you have no real idea quite how dense (how "liquid") the foaming nitrous oxide now is!  Its density varies between pure dense liquid, and pure gas.  And everything in between.  Remember you are trying to meter the weight of Nitrous delivered accurately!  But are you metering vapour, gas, or a mixture of the two?  Who knows. It depends on Pipe volume, Pipe thermal mass, pipe temperature. Pipe internal volume.  Now to keep accurate control of the mixture from when you hit the button.  After the nitrous cools the line down (by the very act of boiling off and reducing density) it will eventually reach the jet as a say 90 percent dense liquid.  All depends on too many things!


Typically what happens on a cold day / cold engine bay is this.


Press button LIQUID Nitrous reaches the engine in say .3 of a sec, because its all cool.  You meter the full 100bhp of nitrous.  The fuel though takes up to a say half sec (or more) to push all the air out of the oversized lines through the jets before it arrives.  So initially very weak mixture that can start off detonation that never goes away! Or could cause a weak intake "backfire"...


Hot day/engine bay.  Hit button.  Fuel gets there and is flowing properly in 0.5 but the nitrous takes ages to "get going" because you are only metering gas or vapour (thousands of times less dense) for anything up to 3 secs!  You see this a lot.  Recognised by a puff of black smoke at launch.  It just costs performance.

Solenoids - Modifying and Buying Details..
The Solenoid valves that I use are available from the same type of industrial compressed air / hydraulic suppliers as the other fittings and nylon tubing. They are quite common in factories. They have an inlet at one end and an outlet at the other so are axial rather than the NOS type. This is neither an advantage or a disadvantage as I see it.

This is a Adapted Install from Nitros System I have posted it here to Draw Parallels to hydrogen on demand installations.

The solenoids that I use, are very simple pneumatics (compressed air) industrial ones. They are available in different makes, materials and styles but are rated at only 140psi. We only Need from 10-40 PSI .


This is fine and can be used unmodified for Petroleum, Methanol etc, but MUST be modified to work at much higher pressures of recycled gases we have.


For this reason, to work with 12V dc automotive systems, a stock 12V is fine for fuel, but a 6V dc one must be obtained for our use.


A 12V one will work but only up to around 70bhp extra, where a 6V one will allow a larger seat area to be used and is completely reliable even on 12V supply (because cold liquid hydrogen flows through it and cools it) so can go up to 140 brake horsepower extra. A 12V and 6Volt electromagnet is shown here, both fit the same actual valve body.


These solenoids came from a small factory unit in Grimsby in the UK called M&H Pneumatics, call them on +44 (0)1472 241370 and fax on same codes but 346402. They are not on the net... 


Although these people may be able to help even with a ready to go solution! At a price. But you will need to order large quantities. We have Units list from Thailand Manufacturers on our fittings pages.

Or maybe here )

Similar ones are made by many manufacturers around the world, and have seen a few that could also be easily modified. Hydrogen  ready ones can also be bought, according to a recent email, contents here.


The hydrogen and the mixed gases are both "jetted" to control the amount of power  given. The jets are in the form of a simple carb type jet, in this case a Weber carb jet, and these are fitted into the rear part of the pipe fitting that screws into the outlet of the fuel and nitrous solenoids. All three shown serve the exact same purpose, They can also go straight into the injector.

All are drilled and tapped to take a "control jet" and are standard easily obtained fittings. The all plastic one is cheapest and cannot corrode, and has low thermal mass but the brass one is safer as it uses nuts and olives to hold the nylon pipe rather than simple push/lock fittings. All accept 4mm nylon tube, and are male 1/8th BSP thread, to fit the outlets of the solenoid valves.

This is a Weber carburettor jet (1mm bore or 100 jet size, so limits the flow to 70bhp). The rear of the plastic fitting is drilled and tapped M5 thread and countersunk to allow the jet to fit flush.         
Half unscrewed...


Completely unscrewed! This "jet" can be a brass M5 grub screw, or M4 Alloy Allen headed set screw, or whatever, but drilled to form a jet. Small drill sets are much cheaper than buying bucketfuls of ready made jets!  

The fitting here is about to be fitted to a standard solenoid for the enrichment fuel. This is jetted in exactly the same as the nitrous one. In the outlet.         
1/8th BSP 1/4 inch "tail" for the petrol pipe goes in the end inlet end of the fuel solenoid..         

The internal "bore" of a stock solenoid is 1/8th inch, or 3mm - you can see this by looking down the end of the valve.         

Here is the same view of my modified one, with smaller new seat fitted.         
Here is a modified one (similar view of unmodified one 9 pictures above!) to make it work at up to 1100psi, and with liquid Water) It has to have a much smaller seat area.


The old one needs to be drilled out, and a much more accurate and much smaller one machining up, and soft soldering in place. The plunger or piston on a stock one also has to be modified.


The stock rubber type material is fine for fuel, or air, but will not work with hydrogen! Check out the small nylon or PTFE black "Bic Biro" pen ends! there are two spare ones in the picture. Compare this to the photograph 9 places above, and also the new smaller seat area... (The ENLARGED bit!)         
Another picture of the new seat.         
Also detail of the modified Piston/plunger. The one with a "blob" sticking out is the modified one. PTFE works just as well, if no suitable pens can be found!


Note We can Replace tubing with Quench tubing I am working on that at this time. That Add another level of Safety.

This is the other end of the piston. The modified one has had to have about 3mm machined off the end to give the correct (1.5 times the bore of the new seat) lift.         

Ready to fit, tested at 1100psi down to 10 volts, and works reliably and never leaks. If it will not open, then your seat area is too large or the area of the "seat rim" is too wide. The pressure will then hold it closed even when you apply power.         

A simple hydrogen  injector/or nozzle. It has no jet. That lives at the solenoid outlet, this simply has to direct the flow in such a way as it collects and atomises the fuel as shown in the diagram.


The nitrous must atomize the extra fuel well. The shiny bit is just a bit if brass tube from a local model shop, with a small 2mm hole drilled in the side, and the end soldered up.


The plastic fitting has a M5 thread tapped in the bottom, and a 5mm grub screw screwed into it. This was drilled to accept the brass tube, and was all soldered together and tinned to make it silver at the same time.
Ok, for a clearer idea here is a fake inlet port or throttle body I made earlier! See the small hole in the side of the brass tube? it simply directs the nitrous down the port towards the engine. The fuel is added in front of it, so the nitrous collects it and atomises it.


These fittings are a bit big, but I made them just for the photograph, for clarity. In reality I use various different methods to achieve the same result, and in any case small M5 fittings.  Often two small fittings can be fitted angled together slightly to achieve the same effect without any brass tube...
Pair of solenoids ready to fit to my V8 Sierra car. This was to begin with, so only 70 BHP extra. This meant a 1mm Hydroegn  Jet fitted into the fitting where the blue pipe is, and a 1.3mm jet fitted into the outlet of the fitting where the black pipe goes in the fuel solenoid valve.


This was at 4 to 5psi of fuel pressure that also feeds the twin SU carburettors. The fuel solenoid was simply teed into the supply pipe. The hydrogem solenoid obviously connects to wfc  (In this case with braided brake pipe.) Both of the 4mm pipes seen here are teed off (split two ways) to go to each one of the two carbs.


In this installation the carbs were tapped and drilled in the bottom of each "mounting flange" so nothing could be seen! The solenoids were mounted near the cars fuse box and were not noticeable...
It really IS this simple!

A typical example for a bike motor drawn but same principles apply to any engine.

This is show so you can have a Engine Idel Circuit and have a better understanding of functions.

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