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H2O HEALTH  -Please invest time here you will live longer, please support our efforts to share and educate by sharing to your friends our valuable pages .

This is for people who want to live longer and fix problems caused by acidity and lack of knowledge of Aging process.




PH8 Natural Alkaline Water is named after its high alkaline PH level of 8.3.  The thick layer of limestone alkalizes the water as it filters through to the aquifer.

Water molecules come in clusters rather than single molecules. Tap water has very large clusters (10 to 13 molecules per cluster).

Alkaline water forms ‘Micro clusters’ (5 to 6 molecules per cluster).

The smaller cluster size gives the water excellent hydrating properties, high solubility and good permeability.

The Alkaline Micro Cluster Water acts as a powerful anti oxidant, improving immune functions and general health.

The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution is measured in a value between 1 – 14 known as PH ‘Power of Hydrogen‘. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions (Hydrogen atoms that have been stripped of their electron), the more acidic the water is. The opposite of this is molecules that contain a large concentration of hydroxide ions (molecules that have one or more extra electrons), the more alkaline the water is. Alkaline water gives up an extra electron to Hydrogen atoms that have been stripped of their electron this reduces the active oxygen (AO), thus rendering it harmless.



t is essential that the bloods pH is carefully maintained by various systems of the body to stay between 7.35 and 7.45.  When the blood gets overloaded with acids, alkaline minerals such as bicarbonate, magnesium, potassium and calcium is drawn from the body to maintain the blood’s pH. If the body lacks reserves of these alkaline minerals, acid is stored in the muscle and fatty tissues. In order to remove acid waste from the body, the blood requires alkaline minerals to buffer the acid toxins stored in the body tissue.


It can take years for the water to pass through the limestone collecting alkaline minerals such as calcium, bicarbonate, potassium and magnesium.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, and about 99% of the body’s calcium is found in our bones. Calcium is also important in many enzymatic reactions in the body, is necessary for the contraction of muscles, the release of neurotransmitters, regulation of heart beat, and the clotting of blood. Calcium deficiency may ultimately lead to acidification as well as osteoporosis, which thins and weakens bones making them frail.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains 51.7 mg/L of Calcium

Bicarbonate is an important buffer for maintaining PH balance in the blood.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains 267 mg/L of Bicarbonate

Potassium is critical in maintaining proper electrolyte and acid – alkaline balance. Potassium plays a fundamental role in cellular exchanges. Potassium deficiency may lead to poor energy, lack of strength as well as cramping.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains 2.8 mg /L of Potassium

Magnesium is well known for its calming effect on our nervous system, as well as its stimulating effect on the immune system. It is vital in assisting in calcium and potassium uptake. A deficiency interferes with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses, causing irritability and nervousness. Magnesium is also a crucial element in maintaining proper pH balance.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains 21.5 mg /L of Magnesium

Selenium supports immune function and neutralizes certain poisonous substances such as cadmium, mercury, and arsenic that may be ingested or inhaled.

Selenium also acts as an antioxidant against free radicals that damage our DNA. Selenium is incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, which are important antioxidant enzymes. The antioxidant properties of selenoproteins help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Free radicals are natural by-products of oxygen metabolism that may contribute to the development of chronic diseases.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains .ooo5 mg/L of Selenium

Silica is what holds us together, so without it, we could fall apart!  It is a  trace element, a mineral that is only present in the body in minute concentrations).

It is critical for healthy organ, connective tissues, bone, cartilage and collagen formation. It is also important for our overall bodily function.

Benefits of Silica:

Improve skin elasticity, enhance collagen formation, strengthen teeth, gums, hair and nails. Silica also helps to remove aluminium from the body and stimulates cell formation.

PH8 Natural Alkaline Water contains 11mg/L of Silica

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     Notes I leaern From Be hit by constant  coughing and lack of breath. 


Milk has a Higher More Alaline Ph than Bottled water  7ph 


Cocnnut water pure un heated and coconut oil help the brain and telemeres


The Breath and Lungs are the body no1 one way to get rid of acidity oin the body if they start to fail cough andshortness of breath you in trouble, not cough medice or lung medicince will work.


if you put you see at Lax when in such a stat when over tired the pollution combined with acidity can kill you like wise any other bad air environment,  What that means is even if you take ventilin or betatide or other on mass Like I did more than 20 puffs it won't help if the air is bad and has low oxygen levels


Have pur eoxygen on hand in your house it won't fix you acidity only diet and correct water can do that but it just may save your ass. 


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Water Tension Colloids  Must Know items

Spirit of Ma'at: "The Water of Life" — Vol 3 No 5

Structured Water and the Fountain of Youthwith Patrick Flanagan, PhDby Paula Peterson

Patrick Flanagan, PhD, avid inventor and author of the bestselling books Pyramid Power and Toward a New Alchemy, is a leader in the fascinating field of structured water.

Flanagan was a child prodigy whose debut upon the public scene began at age twelve when he submitted his latest project to a science fair. It was a device to detect atomic bombs and guided missiles. The government took control of his invention, but Flanagan's precocious genius was established. The rest, as they say, is history. In 1997, he was voted Scientist of the Year by the International Association for New Science.

Besides his groundbreaking work on identifying and duplicating the benefits of "youthing" waters, Flanagan's work spans inventions like the Neurophone — a helmet-like device that enables deaf people to hear — and technology that was used during the Viet Nam war for training dolphins to recognize and report the country of origin of approaching submarines. In fact, much of the work Flanagan has done, including the dolphin communication research, has been co-opted by the government and is no longer available even to him.

The author interviewed Dr. Flanagan in person at his home.

Paula: When did you begin to take an interest in water?

Patrick: It began when I was still in my teens. I met Dr. Coanda of Stanford University, an amazing man — you can read about him in the Encyclopedia Britannica — who built the first jet airplane in 1911.
[1] He also is known as the father of fluid dynamics. During his lifetime, he obtained five hundred patents on fluid amplifiers.

Dr. Coanda was in remarkable health when I met him — he lived to be one-hundred and one.
[2] I myself was already a student of health and nutrition and was a pure vegan at the time.

He told me that based upon what he had learned about me, he had decided to share his research with me so that I could continue it. This was because he believed he could not finish it himself in his own lifetime.

He went on to say that the legend of the Fountain of Youth was true, and that there was scientific fact to back it up.

There are five places on Earth, he told me, where people were in extremely good health and lived to be over 100 years old: Hunza Land (in the Karkorum Mountains north of Pakistan), a place in Ecuador, another place in Peru, the county of Georgia in Russia, and a place in Mongolia.

In these locations, the people all have very different diets. The one thing they have in common is the water.

Paula: Most of us don't learn in school that there can be differences in water.

Patrick: Yes, in school we learn that water is the same everywhere in the world: It freezes at zero degrees [centigrade], boils at 100 degrees, and has a certain viscosity and surface tension.

But those are only the average qualities of water. Dr. Coanda said water was different everywhere in the world and that he could predict, just from analyzing the water they drank, the average lifespan of the people who lived in any given area.

Coanda had gone to Hunza Land at the turn of the century. To get there, he had to hike for three months through jungles, climb mountain peaks, and cross rope bridges. While he was there, he found that the Hunza's water came from glaciers that were millions of years old.

There were certain characteristics of Hunza water that Coanda tried his whole life to duplicate. But he never succeeded. He told me, "You, Patrick, will invent a machine that will create this kind of water anywhere in the world. You will save many, many lives." He then gave me the characteristics of Hunza water.

Paula: Do the significant characteristics go beyond the mineral content?

Patrick: Well, he had no idea which characteristics were significant. He thought that it could even have been the cold temperatures, or the altitude — Hunza Land is a valley at 8000 feet elevation, surrounded by some of the tallest mountains in the world. These mountains have ice-blue glaciers, and this is where their water comes from.

The Hunza people themselves claimed that their secret of health and longevity came from drinking the glacier waters that were filled with all these minerals from the glacial silt. There actually was a well in the area that had clear water, but none of the residents would drink from it — they saved that water for the tourists.

So at age seventeen — in parallel with everything else that was going on at the time — I started my own research into water. I tried everything: magnetic treatments, alternating different frequency fields, electrolysis — about anything that you could imagine in order to create anomalous properties in water.

I discovered that when I put rubies, quartz crystals, and other gemstones in water and let it sit, that changed the structure of the water and lowered the surface tension. Each night, I would put a brandy snifter next to my bed filled with distilled water containing the crystals. In the morning, I would drink this water, being careful not to cause any turbulence — because even though crystals change water dramatically, all the structuring goes away if you shake it, stir it, or bump it.

Paula: It's that fragile?

Patrick: Yes. Magnets are the same way. I found that crystals have a very orderly matrix of electrical charges, both positive and negative. They will align themselves to the crystal structure of precious stones and then extend out into the water.

Then I reasoned that if I could make the crystals small enough that I put into the water, the change in structure would lower the surface tension and be maintained even through drinking or shaking.

Paula: Before we go on with this explanation, could you please tell us what is meant by the surface tension of water?

Patrick: Surface tension has to do with penetration. For example, if you put a drop of water on a piece of paraffin and look at it from the side, that drop of water will form a nearly perfect sphere because it cannot penetrate the paraffin. But if you put a drop of water on a quartz crystal, it penetrates 100 percent and the drop goes flat.

The surface tension of water is also called the "webbing angle of water." It is well known in food science that every food and substance has a certain webbing angle of water. If the substance is above a certain angle, it cannot wet the food. As an example, it's difficult to mash potatoes with cold water, as they will only clump up. Boiling the water causes the surface tension to go way down, which makes it much easier to mash the potatoes.

Ordinary water has a high surface tension of about 73 dynes per centimeter — a dyne is a unit of force. Boiling water can get as low as 37 dynes. Hunza water has a surface tension of about 67 dynes — and also a different viscosity and a slightly different freezing and boiling point.

Paula: How does all this work in our body?

Patrick: The cells in our body have to be fully wetted with water in order to exchange compounds, getting rid of toxins generated by their own metabolism, and absorbing nutrients. If the cells are not wetted, nutrients and toxins cannot penetrate the surface of the cell. And since the cells are covered with protein lipid membranes — which are fatty acids, and as we know, oil and water do not mix — it's important that the surface tension of the water around our cells water be low enough to allow penetration.

So the Hunza water has a low surface tension. Furthermore, the minerals in the Hunza water are in colloidal suspension. The really cloudy minerals drop out — those are not colloids, and are suspended only while the water is in motion.

Paula: So you are saying that a colloidal mineral is different than other minerals?

Patrick: Yes. Basically, colloidal minerals are more bio-available. In fact, they are what the body needs and uses. The body has to work really hard to separate minerals out of compounds. For example, if you take magnesium chloride in order to get magnesium, your body has to separate the magnesium out of the chloride before it can use it.

But a colloidal mineral is suspended in the solution (not dissolved).
[3] When the suspension medium is water, the minerals must be small enough, and must carry a strong enough electrical charge, so that they don't coagulate and repel each other.

Colloidal minerals also have a negative electrical charge, which is very important. The higher the negative charge, the more of the mineral will suspend in water without dropping out. So colloidal minerals have to be tiny and have a strong negative charge.

Consequently, I realized that the secret of Hunza water was in the tiny size of the colloidal minerals. And I found that these minerals were mostly silica. Silica is an essential mineral for the human body. It helps to produce collagen: the matrix that holds our skin together.

Paula: Is that the same kind of silica that's found in quartz crystal?

Patrick: Yes. Quartz crystal is silica in a crystal form. There is also amorphous silica, which is totally non-crystalline.

By the time I had worked for almost 30 years on this, trying to figure out how to make Hunza water, I had become famous for the book Pyramid Power, and was a featured speaker all over the world, with television specials and a movie made about me called Outer Space Connections.

In due course, my wife and I went through a hermit stage and I withdrew from the public eye. We moved to Sedona, Arizona, and bought a house on forty acres of land. The house was fifteen miles up a dirt road that had no name. Trees completely surrounded our property.

We essentially isolated ourselves for fourteen years, and it was during these years in isolation, along with practicing specific spiritual disciplines, that I made some of my most revolutionary discoveries.

Paula: Which discoveries were your most important?

Patrick: I created Crystal Energy, which was my first concentrated colloidal solution. When added to water, Crystal Energy restructures it.

We went on a six-month fast on water and juices supplemented with Crystal Energy. At the end of the six-month fast, I had lost 45 pounds and my wife lost about 25 pounds. Friends who visited us were astounded and amazed that we looked like teenagers, even though I was 45 years old at this time. I'm 58 now.

Paula: I have to say that you look extraordinarily healthy!

Patrick: Thank you. I know it's from using Crystal Energy and also from the water I later developed, called silica-hydride, using microclusters of silica.

We had the Microcluster® water tested at different universities. These tests showed that our product was little spheres. Not only that, the little spheres would group together and form bigger spheres in which other things could be inserted.

For example, flax seed oil goes rancid faster than any other known oil because it is highly polyunsaturated and can easily be attacked by oxygen. We found that when we mixed flax seed oil with the microcluster powder it would not go rancid, not even after two years of sitting on the shelf!

Paula: That's amazing. What was your next stage of discovery?

Patrick: I found a way to make silica Buckyballs in my lab through using nanotechnology. Buckyballs, named after Buckminster Fuller, are formations of structured carbon made up of tiny little spheres that look like soccer balls. Further findings proved that atomic nuclei could be trapped inside the Buckyballs and used as a carrier for transporting pharmaceuticals into the cells.

The minerals in Hunza water were like Buckyballs, only they were made of silica instead of carbon. When they were added to water, they lowered the surface tension. My technology reduces the surface tension of water to 28 dynes per centimeter. Pure ethyl alcohol is 27 dynes per centimeter. This means that this re-structured water has the solvent capabilities of ethyl alcohol. It's really quite remarkable.

In subsequent research, we took hundreds of people off the streets to do darkfield microscope studies of their blood. We found that most people's blood looked like sewers: The cells were all clumped together with free-radical damage, and sometimes we'd see little parasites swimming around.

After taking the silica-hydride product, their blood cells would become beautiful and discrete again, the parasites would disappear, and all the damage from free radicals would be gone — all within fifteen minutes of taking only two capsules.

Most people are walking around in a chronic state of dehydration where their blood is clumped together. It's a condition in modern people that eventually leads to plaque on arteries, heart attacks, and nutritional deficiencies caused from a build-up of toxins that the body cannot eliminate.

Paula: Now, that's something that intrigues me. I learned that most people are dehydrated most of the time, but that after a certain period of dehydration they don't seem to crave water. Why is that?

Patrick: No one knows why our sense of thirst seems to disappear as we get older. When we're babies, we know immediately when we need water, and we cry for it. And yet as we get older we can become severely dehydrated and not even know it.

To make matters worse, the surface tension of the bodily fluids goes up as we age, and again, no one knows why. Dehydration is one of the major indicators of the aging process. On top of that, in today's world, various factors like electro-magnetic pollution, unhealthy diets, and, in particular, poor water destroy the electrical charge of blood cells.

Studies show that silica-hydride is the greatest hydrating agent ever discovered. In our studies we gave people silica hydride, and in four weeks the average person on the study reversed age — as far as hydration is concerned — by five years.

Paula: Is there evidence that this kind of water was more available on the Earth at one time?

Patrick: Yes, and there are many theories about that. A friend of mine who is a biblical scholar says that in the Bible it tells of a time when people lived to be hundreds of years old, and that there was a constant light everywhere — everything was lit up.

Some scientists believe that the Earth was once surrounded by ice crystals high up in the stratosphere. The ice crystals refracted sunlight and blocked cosmic rays that are damaging to our DNA. Cosmic rays are passing through us all the time, now.

Paula: Does that have anything to do with "the firmament" that is mentioned in the Book of Genesis? It has been hypothesized that the firmament was an atmosphere made of water.

Patrick: Yes. That's what it was. The theory is that the Great Flood of Noah's time — which is recorded in many ancient texts throughout the world — was caused by the ice crystals coagulating, as colloids tend to do. And so it rained for forty days and forty nights, which flooded the entire Earth. Even prior to the flood, rain occasionally may have come from the firmament, making healthy water much more available in those days.

Paula: I am aware of theories humans once ate only flowers, leaves, and fruits, and that something of a catastrophic nature happened that destroyed nearly all living things. According to these theories, surviving humans became nomadic, since much of the Earth was then uninhabitable and there was less available food, and humans began to eat the animals.

Patrick: Yes. There are theories that humans did not eat meat prior to the Great Flood, which is another possible answer to why humans had longer life spans. In certain areas above and below the equator, where our ancestors originally came from, humans lived in jungles where they simply reached out and picked their food. Since their food was so abundant, they didn't have to work for it, and so for the most part they played.

When Earth's climate began to change, and the rainforests started drying up, fruit became less available. So humans began scavenging for food outside the forests. Not only that, the earth's axis was once straight up and down, which caused spring to pervade all year long all over the planet.

Paula: You certainly have lived a fascinating life. Can you share with us any new research on water that's particularly exciting for you right now?

Patrick: Yes. I recently discovered another component in Hunza water that I didn't know about. I found that Hunza water had hydride ions, which are hydrogen atoms with a negative charge plus an extra electron. A hydrogen atom normally has only one proton and one electron, but it can actually take on and carry an extra electron. That extra electron is of the right potential to neutralize free radicals and participate in all the thousands and thousands of chemical reactions in the body that require extra electrons.

By using a laser and other techniques, I discovered that these hydride ions — or H-minus ions — are in Hunza water, and also in the juices of all fresh raw, living fruits and vegetables.

Paula: I'm so glad you said that. Being a health educator for several years, I have encouraged others to eat raw, living foods.

Patrick: We should all eat raw food, period, and no cooked food. When food is processed, dried, or cooked, the first thing that leaves the food are these important hydride ions.

Paula: The enzymes are destroyed, too.

Patrick: Well, the enzymes can't function without the H-minus ions, and that's why the enzymes stop functioning and die from heating. I think it's the most important nutrient. However, it's also the one that disappears the fastest. Most people are very deficient in it. I've known many people who were dying of cancer who went on a raw food, raw juice only diet and cured themselves, because they were giving their body all the right nutrients. These extra electrons are the most abundant in freshly made, raw juices.

When I discovered hydride ions and figured out a way to impregnate water with them, I started drinking the water. It gave me so much energy and made me feel so good that I eventually developed a very stable form of microclustered water with H-minus ions.

Those who took the water reported miracles — unbelievable things. One woman reported restoration of her nerve-damaged arm after she'd had no feeling in it for fifteen years. Diabetics have reported the return of feelings in their legs after having lost it for twenty years.

The remarkable thing about all of this is that it has been such a win/win situation. It has done great things for so many people.

Paula: Thank you, Patrick, for being so generous with your time today. Your discoveries are truly remarkable and continue to offer hope to so many.


To find out more about Dr. Patrick Flanagan's microclustered water and how to obtain his water products, please visit You may also contact Life Resources, 100 El Camino Road, Sedona, AZ 86336, Phone 888-282-9362, Fax 928-282-1933.

For information from the author's interview concerning Flanagan's work outside the field of water, please see
More About Patrick Flanagan

  1. A single-wing airplane made from plywood, with a turbojet engine and retractable landing gear.

  2. At his 80th birthday party, I said to him, "When I'm your age I hope I'm in the shape you're in." Coanda answered, "Patrick, when you're my age, we'll talk about it."

  3. A cloud, by the way, is a colloidal suspension of water droplets. In that case the suspension medium is air and water.

  4. There are actually stages in between these states that no one knew about until recently. The same holds true for carbon: there is soft, amorphous carbon — and then there are diamonds.

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