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8XA Stanley Meyer

Hydogen Hot Rod
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Stanley A Meyer 8XA Alternator

Th 8XA PWM Cicuit is what Stanley Invented after trying the 10XA Variac /alternator only version , The 8XA has a seperate voltage control board calleed the 9XD. 

The 8XA is Very Close to the same as the 9XB which has the 9XD on the same board as the 8XA+9XD.


Latter with the 9XA and VIC the Voltage Board was seperated again to give more controls and easy maintenance.

We have seperated each page for the 8XA and 9XB ,they do cross over a little we are tuning the pages slowly, enjoy your study.

Stanley A Meyer 8xa hho Cell hydrogen

8XA Basics

Stanley A Meyer EBasic Gated Mains 8XA

Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit has one serious drawback

- if the network frequency (110 Volts / 60 Hz) will change,

"Step Charge" settings are also  changing.

As you know, the network frequency will vary!


For High Efficient Electrolysis, Stan Meyer use three basic principle:


1. "Beat Frequencies" for creating "Step charge effect"

2. "Gated signal" for Decreasing current leak, but keep voltage between the Cell electrodes !!!!!

3. Two or more serial connected Water Fuel Cells - "Еxcitor Array" for Decreasing current leak.


If you use 25.1 Hz, effects is produced both !

(Supply frequency 50 Hz / 220 Volts, after 4-diode rectifier 100 Hz)


Stan Meyer's Patent 4.798.661:

The pulsed d.c. voltage, the duty cycle pulses, the resistor from negative to ground, the serial connections of the exciters, and the plate resistor in series with a variable resistor between the negative plate and ground, is a sequence of circuits that conteract the electron leakage with increased voltage.


Similarly, the same sequence individually and in combination are equally applicable with respect to the variation of plate spacing to vary the rate of generation of the gasses but yet, to restrict electron leakage.


The voltage levels from 0 volts upward will be dependent on the physical parameters of the apparatus. In one typical structure of the apparatus the voltage was varied from zero (0) volts to 45 volts.


In a smaller structure, the voltage levels of FIG. 8 were utilized.

Stanley A Meyer EBasic Gated Mains 8XA
Stanley A Meyer EBasic Gated Mains 8XA

High Voltage, Low Current - Water Conductivity


•30 Jul 2016


8XA-Car Alternator.JPG

 heating estimate for 8Xa and Variable Plate Cell


not using gate

Calculate Water volume (4 in inside diameter)
4”dia, plate height plus 4” water over plates
V=PI()* radius^2*height = 201 cu in

Calculate plate volume (1/4 in plate backer)
V=3*12*(1/4)*2 = 18 cu in

Water volume = total volume – plate volume
Water volume = 201 – 18 = 183 cu in

Calculate lbs of water
1 gal water = 231 cu in, and 1 gal water = 8.35 lbs
Water volume = 183 / 231 = .79 gals
Water weight = .79 * 8.35 = 6.6 lbs of water in container

Calculate how much power goes toward heating the water in the container
Total input power 80V@ 4A = 320W
48700cc/hr  =  48.7L/hr = 0.8117L/min
Watts to make gas  = .8117(L/min) * 140 (W/L/min) = 113.6W
Calculate watts to heat water = Total input power – power to make gas
Watts to heat water = 320 – 113.6 = 206.4W

Calculate water temperature rise in 20 minute run
206.4W = 11.748BTU/min
BTUs in 20min = 11.748 * 20 = 235BTUs
1BTU = raise 1lb water 1degF
Water temperature rise in 20 minutes  =  235 / 6.6 = 35.6degF

If the temperature of the water started at 70degF and ran for 20 minutes then the ending cell temperature should have been at 105.6degF.


TDS&EC Electrical conductivity meter:

Electrical conductivity conversion calculator:


Distilled Water – 2,2 μS/cm Double-Distilled Water – 1,6 μS/cm Forum:


Videos: Stanley Meyer’s Variable Spacing Demo Cell:


Stanley Meyer's Water car - first run:


Stan Meyers Water Powered Buggy – TV Report:


My circuit diagram:


My Home-Made Water Distiller:

Hydogen Hot Rod

EPP Electrical Polarization Process - Bench top Unit

The 8xa is a square wave pulse with a 50% duty cycle, the 120 hz rectified house power is gated with the 8xa.


you will notice there are several ways to run or make the switch to avoid amp draw . mosfet, or solid state or altnerators digital switch or scr.  we show some on this pages based on meyer original works and successful replications by leading builders. NO electrolyte So not electrolysis use double distilled water for most power fuel water fuel making


For more information, look my previous Video:


Tap water, without electrolyte "Non-Regulated"


12 Volts Car Alternator Pulce Frequency to the Cell - 943 Hz "Gate" Frequency -

2 Hz Voltage to the Cell - 148 Volts Car Alternator's RPM - 10000 min-1 My circuit diagram:


Dave Lawton's replication circuit:


Stanley Meyer's 8XA working Circuit diagram:


Stanley Meyer's Patent US4798661A:


"The output voltages from the secondary windings 46 is relatively high and is in the order of two hundred (200) volts".


n this this following video, I was testing a 24V stator and comparing it to the stock 12V stator.

The coils are wound the normal 3 phase "WYE" style. The alternator is also deregulated.


The pulley's are 6" and 2". Motor speed is marked as 1725rpm. Measured frequency to the cell is 3.03Khz. Input frequency to the alternator is 120Hz.


There is no resonance of any kind with this design. Although, the input power is amazingly very low for this much gas

Stanley Meyers 8XA - Amazing Step Charge

Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit has one serious drawback - if network frequency (110 Volts / 60 Hz) is change, "Step Charge" settings too changing.


As you know, the network frequency is vary! Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit without 4-Diode Bridge Rectifier. The circuit work like Stan Meyer's VIC - "Half-wave rectification":


"Gated" Generator is tuned to 51 Hz ! (Supply frequency 50 Hz / 220 Volts) My modifying 8XA circuit with Half-wave rectification and 180 degree control:

 (Zener Diode is added)

Hydogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer 8XA Voltrolysis
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Hydrogen Hot Rod
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Solid State Relay

In this Case we can use dc to dc solid state switch or dc to ac as we conneect to rectifier , heat is a luxury stan didn't have same

Hydrogen Hot Rod

or more information, look my previous Video:


Tap water, without electrolyte
"Non-Regulated" 12 Volts Car Alternator
Pulce Frequency to the Cell - 943 Hz
"Gate" Frequency - 2 Hz
Voltage to the Cell - 148 Volts
Car Alternator's RPM - 10000 min-1

My circuit diagram:

Dave Lawton's replication circuit:

Stanley Meyer's 8XA working Circuit diagram:

Stanley Meyer's Patent US4798661A:
"The output voltages from the secondary windings 46 is relatively high and is in the order of two hundred (200) volts".

Can the Supply voltage variations to Variac effect the out come? YES

Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit has one serious drawback - if network frequency (110 Volts / 60 Hz) is change, "Step Charge" settings too changing. As you know, the network frequency is vary!

For High Efficient Electrolysis, Stan Meyer use three basic principle:
1. "Beat Frequencies" for creating "Step charge effect"
2. "Gated signal" for Decreasing current leak, but keep voltage between the Cell electrodes !!!!!
3. Two or more serial connected Water Fuel Cells - "Еxcitor Array" for Decreasing current leak.

If use 25.1 Hz, effects is produced both !
(Supply frequency 50 Hz / 220 Volts, after 4-diode rectifier 100 Hz)

Stan Meyer's Patent 4.798.661:
The pulsed d.c. voltage, the duty cycle pulses, the resistor from negative to ground, the serial connections of the exciters, and the plate resistor in series with a variable resistor between the negative plate and ground, is a sequence of circuits that conteract the electron leakage with increased voltage. Similarly, the same sequence individually and in combination are equally applicable with respect to the variation of plate spacing to vary the rate of generation of the gasses but yet, to restrict electron leakage.


The voltage levels from 0 volts upward will be dependant on the physical parameters of the apparatus


. In one typical structure of the apparatus the voltage was varied from zero (0) volts to 45 volts.


In a smaller structure, the voltage levels of FIG. 8 were utilized.

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Hydrogen Hot Rod Usa United States

Stanley Meyer's 8XA with Bifilar inductor:


Andrija Puharich circuit diagram with two inductors:


Modifying circuit diagram with MOSFET:


Andrija Puharich Patent US 4,394,230:


How to wind 8XA 


2 15 foot lengths of wirepaper is 1.25 inch wide

7 inch long then

4 wraps of tapeone wrap of 18 ga wire,

13 turns6 wraps of tapeone wrap of wire ,

13 turns6 wraps of tapeone wrap of wire ,

13 turns6 wraps of tapeone wrap of wire,

13 turns2 wraps of tape

Hydrogen Hot Rod
E52 CN Core Stan Meyer Holder  Choke Inductor
E52 CN Core Stan Meyer Holder  Choke Inductor
Hydrogen Hot Rod

Stan Meyer  Stanley HHo H2 8XA   More RPM, Power Gas more Power For more information, look my previous Video:


Tap water, without electrolyte
I use "Non-Regulated" 12 Volts Car Alternator

Pulce Frequency to the Cell - about 650 Hz
"Gate" Frequency - about 2 Hz

Voltage to the Cell - about 90 Volts
Car Alternator RPM - about 5800 min-1


My circuit diagram:


Dave Lawton's replication circuit:


Stanley Meyer's 8XA working Circuit diagram:


Stanley Meyer's Patent US4798661A:

"The output voltages from the secondary windings 46 is relatively high and is in the order of two hundred (200) volts".

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 8XA
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit

Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit has one serious drawback - if network frequency (110 Volts / 60 Hz) is change, "Step Charge" settings too changing. As you know, the network frequency is vary!


Generator is created with LM 566 - VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator)
For prevent overheating resistors,

Ultra High Power SCR is controled by other Low Power SCR - Darlington cirquit


My modifying 8XA circuit:

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Hydrogen Hot Rod
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Hydrogen hot rod
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Hydrogen Hot Rod
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit

the pulser 

555 timer creates a on and off pulse. in this case a square wave 

i use the NE555.........its fast and acurate. 
the resistor and the capacitor set the output frequency. the big potentiometer is a varible resistor. change the resistance and the frequency changes.

555 timer makes a pulse and turn the knob up and down to make it go faster or slower 

decade counting chips devide by 10 so each time you select a chip you are 10 x slower 

7404 chip flips the on and makes it an off.....also splits the signal 

optocoupler....low voltage control of high voltage 


Stanley A Meyer 9XD 9XB
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9XB 8XA
Stanley A Meyer 9XB

note that the clock pulse is not a 50% duty cycle 

the 7490 chip counts the ripple pulse in and shapes it into a perfect 50% duty cycle

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer PWM Circuit
Stanley A Meyer PWM 9XB
Stanley A Meyer 9XB
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit
Hydrogen Hot Rod Usa United States of Am
Stanley A Meyer 9XB PWM Circuit

you have a selector switch 
simply pick wich 7490 output signal you want. 
each time you go down the line of decade counters(7490) you devide by 10. 
10khz becomes on

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit

the selector goes to the 7404 chip 
basically the 7404 just inverts the signal 

it is also useful for splitting the signal into multiple signals

Stanley Meyer 9XB
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit PWM
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer PWM 9XB Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit PWM

the opto coupler 

simply, one side is a LED...or light emiting diode. the other side is a transistor. 

the low voltage side is turned on by the pulsing circuit. then the transistor that is turned on handles the higher voltage on that side. 

there is no electrical interaction between the LED and the transistor. if something happens the high voltage will not short out the low voltage pulser

8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Circuit PWM 9XB
Stanley A Meyer Circuit  PWM 9XB
Stanley A Meyer PWM 9XB Circuit
Hydrogen Hot Rod Usa United States of Am
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer Circuit 9XB PWM
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer PWM 9XB Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9XB Pwm Circuit

Below is a simple circuit to replicate the signal and the understanding of the circuit. 


Cheap as i can make it, and still be almost the same

Stanley Meyer 9XD HHo Hydrogen 12 v 5v volt regulator #stanmeyer #stanleymeyer #9xd    NEW  stanley,meyer,9xa,voltage,circuit,stan,hho,hydrogen,
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer 9xb Circuit PWM
Stanley A Meyer 9xb Circuit PWM
Stanley A Meyer Circuit PWM 9XB
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Circuit 9XB PWM
Stan Meyer Buggy Circuit 9xb 8xa pwm

Now the higher voltage side 
variac to full wave rectifier to SCR to inductor to cell


A variac 
turn a knob and the voltage goes up and down

Hydrogen Hot Rod Usa United States of Am
Stanley A Meyer 10XA Box Circuit Cell
Stanley A Meyer Variac Circuit Buggy Water fuel
Stanley A Meyer 9XB BOX Circuit black Water Fuel
Stanley A meyer Black Box Circuit Water Fuel Buggy
Stanley A Meyer Water Fuel Buggy Circuit
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Water Fueled Buggy Plans

full wave bridged rectifier 
this is a set of diodes that change the AC into pulsed DC

Stanley Meyer 9XD HHo Hydrogen 12 v 5v volt regulator #stanmeyer #stanleymeyer #9xd    NEW  stanley,meyer,9xa,voltage,circuit,stan,hho,hydrogen,
Stanley A Meyer Water Fuel PLans
Stanley A Meyer Circuit Black Box  9xb
Stanley A Meyer Circuit Water Fuel
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit

silicone controlled rectifier 
is like a remote controlled on off switch. is used on pulsed DC. turns on and off at the pulse 

protection diode........used to controll reverse power glitches 

Stanley A Meyer Plans Circuits
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Circuit plans for sale
8XA Voltage Intensifier Circuit

is like a one way valve. lets power in and not back the way it came. the power has to move forward

Stanley A Meyer  Water Fuel Plans For Sale
Stanley A Meyer Circuit For Sale Water Fuel
Hot Rod Poster the sailors girl
Stanley A Meyer Circuit 9XB Water Fuel

last is the plate cell 
on this set up, stan used a 3x12 set of plates that were adjustable 

Hydrogen Hot Rod Usa United States of Am
Stanley A Meyer Plate Electrolyzer cell

assembled circuit that we have out there 
the pulsing circuit and the SCR board to the inductor

Stanley A Meyer Scr Switch Circuit Wateer Fuel
Stanley A Meyer Death Died Circuit Water Fuel
Stanley A Meyer Water Fuel Death Died Buggy Hydrogen
Stanley A Meyer SCR Switch Choke Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Circuit 9XB 8xa Choke Water Fuel
Stanley A Meyer Water Fuel Cell Voltrolysis Wet

parts for making the circuit 
this is a part list for the boards that we sale............minor changes from the original...........less expensive and easier to find componates 

9xb parts list 
bridged rectifier, not sure of the number.......only needed if you will use a transformer of 7 to 36 volts. use a 12 volt or 9 volt battery other wise 
KBU808G bridged rectifier 
3 x 1000uf caps 
7805 regulator 
.1 uf cap 
330 uf cap 
.01 uf cap 
1k , 10m. 4.7k X2 parts, 220R x 3 parts..............resisters 1/4 w 
4 position dip switch 
H11D1 opto 
555 timer chip 
3 x 74LS90N decade counter 
7404 invert chip 
red Led 
1 100k pot 

scr part list 
KBU808G bridged rectifier 
100 ohm resistor (20 watt or so) 
S4025L (or simular use a heat sink and make sure the pin out matches) 
1N4007 diode 
6 Amp 1000 volt diode 
H11D2 and 220 resistor( not needed if using the 9xa or the 9xb) 



0 v limit....
If 12 volt supplied to a regulator chip.... 2 volts is lost in the chip.
The 9xd has a 12 volt and 5 volt regulator.
12 volt regulator needs 14 volt or more to output 12 volt.
A car runs on 14.5 volts. 
At rest the battery is 12 volts. So a 12 volt regulator outputs 10 volts.
A 2 volt drop through the regulator

he's taking about typical voltage regulator. 
Don't get confused about low drop out voltage 
regulators which don't have 2 v drop but they
also can't handle as much flow/current
Lm317 is an adjustable regulater. 1.5 amp. 1.2 volts to 34 volts or so.
Has a 2 volt drop.
Other regulators would be buck or boost converters

7810 is a 10volt reg
Lm317 is and adjustable reg. You can make 
it a fixed voltage reg. A switch to a resistor.... 
Say 3 different resistors... 
This would output 3 different voltages. 
Preselected with the switch

One lm317 or 78xx series chips are 1.5 amps. 
Simply wire in parallel.... 2 chips are 3 amps...
 Same voltage outputs

An opamp....
Basically a voltage follower. 
There are different things they can do.
Mostly used as voltage followers..... Or amplifiers.
With a center tapped power supply.... 
They output a AC wave. Say a microphone amplifier.
With just Dc input... It will out put a DC wave.

These are simple answers. Not trying to get complex 

You also have neg voltage regulators.
Compliments to the 78xx and lm317 packages.
You need center tapped transformers for that.
Again.... This is a simplified answer.

You also. Need to pay attention to the ground icon.
For example.... Earth ground...... Chassis ground...
Ground reference...


Trying out a 'component' shown in a Stanley Meyer patent...US4798661A

Dental Cement with Expanded Carbon making unipolar h2

Stanley A Meyer Resisitive Layer

8XA Circuit with High Power SCR

8XA circuit with High Power SCR


•3 Jun 2013  Stan Meyer's 8XA circuit has one serious drawback - if network frequency (110 Volts / 60 Hz) is change, "Step Charge" settings too changing. As you know, the network frequency is vary! This can cause heat and changing results


Generator is created with LM 566 - VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) For prevent overheating resistors, Ultra High Power SCR is controlled by other Low Power SCR - Darling ton circuit


8XA circuit with High Power SCR.png

HHO Ultra Power Driver


•16 Jun 2013  This is my new circuit! "Step Charge" time is constant. Output Driver power is over 30000 Watts - over, over, over... than need!  

"Frequency Adjust" - tune "Step Charge" time. "Maximum Voltage Adjust" - tune maximal voltage limit. "Positive Ramp Offset Adjust" - coordinate triangle waveform to optocoupler.


"Minimum Voltage Adjust" - tune the minimum voltage at which water molecule is Breakdown - "Water Breakdown Point" "Step Charge" vary between Voltage "Water Breakdown Point" and "Maximal Voltage"!


HHO Ultra Power Driver.png

Always put cells in Pairs

HHO Ultra Power Driver 1.png
HHO Ultra Power Driver 2.png

Transitioning to 11 Cell

Powered with Stan Meyer`s standard 8XA circuit

- full-wave bridge rectifier

- 220 Veff / 50 Hz (310 Vpp / 50 Hz) - after rectifier

: 310 Volts / 100 Hz

  • 5 Cells series connected - to every Cell - 60 Volts / 5 amps

  • 6 Cells series connected - to every Cell - 50 Volts / 4.5 amps

Ultra short pulse water electrolysis

16 Oct 2013


Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell Resonant Condition with use TAP WATER Professor M. Kanarev - "GENERATORS OF GLOBAL (CLEAN) ENERGY"   BACKUP DOCUMENT HERE

"A novel method of hydrogen generation by water electrolysis using an ultra-short-pulse power supply"          BACKUP DOCUMENT HERE     also see Lex Banki Nano pulser

Low frequency generator with Duty Cycle
MOSFET Power Driver circuit  Ultra short
MOSFET Power Driver circuit  Ultra short
MOSFET Power Driver circuit  Ultra short


Bifilar choke.jpg
Bifilar choke2.jpg
Bifilar choke3.jpg
Production coil dawnig.png
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p

Inviting help to find this part numbers
on Digikey or Mouser.

On off switch
Square red led
Analogue volt meter  0- 150 volt
Analogue amp meter  0 -100 amp
2 position rotary switch
4 position rotary switch
1 round led red chrome seat.

if any one can help source these would be great to have on this thread


========================== Link
150 volt seams to be right sizes 6 cm or so wideduct-detail/en/visual-communications-company-vcc/1050QN1/1050QN1-ND/3150875

Amp Meter 100 amps with shunt
Same width and volt meter above

Toggle 110 v 
-15A/250V AC, 20A/ 125VAC . HEAVY DUTY SPDT MOMENTARY TYPE, (ON)-OFF, Normally Off. .
----CUT SIZE for INSTALL : 34mm x 19mm , thread portion: 12mm. shaft in length : 17mm.

12v resettable  10 amp and 12 amp switches

hmm careful about those breakers,  - i found the 3 amp ones took as much as 15 seconds too trigger @ 3.5amps,  - need 10amp too trigger in 0.5 seconds.

Led 12v 10 mm panel light

and / or more  close to spec in look

and or


need more sources this one , if find on mouser or digi key please reply each part, with link

this I think is ac 110 neon indicator warning light


Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
Stanley A meyer 8xa 9xb 9xa box design p
9XB Stanley A Meyer Hydrogen Circuits El
9XB Stanley A Meyer Hydrogen Circuits El
9xb Stanley A Meyer Original Box Board.p
9xb Stanley A Meyer Original Box Board
Stanley A meyer Circuit 8xa1 66.png
Stanley A meyer Circuit 8xa1 44.JPG
Stanley A meyer Circuit 8xa1 11.jpg

Example Note 

The Following scope shots are good from 8XA but not totally correct i put them to show what it looks like when the scr is stuck open and letting full pwm through it should have a gate if operating correctly/ the scope shots are not gating right. please note learn and teach.

Stanley A meyer Circuit 8xa1.jpg
Stanley A meyer Circuit 8xa1 8xa2.jpg
9XB Stanley A Meyer Hydrogen Circuits El
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