Secure Supplies Group
Daniel Donatelli Secure Supplies, over a Period of 30 years has presevered funded and advanced
some of the most cutting edge and advanced engines in the world.
Here we show some indights to these engines and the ISO Certified Projects.
Super Charged Rotary Valve Rotary Pulse JET Engine

How the pulse jet engine works
A pulse jet engine produces a very high thrust at a "statical point" as well, meaning that this engine is able to produce very high power immediately, at low rpm too, and the torque increases anyway proportionally to the number of engine revolution. The expansion nozzle of which we have spoken is practically comparable to the nozzle installed on the missiles (in this case it is installed on the outer rotor).
Withdrawing of the torque .
The two rotors are synchronized by gears that make them integral (Picture 9 and 10). The total resultant torque is obtained by adding up the three levels just described, which will be withdrawn on the axle of the inner rotor. Almost all the energy generated by the combustion is turned into mechanical energy.

This is the maximum attainable power to the engine axle when such engine is installed in a fixed position on the ground on an immobile plinth. If the engine is assembled on a car, it actually generates a fourth level of "thrust". This power is directly applied on the car and not at the axle.
Thrust generation
When this engine is assembled in a car, a fourth level of “power” or “work” will be developed. This thrust is given by the exhaust gas deviation undergoing in the case, after having left the expansion nozzle.
The exhaust gas, endowed with appreciable residual speed, initially leaves the expansion nozzle when it is approximately in a horizontal position, but the expulsion continues until the chamber reaches the dead top centre, hence with the nozzle in vertical position or over. Part of the exhaust gas flows on a curved surface inside the case to be re-directed to the exhaust pipe (Picture 18), this changes from a vertical direction to a horizontal one, with opposite motion compared to the car direction. Part of the exhaust gas acts on such curved surface as the wind acts on a sail. The resultant "thrust" is applied therefore directly to the case and so directly to the car, as the engine is integral with the car.
The expansion and the deceleration of the exhaust gas into the expansion nozzle first, then in the duct to the muffler after, will dampen the noise levelling out deeply the pressure waves inside the exhaust pipe, big mufflers are not needed therefore. This will allow the exhaust gas no to generate or meet big turbulences while it runs into the exhaust pipe.
For the reasons above, and in order to reduce to a minimum the turbulences and the back pressure in the exhaust pipe, the muffler is different compared to the usual muffler. Into the normal muffler are installed several filters made by nets and by perforated walls, these create turbulences, messy flows, chaotic, with consequent harmful back pressure to the goals of the efficiency. Into the muffler adopted for this engine there is one, or may be two, bundles of pipes separated by a small empty space between them. The bundles are made by small pipes (7 to 8 mm diameter) disposed longitudinally into the muffler, and the small pipes into the bundle go with helical course more and more accented from the centre (that is straight) to the peripheral.
In this way the central pipe has a length equal to the length of the bundle, while the most external ones have a greater length. The pressure wave (noise of the detonation) generated when the exhaust valve opens, followed by a depression one when that valve closes, enter the tubes in sequence but each at the same time. While the waves run inside the pipes they travel different distances, shorter in the nearest to the central one, and longer in the more peripheral. This path difference causes a phase shift to the end of the bundle. Each pressure wave will meet a depression one, and will annihilate each other. The two bundles, separated by an empty space, reduce the noise to few decibels, and also with very low turbulence and very low counterpressure.
Due to the engine position, and due to the rotors mass and due to the rotation movement, the car driving is safer. The rotors behave like a fly wheel, applying stabilizing forces on the car structure when the car turns left or right (Picture 24). When the car turns, the centrifugal forces applied on the car barycentre loads usually the car weight on the external wheels, causing it at times to leave the road. The thrust generated by the fly wheel effect acts vertically on the car body, and thus keeps the car lined up with the ground.
It is as if the car barycentre position becomes dynamic. When the car runs straight there in no action, when instead the car turns, thank to the fly wheel effect, the barycentre moves downward, allowing a more safe driving.
The new 2021 Engines with New Metal and 3D Silicon Carbide and Carbon Technologies
Hydrogen and Ammonia Fueled.
Not For Sale only
used only in Secure Supplies owned Projects Via Hydrogen Development Fund.

Bourke Engine

With sealed crank case and solid state valves. Secure Supplies has Put engine into mass production at our
Secure Supplies China facility. The new 2021 Engines with New Metal and 3D Silicon Carbide and Carbon Technologies Not For Sale H2 Ammonia Fueled
only used in Secure Supplies owned Projects Via Hydrogen Development Fund.
Auto Balance Camshaft Engine
Not For Sale Yet Expect a 4 Cylinder 5 ltr High RPM Electronic Valve Out board Engine 2025 Hydrogen / Ammonia Fueled

Stacked Flat
Plane Rotary
Hydrogen / Ammonia Fueled

ENGINE is not only much more powerful than existing STANDARD ROTARY technology, but it is also much more efficient and more suited to Hydrogen or Ammonia Fuels. The rotary mechanism is very efficient because it has very little friction and fluid pumping losses. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, the Engine has the ability to use only the amount of fuel necessary for the power required at any instant (called “skip fire” technology). This means that it will use much less fuel than other technologies and have far fewer emissions. Dramatically less fuel and emissions will make a green difference in every application and help to make the world a better place. An efficient engine in an electric power plant using natural gas as a fuel or an ultra-efficient engine in an intercontinental aircraft, the fuel efficiency, and low emissions will conserve fuel and help the planet breathe easier.