Secure Supplies Group

Secure Supplies Group is a company that specializes in energy storage and green hydrogen production. The company was founded in 2004 Hong Kong by Daniel Donatelli.
Than Moved to Dubai .
Secure Supplies Group is headquartered in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, but it has offices and operations around the world.
The company's primary product is a proprietary system that uses hydrogen to store and deliver energy. This system is designed to be used in conjunction with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. The system can also be used to provide backup power for critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and data centers.
Secure Supplies Group has a strong track record of success. The company has installed its systems in over 20 countries and has helped its customers save millions of dollars on their energy bills. The company is also a leader in the development of green hydrogen technology. Secure Supplies Group is committed to providing its customers with the most innovative and efficient energy storage solutions available.
Here are some of the company's key achievements:
Established the world's first MW class energy storage system that creates new ROI from new gas products for under $5 million USD.
Developed a proprietary system to make and store hydrogen to run green fueled power plants.
Installed its systems in over 20 countries and helped its customers save millions of dollars on their energy bills.
Is a leader in the development of green hydrogen technology.
Secure Supplies Group is a company that is committed to providing its customers with the most innovative and efficient energy storage solutions available.
The company has a strong track record of success and is a leader in the development of green hydrogen technology.
Secure Supplies works with partners under a consortium agreement or a custom contract.
While a consortium agreement allows for cost and risk sharing, some Fuel, Energy and battery needs are so specialized or the end result so exclusive that a custom contract is appropriate.
There are benefits to both arrangements:
Opportunities for license arrangements
Limited industry-specific exclusive
Limited industry-wide exclusive
First-to-market advantage
Specialized designs
Opportunity to purchase rights to select IP
Prototype batteries available for your use
For a custom contract for more specialized designs or packaging, exclusive access, and IP transfer, contact us.
Benefits of a Secure Supplies Consortium:
Industry-advantaged access to leading Energy Production and solid-state battery technology
Shared R&D cost model
Shared risk model
Prototype Fuels, Energies and Gas/Heat Electric batteries available for your use.
High-Temperature Battery Consortium (e.g. Energy Storage , Oil & Gas, Industrial Process Equipment)
Performs at temperatures up to 150°C
No risk of fire/explosion (no liquid/gel electrolytes)
Withstands harsh environments
Survives high and low voltages
Customizable shape/dimensions
Can be formed with curvature
Low self-discharge
Rechargeable via inductive charging
Small form factor possible
Exceed industry-standard volumetric energy density

Our Mission = Fuel Healthy Communities
Secure Supply USA is committed to being a trusted and valued Energy Storage partner providing unswerving, unwavering high quality and reliable power to gas engineered solutions to our clients with in
the United States and Quebec.
Our Vision
Secure Supply USA is an industry leader in designing and developing engineered solutions for our clients.
This sanctions the progress of developing world-class products for the market. Our passion for continuous improvement across the group and warrants the execution of every task with personal and corporate integrity, environmental responsibility and zero emissions.
Our Core Principles and Values
Our dedicated staff at Secure Supply USA are guided by our core principles and values.
We pledge to:
Be loyal to the business and the green hydrogen and renewable power & gas products we represent
Be honest with ourselves and within all business activities
Be transparent in our work ethics
Ensure that the quality of all products and service is maintained and we, at all times, strive for improvement
Apply our experience, ingenuity, and intelligence to create sustainable solutions for the growing market.
Recognize that our clients have trusted us with their assets.
Be a positive asset to the environment.
Create a culture of continuous improvement.
Deliver effective, robust solutions that suit and serve our clients’ needs and values.

Our Company History
Secure Supplies Group started as Secure Supplies Hong Kong in 2004 by founder Daniel Donatelli , focused on trading chemical prills of ammonia and N46 nitrogen based chemicals. After succeeding in developing and further discovering several new technologies for gas blending and handling to adjust burn rates. Daniel joined with Teams in the USA, to start promoting the unique hydrogen energy storage equipment and engine fueling technologies. Daniel provided and designed a end to end prime power Mw class energy storage solution. A solution which provides utility grade grid power secure back up. The design uses state of the art, Nasa specification technologies which by design are extremely reliant and have several redundancy back ups built in.
This allowed Daniel to release proprietary fueling technologies to USA made H2 engines builders and precision machine shops to over alot of the traditional losses in ice engines when run on lean fuels. The group than started investing in jv with USA made electrolyzer manufacturers , joined with USA made gas engineering ,USA made Carbon Fibre Tanks and other USA engineering partners. The Secure Supplies team able to further produce the worlds best End to End MW Class Prime Power Energy storage system.
A World Class Solution which includes green hydrogen fueled generators or water pumps either onsite or as regional peaker plants. Proudly all American made 5 MW to 40 MW. The focus is turning spinning reserve to a New ROI stream and Over coming stranded power and congested grids whilst securing the renewables to scale up to over 45% levels of grid power provision securely and safely using carbon free green h2 fueled engines in replace of diesels or gas turbines as the security blanket for the community renewable power farms.
To embrace a wider scope of global benefit and use of our green products to suit the global renewable market place. Secure Supplies Group formed in partnership the new franchises of Secure Supplies Mexico , Secure Supply Energy Storage India, Secure Supplies RSA ( South Africa) Secure Supplies Europe and Secure Supplies Asean (SE Asia).
Secure Supplies Group has moved to enter the Fuel Cell Gas Supply (Green Hydrogen Gas) supply markets, along with the industrial Oxygen and Nitrogen supply markets.
Opening our gas distribution business in multiple markets in 2017.
This was achieved by further partnering with a leading medical grade gas equipment manufacturer in Italy to manufacture and supply gaseous and liquid Oxygen Nitrogen and Hydrogen to distribute to our industrial client bases and retailers in each country.
Company growth in developing energy storage projects and growing the repeat business both on h2 fueled power plant engines and industrial gas distribution has allowed the group to expand the global presence steadily and will continue firmly into the future.
Whilst the team constantly improves the hydrogen driven products side of the business, further developments in gas blending Daniel has pioneered are allowing us to grow into gas handling opportunities with a focus on green hydrogen gas and green multi gas power generation plant provision for remote power sites, mining, ports, water treatment plants and power security critical ,commercial power generation applications.
The teams vision of renewable energy for conservation and efficiency & profitability is leading the group to train communities in “gas handling” focused divisions under the banner of Secure Supplies Group and within each country's franchise brand and team names. Such as "Secure Supply USA "," Secure Supply India ", "Secure Supplies RSA" ,"Secure Supplies Europe",Secure Supplies Mexico" and "Secure Supplies Asean" each is partnering with local communities , universities , governments and private sector to open and secure the green gas and power path ways .
Growing requests for power and gas equipment rental is on the rise and consequently the rental , leasing division of the group company is being planned and formed in each case to handle engine rental and tank rentals to facilitate support for clients to switch to green gas use faster at their facilities.
As the group of businesses continues to develop, a need for a larger premises in several countries is required.
In early 2017, a move to open in India under Secure Supply Energy Storage India was completed allowing a strong expansion of team skills and ability to "Make in India" under the Secure Supplies Brand.
14,000m2 of manufacturing and warehouse is being reviewed in New Delhi and Gujarat to allow all franchise companies to assemble for our multinational producers under one roof.
'With all divisions expanding to a global market foot print and working closer together."
A Decision to establish Secure Supplies Dubai was completed in mid 2017. This enables Secure Supplies group to consolidate all businesses under the one name for seamless multi country investment , growth and integrated service and delivery expansion globally to one standard.'
Secure Supplies Group & Secure Supply USA continue to support the industries ,we serve by leading a focused and dedicated team of experienced engineers , leading vendor partners and professional project managers, fitters, commissioning and service operation technicians.
Looking for more? Find out more about our leadership team here at Secure Supplies Group.
Product Groups
Note for the list below of Dealers
Locked means Exclusive Dealer has been established for that area.
Open means area open for discussion for companies to aquire a exclusive dealership to reprsent Secure Supplies. Secure Supplies Handles currently from Head office.
It is possible to contact us for a specific City or State Area even if it is Locked. Provided you have a good business case. Expect to Pay US$18,000 upwards Per Area you get approved for exclusive control of.
Dubai & GCC Locked
Russia Locked
USA Locked
Netherlands Locked
Thailand Locked
Cambodia Locked
Uganda Locked
Tanzania Locked
Zimbabwe Locked
Rwanda Locked
Malwai Locked
DRC Democratic Republic Congo Locked
Egypt Open
El Salvador Open
Equatorial Guinea Open
Eritrea Open
Estonia Open
Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland") Open
Ethiopia Open
Fiji Open
Holy See Open
Honduras Open
Japan Open
Kazakhstan Open
Kuwait Open
Lesotho Open
Lithuania Open
Maldives Open
Mauritania Open
Montenegro Open
Myanmar (formerly Burma) Open
Norway Open
Oman Open
Pakistan Open
Poland Open
Romania Open
Saint Lucia Open
Saudi Arabia Open
Sierra Leone Open
Singapore Open
South Korea Open
Sudan Open
Switzerland Open
Timor-Leste Open
Tunisia Open
Uganda Open
United States of America Open
Zambia Open
Panama Locked
Cost Rica Open
Brazil Open
England Open
Germany Open
Poland Open
Russia Locked
Laos Locked
Indonesia Open
Philipines Open
Vietnam Open
Croatia Open
Cuba Open
Cyprus Open
Czechia (Czech Republic) Open
Denmark Open
Djibouti Open
Dominica Open
Dominican Republic Open
Finland Open
France Open
Hungary Open
Iceland Open
Iran Open
Kyrgyzstan Open
Liberia Open
Luxembourg Open
Mali Open
Mexico Open
Namibia Open
Nauru Open
Nepal Open
Palau Open
Paraguay Open
Portugal Open
Russia Open
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Open
Senegal Open
Slovakia Open
South Sudan Open
Suriname Open
Syria Open
Togo Open
Turkey Open
Ukraine Open
Uruguay Open
Venezuela Open
Italy Open
Afghanistan Open
Albania Open
Algeria Open
Andorra Open
Angola Open
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Locked
Armenia Open
Australia Open
Austria Open
Azerbaijan Open
Cameroon Open
Canada Locked Open
Central African Republic Open
Chad Open
Chile Open
Colombia Open
Comoros Open
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Ecuador Open
Gabon Open
Gambia Open
Georgia Open
Ghana Open
Iraq Open
Ireland Open
Jamaica Open
Latvia Open
Libya Open
Madagascar open
Malta Open
Micronesia Open
Morocco Open
New Zealand Open
Nicaragua Open
Palestine State Open
Papua New Guinea Open
Peru Open
Philippines Open
Rwanda Open
Samoa Open
San Marino Open
Serbia Open
Slovenia Open
Solomon Islands Open
Somalia Open
Tajikistan Open
Tonga Open
Turkmenistan Open
United Arab Emirates Open
Uzbekistan Open
Vietnam Open
Yemen Open
Bahamas Open
Bahrain Open
Bangladesh Open
Barbados Open
Belarus Open
Belgium Open
Belize Open
Benin Open
Bhutan Open
Bolivia Open
Bosnia Open
Herzegovina Open
Botswana Open
Brunei Open
Bulgaria Open
Burkina Faso Open
Burundi Open
Côte d'Ivoire Open
Cabo Verde Open
Greece Open
Grenada Open
Guatemala Open
Guinea Open
Guinea-Bissau Open
Guyana Open
Haiti Open
Jordan Open
Kiribati Open
Lebanon Open
Liechtenstein Open
Malawi Open
Marshall Islands Open
Moldova Open
Mongolia Open
Mozambique Open
Niger Open
Nigeria Open
North Korea Open
North Macedonia Open
Qatar Open
Saint Kitts and Nevis Open
Sao Tome and Principe Open
Seychelles Open
Sri Lanka Open
Sweden Open
Tanzania Open
Trinidad and Tobago Open
Tuvalu Open
United Kingdom Open
Vanuatu Open

Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA Des
Kansas KS
Kentucky[D] KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Maryland MD
Massachusetts[D] MA
Michigan MI
MN Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Ohio OH
Oklahoma OK
Pennsylvania[D] PA
Rhode Island RI
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia[D] VA
Washington WA LANCE
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
American Samoa AS
Guam GU
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Puerto Rico PR
U.S. Virgin Islands
Acoma Pueblo
Agua Caliente Indian Reservation
Alabama-Coushatta Reservation
Allegany Reservation
Alturas Indian Rancheria
Annette Island Reserve
Aroostook Band of Micmac Trust Land
Auburn Rancheria
Augustine Reservation
Bad River Reservation
Barona Reservation
Battle Mountain Reservation
Bay Mills Reservation
Benton Paiute Reservation
Berry Creek Rancheria
Big Bend Rancheria
Big Cypress Reservation
Big Lagoon Rancheria
Big Pine Reservation
Big Sandy Rancheria
Big Valley Rancheria
Bishop Reservation
Blackfeet Indian Reservation
Blue Lake Rancheria
Bois Forte Reservation
Bridgeport Reservation
Brighton Reservation
Buena Vista Rancheria Trust Land
Burns Paiute Indian Colony
Cabazon Reservation
Cahuilla Reservation
Campbell Ranch
Campo Indian Reservation
Capitan Grande Reservation
Carson Colony
Catawba Reservation
Cattaraugus Reservation
Cedarville Rancheria
Celilo Village
Chehalis Reservation
Chemehuevi Reservation
Cheyenne River Reservation
Chicken Ranch Rancheria
Chico Rancheria Trust Land[5]
Chitimacha Reservation
Cloverdale Rancheria Trust Land
Coconut Creek Trust Land
Cocopah Reservation
Coeur d'Alene Reservation
Cold Springs Rancheria
Colorado River Indian Reservation
Colusa Rancheria
Colville Reservation
Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Reservation
Coquille Reservation
Cortina Indian Rancheria
Coushatta Reservation
Cow Creek Reservation
Cowlitz Reservation
Coyote Valley Reservation
Crow Creek Reservation
Crow Reservation
Dresslerville Colony
Dry Creek Rancheria
Duck Valley Reservation
Duckwater Reservation
Eastern Cherokee Reservation
Elk Valley Rancheria
Elko Colony
Ely Reservation
Enterprise Rancheria
Ewiiaapaayp Reservation
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Colony
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Reservation
Flandreau Reservation
Flathead Reservation
Fond du Lac Reservation
Forest County Potawatomi Community
Fort Apache Reservation
Fort Belknap Reservation
Fort Berthold Reservation
Fort Bidwell Reservation
Fort Hall Reservation
Fort Independence Reservation
Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Reservation
Fort Mojave Reservation Arizona, California
Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Fort Pierce Reservation Florida
Fort Sill Apache Indian Reservation
Fort Yuma Indian Reservation
Gila River Indian Reservation
Goshute Reservation
Grand Portage Reservation
Grand Ronde Community
Grand Traverse Reservation
Graton Rancheria Trust Land
Greenville Rancheria
Grindstone Indian Rancheria
Guidiville Rancheria
Hannahville Indian Community
Havasupai Reservation
Ho-Chunk Nation Reservation
Hoh Indian Reservation
Hollywood Reservation
Hoopa Valley Reservation
Hopi Reservation
Hopland Rancheria
Houlton Maliseet Reservation
Hualapai Indian Reservation
Huron Potawatomi Reservation
Immokalee Reservation
Inaja and Cosmit Reservation
Indian Township Reservation
Iowa Reservation
Isabella Reservation
Isleta Pueblo
Jackson Rancheria
Jamestown S'Klallam Reservation
Jamul Indian Village
Jemez Pueblo
Jena Band of Choctaw Reservation
Jicarilla Apache Nation Reservation
Kaibab Indian Reservation
Kalispel Reservation
Karuk Reservation
Kickapoo Reservation
Kickapoo Reservation/Sac and Fox Nation Trust Land joint-use area
Kickapoo Reservation
Klamath Reservation
Kootenai Reservation
La Jolla Reservation
La Posta Indian Reservation
Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation
Lac du Flambeau Reservation
Lac Vieux Desert Reservation
Laguna Pueblo
Lake Traverse Reservation
L'Anse Reservation
Las Vegas Indian Colony
Laytonville Rancheria
Leech Lake Reservation
Likely Rancheria
Little River Reservation
Little Traverse Bay Reservation
Lone Pine Reservation
Lookout Rancheria
Los Coyotes Reservation
Lovelock Indian Colony
Lower Brule Reservation
Lower Elwha Reservation
Lower Sioux Indian Community
Tuolumne Rancheria
Turtle Mountain Reservation
Tuscarora Nation Reservation
Twenty-Nine Palms Reservation
Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Umatilla Reservation
Upper Lake Rancheria
Upper Sioux Community
Upper Skagit Reservation
- Lummi Reservation
Lytton Rancheria
Makah Indian Reservation
Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria
Manzanita Reservation
Maricopa Ak Chin Indian Reservation
Mashantucket Pequot Reservation
Mashpee Wampanoag Reservation
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Reservation
Mattaponi Reservation
Menominee Reservation
Mesa Grande Reservation
Mescalero Reservation
Miccosukee Reservation
Middletown Rancheria
Mille Lacs Reservation
Minnesota Chippewa Trust Land
Mississippi Choctaw Reservation
Moapa River Indian Reservation
Mohegan Reservation
Montgomery Creek Rancheria
Mooretown Rancheria
Morongo Reservation
Muckleshoot Reservation
Nambe Pueblo
Narragansett Reservation
Navajo Nation
Nez Perce Reservation
Nisqually Reservation
Nooksack Reservation
North Fork Rancheria
Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation
Northwestern Shoshone Reservation
Ohkay Owingeh
Oil Springs Reservation
Omaha Reservation Iowa
Oneida Reservation
Oneida Nation Reservation
Onondaga Nation Reservation
Ontonagon Reservation
Osage Reservation
Paiute Reservation
Pala Reservation
Pamunkey Reservation
Pascua Pueblo Yaqui Reservation
Paskenta Rancheria
Passamaquoddy Trust Land
Pauma and Yuima Reservation
Pechanga Reservation
Penobscot Reservation
Picayune Rancheria
Picuris Pueblo
White Earth Reservation
Wilton Rancheria Trust Land
Wind River Reservation
Winnebago Reservation
Winnemucca Indian Colony
Woodfords Community
XL Ranch Rancheria -
Yakama Nation Reservation
Pine Ridge Reservation
Pinoleville Rancheria
Pit River Trust Land
Pleasant Point Reservation
Poarch Creek Reservation
Pokagon Reservation
Ponca Trust Land
Port Gamble Reservation
Port Madison Reservation
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation Reservation
Prairie Island Indian Community
Pueblo de Cochiti
Pueblo of Pojoaque
Puyallup Reservation
Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation
Quartz Valley Reservation
Quileute Reservation
Quinault Reservation
Ramona Village
Red Cliff Reservation
Red Lake Reservation
Redding Rancheria
Redwood Valley Rancheria
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
Resighini Rancheria
Rincon Reservation
Roaring Creek Rancheria
Robinson Rancheria
Rocky Boy's Reservation
Rohnerville Rancheria
Rosebud Indian Reservation
Round Valley Reservation
Rumsey Indian Rancheria
Sac and Fox Nation Reservation
Sac and Fox/Meskwaki Settlement
Salt River Reservation
San Carlos Reservation
San Felipe Pueblo
San Felipe Pueblo/Santa Ana Pueblo joint-use area
San Felipe Pueblo/Santo Domingo Pueblo joint-use area
San Ildefonso Pueblo
San Manuel Reservation
San Pasqual Reservation
Sandia Pueblo
Santa Ana Pueblo
Santa Clara Pueblo
Santa Rosa Rancheria
Santa Rosa Reservation
Santa Ynez Reservation
Ute Mountain Reservation
Viejas Reservation
Walker River Reservation
Trust Land
Warm Springs Reservation
Washoe Ranches Trust Land
Wells Colony
Santa Ysabel Reservation
Santee Reservation
Santo Domingo Pueblo
Sauk-Suiattle Reservation
Sault Ste. Marie Reservation
Seminole Trust Land
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Sherwood Valley Rancheria
Shingle Springs Rancheria
Shinnecock Reservation
Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation
Siletz Reservation
Skokomish Reservation
Skull Valley Reservation
Smith River Rancheria
Snoqualmie Reservation
Soboba Reservation
Sokaogon Chippewa Community
South Fork Reservation
Southern Ute Reservation
Spirit Lake Reservation
Spokane Reservation
Squaxin Island Reservation
St. Croix Reservation
St. Regis Mohawk Reservation
Standing Rock Reservation
Stewart Community Nevada
Stewarts Point Rancheria
Stillaguamish Reservation
Stockbridge Munsee Community
Sulphur Bank Rancheria
Summit Lake Reservation Nevada
Susanville Indian Rancheria
Swinomish Reservation
Sycuan Reservation
Table Bluff Reservation
Table Mountain Rancheria
Tampa Reservation
Taos Pueblo New
Tesuque Pueblo
Timbi-Sha Shoshone Reservation
Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation
Tonawanda Reservation
Tonto Apache Reservation
Torres-Martinez Reservation
Trinidad Rancheria
Tulalip Reservation
Tule River Reservation
Tunica-Biloxi Reservation
Yankton Reservation
Yavapai-Apache Nation Reservation
Yavapai-Prescott Reservation
Yerington Colony
Yomba Reservation
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Yurok Reservation
Zia Pueblo
Zuni Reservation

Djibouti Eastern Africa
Seychelles Eastern Africa
DR Congo Middle Africa
Comoros Eastern Africa
Togo Western Africa
Sierra Leone Western Africa
Libya Northern Africa
Tanzania Eastern Africa
South Africa Southern Africa
Cabo Verde Western Africa
Congo Middle Africa
Botswana Southern Africa
Gabon Middle Africa
Sao Tome & Principe Middle Africa
Lesotho Southern Africa
Burkina Faso Western Africa
Nigeria Western Africa
Mali Western Africa
Guinea-Bissau Western Africa
Malawi Eastern Africa
Zambia Eastern Africa
Senegal Western Africa
Chad Middle Africa
Somalia Eastern Africa
Zimbabwe Eastern Africa
Equatorial Guinea Middle Africa
Guinea Western Africa
Rwanda Eastern Africa
Mauritius Eastern Africa
Benin Western Africa
Burundi Eastern Africa
Tunisia Northern Africa
Eswatini Southern Africa
Ethiopia Eastern Africa
South Sudan Eastern Africa
Egypt Northern Africa
Djibouti Eastern Africa
Seychelles Eastern Africa
DR Congo Middle Africa
Comoros Eastern Africa
Togo Western Africa
Sierra Leone Western Africa
Libya Northern Africa
Tanzania Eastern Africa
Cabo Verde Western Africa
Congo Middle Africa
Kenya Eastern Africa
Liberia Western Africa
Central African Republic Middle Africa
Mauritania Western Africa
Uganda Eastern Africa
Algeria Northern Africa
Sudan Northern Africa
Morocco Northern Africa
Eritrea Eastern Africa
Angola Middle Africa
Mozambique Eastern Africa
Ghana Western Africa
Madagascar Eastern Africa
Cameroon Middle Africa
Côte d'Ivoire Western Africa
Namibia Southern Africa
Niger Western Africa
Gambia Western Africa
Saint Helena U.K.
Western Sahara (disputed)
Mayotte France
Réunion France