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Blocking Diode Vs Bypass Diode 

Stanley A Meyer Blocking Diode

The difference Between a Bypass Diodes on your Voltrolysis tube Cells and Blocking Diodes on your Vic Driving Circuit Combiner box for the whole Voltrolysis unit and water fuel maker.  A lot of People are Confused what these diodes are used for,  are going to go over that now as part of our ongoing Stanley A Meyer Voltrolysis Teachings and advanced Methods series.


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Every Voltrolysis Unit tube Cell assembly should have a blocking diode on the DC volts in

and a bypass diode or multiple diodes between the Tube Cell pairs.


You can find these Bypass Diode by opening up your aluminum. Tube cell base cover or Blocking Diode can be found in the Multi Vic trigger junction box where your Voltrolysis Tube Cell pairs

Connect to. (Combining the Staged parallel Vic transformer Voltages to the Tube Cell pairs in Series.)


The Bypass Diodes are in the Voltrolysis Unit Base under the Aluminum RF sleeve cover (which stops coupling effects)  There is 1 Bypass Diode between Every Tube cell pair.


What a Diode Does, is it allowing current to flow in one direction?

 Even so it should be again noted, as this Stanley A Meyer Voltrolysis (Not Electrolysis)


As Builders we focus on raising the applied Step Charge DC voltage level applied to the tubes cells whilst not raising amps. The Resistance of those bypass diodes and blocking diodes aid in restricting amps with the chokes in the circuit to  further reduce amps being drawn to the Cell pairs


and at the same time ensure Raising Voltage, as they also have resistance as Components in the circuit. The Tube Cells in the Voltrolysis Unit are Wired in Series between each tube cell set.

to ensure they can produce enough DC voltage.


To make enough voltage so the The Magnetic Water to Gas Separation Effect is maintained.

or what we call Voltrolysis.


So, first point is the number of Diodes in the cell sets Combiner.

box tells you how many cell pairs you have in the Voltrolysis Unit Cell Assembly.


Tube cell are always in Pairs never singular tube cells. As we balance the resistance of inner and outer tubes diameter by pairing the cell tubes in series. For the Bypass Diode Each Bypass Diode is Wired in Parallel between each Tube Cell pair in the Voltrolysis Unit.


This will insure even if 1 Tube Cell pair is empty of water or not performing/

The rest of Series Tube Cell pairs that this pairs is Connected to will keep performing and producing Gas via Voltrolysis at the right voltages.


So the Bypass Diodes bypass a failing Tube Cell set if is empty or not producing enough gas.

 But if you are a beginner, you might be curious what a Series Tube set is,


so these tube Cells are wired in series so they can produce a voltage high enough at right rf in a balanced resistance way to be used to run Voltrolysis unit. without amps and make Hydrogen on demand from the Distilled water.


Inside a Typical 6 cell or 10 Cell Voltrolysis unit you will have paired set of tubes. for a 6 Cell you will have 3 Series Pairs 3 Diodes in Parallel for a 10 Cell you will have 5 Series Pairs 5 Diodes in Parallel


So it can create 0 to 600 Vdc in the Stanley Meyers Version 1 circuit assembly 8xa/9xb for example

 This will ensure even if 1 Set is empty or not performing. the other sets keep performing at 0 - 600 Vdc from your Switch gate Control voltage level ( variac ).


The Tube Cells are Wired in Series and wired in set via series method also.

to ensure they can produce enough. DC voltage. To make The Magnetic Water to gas Separation Effect ,or what we call Voltrolysis. ( a non-electrolyte process) with no dead short or amp draw


So, in the Voltrolysis 6 tube Cell unit we have 3 Series tube cell Sets to create.

this effect. In the first tube cell set, if you look at how these tubes cells are wired.

it starts right here than it connects to this one and this and this one,

and creates a series tube cell set and complete Voltrolysis unit, 


So, if any of these Tube Cell sets on this Series fail, that bypass Diode will allow voltage to flow past that Tube Cell Set on that series. Because if this tube cell set is failing to produce gas or in dead short from contaminates, it will bring down the whole Voltrolysis cell series performance. So, the Bypass Diode allows it to be bypassed And Because these Tube cell sets are in series, even if a single tube cell set fails, it will wipe out the Gas producing capability of the whole Voltrolysis unit and all its sets.


So, whether 1 Tube Cell Set Fails or Multiple Tube Cell sets Fail, that Bypass diode will still be activated and bypass that Tube Cell Set Failure. Provided that all the tube Cells are made with precision this also allow an easy range of PLL to tune to 1 cell set. Creating a close equivalent to a spider antenna tuning mechanism.


Also, if the whole Voltrolysis unit fails, then all bypass diodes will allow the whole Voltrolysis unit

to be bypassed in the case you have multiple whole Voltrolysis units. in series.

(whether they be 6 10 or 20 tube units)  So if 1 Tube Cell Pair Fails it will not reduce the whole gas output of the while Voltrolysis unit or series of units, If I did not have these bypass diodes. I and I had 3 Voltrolysis units connected in series with this one, and one Voltrolysis unit fails all 3  Voltrolysis units would not produce gas. But because we have bypass diodes, if this 1 Voltrolysis unit fails the other2 Voltrolysis unit would still products gas. So, bypass Diode are very important for failing cells or units.


Blocking Diodes. 

Now let’s talk about blocking diodes as they are completely different.  

First Difference of a Blocking Diode vs a Bypass Diode is a Bypass diode is in parallel configuration?

with the series tube cells pairs. With a Blocking Diode, it is in series configuration to the Series tube cell pairs. So here is a Combiner Box Circuit layout and it shows. 2 individual Voltrolysis Units.


Traditionally in the olden days the blocking diode was used to ensure batteries did not discharge at night. You Can think of the Voltrolysis unit as a capacitor, due to the fact that it charges up and hold voltage. We want the cell to start charged so it keep producing during the gate off time.  In Addition, we do not want to ground the cell. but in fact hold the cell charged. The more the water splits the more. free electrons become available in the cell and water charging it up further.


The more Positive charged the water the stronger the surface tension of water.

becomes and thus holds more nano bubble in suspension. So, the Blocking diodes perform that job first for us. But Blockings Diode have a Second job they can accomplish for us, they can be especially useful some Voltrolysis cell configurations.


For Example, when we use the Sequential Vic with the triggering system the vic are in parallel, it is possible if one vic or cell pair is under performing. It will lower the voltage of both bringing down the performance of the other cell pairs or vics and Voltrolysis unit. So, if you have 2 Voltrolysis Units in Parallel from vic trigger junction box you can ensure the lower voltage of one(the capacitance) will not bring down  the voltage of other and thus they stay Matched. or in tune or in resonance. 


Let’s imagine we have 2 Voltrolysis units, one unit is a higher temp or pressure.

than the other Voltrolysis unit. So, what will happen because they are connected?

in parallel, the lower producing Voltrolysis unit will discharge some.  of the energy of the higher producing Voltrolysis unit.


Also the Voltages will not match so whenever you are triggering or scaling voltages

in parallel to these series pairs you want the voltage to match. So having a mis match could actually lower the voltage of both arrays if one of them is under performing.

So what a blocking diode does, is ensure this does not happen. it allows current to flow in only 1 direction and from each Voltrolysis unit. This method can be used on the Electron Extraction circuit also across multiple. Voltrolysis Units.


And typically, we will have 1 Blocking diode for Each Voltrolysis Units or Cell Pair.

 But you can also do 2 pairs per blocking diode provided component max voltage.

specification allows it. That way you will have no fighting and current voltage.

 will flow in an equal fashion to achieve max voltage in Tube Cell Pairs and Voltrolysis Units.


So over the course of operation, you will produce more voltage in the tubes and thus more gas / water fuel if properly implemented. Blocking diodes can cause a slight voltage drop but also they help us by restricting some amps via in line resistance and balance voltage made between the tube cell pairs to benefit our system, and tuning efforts.


Keep in mind we can see these diodes in our Multiple vic trigger system as we are sending scalable parallel voltage to series Tube cell pairs and Voltrolysis units. So the Blocking Diodes doing 2 jobs for us 1 Balancing DC High Voltages applied 2 Holding and stopping voltages from draining out of our water capacitor. (Voltrolysis Units) whilst protecting our circuits from damage

But if you have only a single Series Voltrolysis unit on a 8xa/9xb  connecting to only 1 vic , we only use 1 feature of the Blocking diode. 2 Holding and stopping voltages from draining out. of our water capacitor. (Voltrolysis Units) whilst protecting our circuits from damage.


That is pretty much it. a Bypass diode will bypass a Pair of Tube Cells or

a string of Voltrolysis units. To ensure the maximum output from your Water Fuel Unit.


A Blocking diode traditionally used to avoid discharging of Water Capacitor.

but now days it is also used for when multi vic are connected in parallel to drive.

 tube cell pairs or Voltrolysis units. 


If you a have any questions, please be sure to join as a patreon and visit tour training website. I invite you to book a consultation with Dan and I will answer you project.

 planning questions.

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