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Stan Meyers  H Bridge Driver

This H Bridge can run the gate  and or the power to transistor solid state 

for example during the gate it can back switch and pull electrons out of the water to a load,( the reverse setting) 

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Hydrogen Hot Rod

VIC-Transformer not work "correctly" with Unipolar "DC" Signal! At low voltage, all is Ok! But when increase the voltage, "Self-induction" peak have limit (Core saturation), and more increasing the "Input voltage" not increase Voltage to the Cell! As look, with "AC" Sinusoidal or "AC" Square Signal, VIC effectivity NOT LIMIT!


My circuit diagram (full size,

"Improved" Circuit Diagram -

Added HCF4098):

At 40 Volts to H-Bridge, current is only 200 mA!


My VIC dimentions:

  • Primary coil: 3 layers X 70 turns = 210 turns Resistivity - 7,5 ohm Induction: On Air core (no ferrite) - 1,24 mH

  • On Ferrite core - 114 mH C1, C2

  •  Secondary coil: 13 layers X 80 turns = 1040 turns

  • Resistivity - 37,5 ohm

  • Induction: On Air core (no ferrite) - 31,2 mH

  • On Ferrite core - 1750 mH

  • The Voltages to C1, C2 and Secondary coils are equal !!!


For High Voltage "stability", must use "Double coated enameled copper wire":


Original Meyer`s "Big Bobbin" use other way for INSULATION (Like Flyback transformer ):


Flyback transformer desigh:


How to Automatically winding High Voltage transformers:

Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch

Special note about the transistor that are  4 pc and not all the same 2 are one part number and 2 are the other part number  Zoom in on the modern circuit pages 

Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch
Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch
Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch
Stanley Meyer H Bridge Driver Circuit Switch

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Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley Meyer H Bridge.png
Stanley A Meyer H Bridge
Stanley A Meyer h bridge Circuit.png
Stanley A Meyer H Bridge Lay out Circuit
Stanley A Meyer Step up Transformer test
pnp npn transistors.png

Difference Between NPN & PNP Transistor

One of the major difference between the NPN and PNP transistor is that in the NPN transistor the current flow between collector to emitter when the positive supply is given to the base,


whereas in PNP transistor the charge carrier flows from the emitter to collector when negative supply is given to the base. The NPN and PNP transistor are differentiated below in the comparison chart by considering the various other factors.

The NPN and PNP both are the bipolar junction transistor. It is the current controlling devices and mainly used for switching and amplifying the signal. Mostly, the NPN transistor is used in the circuit because in NPN transistor the conduction current is mainly by electrons while in the PNP transistor the conduction current is because of the holes.


As the electrons are more mobile the NPN has high conduction.

The letter PNP and NPN show the voltage requires by the emitter, collector and base of the junction transistor. The NPN and PNP transistor, both are made up of different material due to which the current develops in them also differs.


Sometimes when the voltage applied across the emitter the electrons cross the base junction and reach the collector region. This happens because the base of the NPN and PNP transistor is very thin and lightly doped.

Key Differences Between NPN and PNP Transistor

  1. The NPN transistor has two blocks of n-type semiconductor materials and one block of p types semiconductor materials whereas the PNP transistor has one thin layer of p-type material and two thick layers of N-type material.

  2. The symbol of the NPN and the PNP transistor are almost same the only difference between them is the direction of the arrow which is based on the emitter. In NPN transistor the head of the arrow move outward to the base and in PNP the arrow moves inward.

  3. In NPN transistor, the current flow from collector to emitter because positive supply is given to the base, whereas, in PNP transistor the current flows from the emitter to the collector.

  4. The NPN transistor turn-on when the electron enters into the base while the PNP transistor is turned on when holes enter into the base.

  5. The inside current in NPN transistor constitutes because of the varying position of the electrons whereas in PNP transistor the inside current is because of the varying position of the holes.

  6. In NPN transistor the output current exists because flows of the holes and in PNP it is constituted because of the flows of the electrons.

  7. In NPN transistor, the majority charge carrier is electron whereas in PNP transistor the majority hole is the majority charge carrier.

  8. The minority charge carrier of the NPN transistor is the hole and in PNP transistor it is electrons.

  9. The switching time of NPN transistor is more as compared to PNP transistor because the majority charge carrier of NPN transistor is an electron.

  10. The emitter-base junction of both the NPN and PNP transistor is connected in forward biased.

  11. Note: The forward base junction means the p terminal of the diode is connected to the positive terminal of the supply and the n-type material is connected to the negative terminal of the supply

  12. The collector base junction of the NPN and PNP transistor is connected in reversed biased.

  13. Note: The reversed bias means the negative region is connected to the positive terminal of the supply and the p-region is connected to the positive terminal of the supply.

  14. The NPN transistor turns on when the small current flows from emitter to base, whereas for turning on the PNP transistor the small current flows from base to emitter.

  15. The ground signal of the PNP transistor is kept low, whereas, in PNP transistor the ground signal is high.

The key to the transistor action is lightly doped base between the heavily doped collector and emitter.

Stanley Meyer - H-Bridge.JPG

Step Up Transformer 

Stanley A Meyer Step up Transformer test

H Bridge switching method?

In the estate photos, there is an H-bridge assembly. The two TO-220 BJTs are NPN/PNP, as would be expected. Transformer turn ratio is shown in Figure 5 below. The larger diameter wire appears to be the secondary (360 turns), with a bifilar primary of 18 turns? With 12v auto battery, this would produce 240vAC which would be rectified via full bridge rectifier. 

Stanley A Meyer Step up Transformer test

Figure 2: SK3180 (NPN)

H Bridge Stanley A Meyer.png

Figure 3: (SK3181A PNP):

H Bridge Stanley A Meyer 2.png

Figure 4:

H Bridge Stanley A Meyer 3.png

For High Voltage "stability", must use "Double coated enameled copper wire":

Stanley A Meyrer Step Up Transformer.jpg

Original Meyer`s "Big Bobbin" use other way for INSULATION

(Like Flyback transformer ):

Stanley A Meyer Bobbin Step Up.jpg
Stanley A Meyer Coil
Stanley A Meyer Coil

High voltage winding must be done right good quality and insulation double coated with paper in between 

Stanley Meyer Electron Extraction Circui
Stanley Meyer Voltage Intensifier Circui

NAV NOTES H Bridgee & All Switching 
set the gate as follows:-
The duty cycle of the gate needs to be at 90% in favor of  'on' and 10% in favor of 'off'. BUT...the entire length of the gate time on and off must be three seconds exact. This is the error of our ways.


Can we keep ration but accelerate the repetitions to as fasts as possible?
UnIvesal Switch on this foum is vry similar Concept t Babock Switch ,

We know the Vic make cell goes to 1.6 Kv so eec electron extract has to use a UNiversal switch 

or you going to have Mosfet popcorn on the 2 way switch the magnetisium might mess up the H bridge. 

So we learn with H bridge abve  test and the Advance to the Universal Switch this is why this

Hydrogen Hot Rod Website exisis to teach Please make a Donation today and help us stay here. 

We draw up a specific H bridge totem daughter board with ration adjust  or speed adjust of reptitions and post it here So to control gate fast silicon mosfets (to Nav ration 90/10) and also switch back the electron extract to 9xd during gate off ?   make usable voltage.

The faster we do the gates and switch back to electron extract caps better the result if ratio kept

If we keep Ratio 90 on 10 off we can in fact increase speed and stay true to the forumla?
We know there are high performance results on to electrons and atoms ionization
with fast pulse and gate best is picosecond rates.

to use such we would jump specifically of 9xa/9xb and have inverted signal
so we can jump 9XA and use  like  Mike did above and have invert signal to stay tru to the meyers
PS from Deep study of  pulsing red leds the best ionization rate at low wattage into water spiting = best results are in picosecond

do this driver could also be added to the 9xd and run leds in fast rate


Hydrogen Hot Rod
Stanley A Meyer Gas Processor Pulse Spee
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