Bitcoin Bitmain Mining Antminer Power Systems
Secure Supplies Group

Bitcoin Bitmain Mining Antminer Power Systems
Magnification Electric Motors Dc to Ac

Antminer Guide
1 KW in 10 KW Out
1.5 KW in 15 KW Out
2 KW in 20 KW Out
3 KW in 30 KW Out
5 KW in 50 KW Out
4x 5KW in = 200 KW out
Off Grid
50 Kw Genset Running on H2
50 KW = 400 to 500 Kw
Basically a 90% Saving on Power
Support The Technologies
Replace all old Motors in Industry.
Antminer Bitmain Bitcoin Miner Crypto Power Systems
Secure Supplies

Frequencies that work.
Magnification Electric Motors are a Power Magnification and Frequency Driven Electric Motor which turns a Tradional Alternator to make boosted power for less input.,
Offering our State of the Art Voltage Driven Low Amp Motors and Power Magnification Solutions with exceptional customer service to Bitmain, Antminer Bitcoin Miners.from the comfort of their operations.
We’re a business made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to constantly update and improve the technologies we represent.
Secure Supplies has become synonymous with quality, and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise that fit any budget.