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Sustainable Energy Fleet Transport


Supply Chain Managers

Now is your Chance to Make a Difference. 


Your company can be recognised and be "SEEN TO BE GREEN" 

Your Regional Cluster operations can Save Fuel and Cut Emissions.


Secure Supplies is uniquely situated with contract installer and service people wanting to support your company in every city.  


The recent multicountry contracts have now allowed us to start the Global Program to install Sustainable Enegery Systems Solutions

to All Fleet operations and Industrial energy Intensive operations.


To a uniform standard. Our program reduces your fuel costs heavily and removes 50-90% of the emissions from your transport fleet portfolio. This can include reduction on duel cost and emissions from  furnace boiler electric power heat generation operations.  


We work with your management to achieve outstanding results that can be marketed to your clients.


Sustainable transport refers to the broad subject of transport, that is or approaches being sustainable in an area or industry.


The term includes vehicles, energy, infrastructure, roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, and terminals.

Transport operations and logistics as well as transit-oriented development are involved. Transportation sustainability is largely being measured by transportation system effectiveness and efficiency as well as the environmental impacts of the system.


Short-term activity often promotes incremental improvement in fuel efficiency and vehicle emissions controls while long-term goals include migrating transportation from fossil-based energy to other alternatives such as renewable energyand use of other renewable resources. The entire life cycle of transport systems is subject to sustainability measurement and optimization.


Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the communities they serve. Transport systems exist to provide social and economic connections, and people quickly take up the opportunities offered by increased mobility.The advantages of increased mobility need to be weighed against the environmental, social and economic costs that transport systems pose.


Transport systems have significant impacts on the environment, accounting for between 20% and 25% of world energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.


The very best NON EFI Diesel Engines only burn 79% of the fuel the other 31% goes straight into the air we breath.

Some Diesels over 4 years old work on only 51% efficiency with 49% going into  the air .

That is Extreme waste and Enviromental Madness. 


Secure Supplies Solutions Turn that around on all vehicles Trucks and Units in your Transport Fleet.

Out solution raises the CN (catalytic Number) of the fuel for a fixed install solution cost. 

This allow the siesel or fuel to burn completely and thus add power gain efficiency gain and reduce the emission by over 90%.


Boiler Furnace Kilns Dryer have even poorer emission and fuel performance.  


Our solutions for these are plug and play and are repeatble with ease in our partnership.

The fuel performance on these items is 20-40% improvement to pre heat and secondary blast heat times thus cutting fuel cost by approximately the same amount.


The Additional Oxygen wipes out NOX SOX and Encapsulates the majority of the emissions from this systems so suddenly things look alot green and the air feel better. Please improve the  air quality at your site. 

We can now do something that make ROI sense to address it. 


Greenhouse gas emissions from transport and Furnaces are increasing at a faster rate than any other energy using sector.

Road transport and Energy and Heat Generation are major contributors to local and global air pollution and smog.


Joining Our Global Certification Program is Easy.


If your a Company leader Send us a Email We Welcome Your Discussion.

Corporate Social Responsibility.
Corporate Social Responsibility.

Mechanical Engineers, Mechanics  and Installers 

are welcome to join our Global Program

to distribute our solutions to our industry partner operations.

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