Secure Supplies Group
Hydrogen Engine Generator Power Plant Documents High Quality Engine Supplier
1. Typical Projects Reference of Secure Supplies Power Generation Plants
2. Pre-sales Questionnaire for Generators
Pre-sales Questionaire for Generators

Questionaire for Land Diesel Genset
Secure Supplies Land Diesel Generators from 20kw upto 2200kw, mainly driven by engines of Cummins,Perkins and MTU etc.

Questionaire for Marine Diesel Genset
Secure Supplies Power Marine Engine Generators ranging from 40kw to 1600kw, mainly driven by engines of Cummins and Deutz.

Questionnaire for Methane Genset & CHP
Secure Supplies Methane Gas Gensets & CHPs from 20kw to 4500kw, can be driven by engines of Cummins, MAN, MWM, Perkins and CNPC 190 Series.

Questionnaire for biomass engine generation
Secure Supplies Syngas-Biomass Engine Generators from 300kw to 1000kw, mainly driven by engines of low speed 300 series.

Projects Reference of Secure Supplies Diesel & Gas Generation and Power Plant
Typical Reference Projects from 2008 to 2015.
3. E-Catalog of Land-use Diesel Generator Set

50Hz Cummins Diesel Generator
Cummins Diesel Generators (50HZ,1500RPM),Power range from 20kW to 1320kW,engine series of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, 6LT, QSM11, QSZ13, NT855, K19, QSK19, K38, QSK38 and K50 etc.

60Hz Cummins Diesel Generator
Cummins Diesel Engine Gensets (60HZ,1800RPM),Power range from 20kW to 1500kW,engine series of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, 6LT, QSM11, QSZ13, NT855, K19, QSK19, K38, QSK38 and K50

Dual Frequency Cummins Diesel Generator
Cummins Diesel Generation (Dual Frequency 50HZ & 60HZ,Convertible),Power range from 20kW to 1100kW,engine series of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, NT855, K19, QSK19, K38, QSK38 and K50 etc.

MTU Diesel Generator Set
MTU Diesel Engine Generators,Power range from 300kVa to 4000kVa,engine series of 6R1600, 8V1600, 10V1600, 12V1600, 12V2000, 16V2000, 18V2000, 12V4000, 16V4000 and 20V4000 etc.

Perkins Diesel Generator
Perkins Diesel Engine Generator Set,Power range from 10kVa to 2500kVa, engine series of 403, 404, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1506, 2206, 2506, 2806, 4006, 4008, 4012 and 4016 etc.

Lovol Diesel Generator
Lovol Diesel Generators,from 30kVa to 200kVa,engine series of 1003G, 1004G, 1003TG, 1004TG, 1006TG1A, 1006TG2A, 1006TAG, 1106CP6TAG2, 1106CP6TAG3 and 1106CP6TAG4
4. E-Catalog of Marine-use Diesel Generator Set
Secure Supplies E-Catalogue of Marine-use Diesel Generator Set Catalogue from 30kw upto 1600kw

Cummins Marine Main Power Generator
Cummins Marine Diesel Engine Generators,power range from 40kW to 1000kW, engine series of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, 6LT, NT855, K19, K38 and K50.The genset can be certified by CCS or BV.

Deutz Marine Engine Power Generator
Deutz Marine Engine Generator,150kW~1600kW, series of TBD234V6/V8/V12, TBD314V8/V12, TBD316V16, TBD604BL6, TBD620L6/V8/V12/V16. The engines can be certified by CCS,BV,ABS,DNV-GL and LR.

Cummins Marine Emergency Diesel Generator
Cummins Marine Emergency Diesel Engine Generators, power range from 30kW to 500kW, engine series of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, 6LT, NT855, K19 and K38.The genset can be certified by CCS or BV.

MAN B&W HFO-Crude Oil Marine Engines
MAN HFO Marine Engine Generator, 400kW~2000kW, 5L16/24, 6L16/24, 7L16/24, 8L16/24, 9L16/24, 5L21/31, 6L21/31, 7L21/31, 8L21/31 and 9L21/31, certified by CCS,BV,ABS,DNV-GL and LR.
5. E-Catalog of Gas Driven Generator Set
Secure Supplies E-Catalogue of Gas Driven Generator Set from 20kw upto 2200kw

Methane Gas CHP-Cogeneration
Methane Gas CHP-Cogenration, 20kW~2000kW. Fuels: Natural Gas, Biogas, Associated Gas, Coalmine Gas, Sewage Gas, Landfill Gas. Adopted Engines: Cummins, Perkins, MAN, MWM and CNPC 190 Series

CNPC 190 & 300 Series Gas Generators
CNPC 190 & 300 Series Gas Engine Gensets, 200kW~1200kW. Fuels: Methane based gas including Natural Gas and Biogas, driven by engines of 6190, 12V190, G12V190, 16V190, 6300 and 8300 series.

Cummins Natural Gas Generators
Cummins Series Gas Engine Generation & CHPs, 20kW~300kW. Fuels: Natural Gas including PNG, CNG, LNG, APG, Coalbed Gas, driven by engines of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, NT855, K19 and 8300 series.

Cummins Biogas Gas Generator & CHPs
Cummins Series Biogas Engine Generation & CHPs, 20kW~200kW. Fuels: special methane including Digester Gas, MSW Biogas, Landfill Gas, driven by engines of 4BT, 6BT, 6CT, NT855 and K19 Series

Lovol Natural Gas Generators
Lovol Series Natural Gas Engine Generators, from 30kw to 80kW. Fuels: Natural Gas including PNG, CNG, LNG, APG, Coalbed Gas, driven by engines of 1004NG, 1006NG, 1006-G6TAG

Lovol Biogas Engine Generators
Lovol Series Natural Gas Engine Generators, from 30kw to 80kW. Fuels: special gas including Digester biogas, LFG, Sewage Gas, Farm Gas, driven by engines of 1004NG, 1006NG, 1006-G6TAG

Deutz & Steyr Methane Gas Generator
Deutz & Steyr Methane Gas Genset, 50kW~1200kW. Fuels: Natural Gas and Biogas, engine series of TBD226, WD615, WD618, BF6M, BF8M, TBG620V6, TBG620V8, TBG620V12 and TBG620V16

Deutz Natural Gas Engine Generator
Lovol Series Natural Gas Generators, from 150kw to 300kW. Fuels: Natural Gas including PNG, CNG, LNG, APG, Coalbed Gas, Coalmine Gas, driven by engines of BF6M1015 and BF8M1015 series

MAN Methane Gas Generators & CHPs
MAN Series Gas Engine Gensets & CHPs & Cogeneration, 50kW~560kW. Fuels: Methane based gas including Natural Gas and Biogas, driven by engines of 0834, 0836, 2876, 2848, 2842 and 3262 series.

CAT-MWM Methane Gas Generators & CHPs
CAT-MWM Series Gas Engines & CHPs & Cogeneration, 400kW~4500kW. Fuels: Methane based Natural Gas and Biogas, driven by engines of TCG2016/CG132, TCG2020/CG170 and TCG2032/CG260 Series

CAT-Perkins Methane Gas Generators & CHPs
Perkins Series Gas Engines & CHPs, 300kW~1000kW. Fuels: Natural Gas and Biogas, driven by engines of 4006-23TRS1, 4006-23TRS2, 4008-30TRS1, 4008-30TRS2, 4016-61TRS1 and 4016-61TRS2

Syngas-Biomass Engines Generators
Syngas-Biomass Engine Generator, from 200kw to 1000kw. Fuels: Syngas, Biomass, Woodgas, Straw Gas, Coking Gas, Coal Gas, driven by engines of 6190, 12V190, 6300, 8300 and 9300 Series

1MW Containerized Power Unit (4×250kW)
1000kW Containerized Power Unit, 4×250kw engines working in parallel, specially designed for peak load operation in drilling rigs of oilfields and Gas fields.
6. User Books/Manuals

User Book for Secure Supplies Diesel Generators (for land applications)
User Book for Secure Supplies Land Use Diesel Generators

User Book for Secure Supplies Marine Diesel Generators
Diesel Generators for Marine Applications

User Book of Monitor and Control Panel of Cummins Marine Engines
Secure Supplies MFKC200-AG Monitor and Control Panel of Cummins Marine Engines

User Book for Secure Supplies Methane Gas Generators Gas Power Generators (Natural Gas, Biogas, LPG etc.)

User Book for Secure Supplies Syngas-Biomass Engine Generator

Maintenance Guide for Secure Supplies Diesel Generators Maintenance is the key to long term reliable performance

Maintenance Instruction of Gas Engine-Secure Supplies
Maintenance Instruction of Gas Engine-Secure Supplies

Training Manual Document for Secure Supplies Gas Engine Generators
On-site Training Manual for Secure SuppliesGas Engine Generating Set

User Manual for Basic Controller Deepsea DSE501K
User Manual for Basic Controller Deepsea DSE501K(Key Start,with four protections)

User Manual for Automatic Controller Smartgen 6110/6120
Smartgen 6110/6120(Fully Automatic,Main Failure,LCD Display)

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE5510
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE5510(for Synchronizing Parallel)

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE5110
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE5110 (Engine Control Module)

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE7210/7220
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE7210/7220

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE7310/7320-ATS
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE7310/7320-ATS

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE6020-Auto Module
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE6020-Auto Module

User Manual for Automatic Controller ComAp IG-NT-Synchronization Parallel Control
Controller-ComAp Intelligen IG-NT Synchronization Parallel Controller(Parallelling Gensets and Synchronizer with Main Grid)

User Manual for Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE710/720
Automatic Controller Deepsea DSE710/720(can be installed with ATS)

User Manual for Controller Deepsea DSE8610 Parallel Control
Controller Deepsea DSE8610 Parallel Control-Synchronization Parallel Control

User Manual for Controller Deepsea DSE8620 Synchronization Control

User Manual for Controller Deepsea ComAp Intelilite AMF20-25
Secure Supplies Automatic Mains Failure Control Module ComAp Intelilite AMF20~25

User Manual for Coates Rotary Valve Engines
Secure Supplies Manual Rotary Valve Engines
7. Warranty Documents

Maintenance is one key to reliablity
maintenance is one key to reliablity

Warranty Policy for Secure Supplies Land Diesel Generators Warranty Policy Details

Warranty Policy for Secure Supplies CNPC Gas Generators

Warranty Policy for Secure Supplies MAN and MWM Gas Generators

Warranty Policy for Secure Supplies Syngas-Biomass Engines

Warranty for Coates Rotary Valve Engines
Secure Supplies Warranty Rotary Valve Engines