Secure Supplies Group
Universal Energy

A Safe and Eco-Friendly Technology
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. has created a safe and green energy solution for your power generation needs. When a generator is powered by and integrated with an engine, it is referred to as a “Gen Set”. This design incorporates our proprietary technology which enables our Gen Sets to operate on Hydrogen Gas (H2) (H2 Gas) that is produced from ordinary distilled water
The H2 gas is continuously produced while the H2 Gen Set is in operation.
The advancement of this significant and revolutionary proprietary technology in producing H2 gas is made possible by Secure Supplies Hydrogen Gas Reactor (H2 Reactor) that splits water into H2 Gas, which is then utilized as fuel to operate the patented eco-friendly Rotary Valve Industrial
Electric Power Generators (H2 Rotary Gen Sets).
At Secure Supplies our management believes that our H2 Gen Sets are superior
and can outperform all existing Gen Sets currently in the marketplace worldwide.

Secure Supplies Hydrogen Gas /Nano Bubble Fuel Reactor
(H2 Voltrolysis Reactor)
The Hydrogen Factoring Process dissociates the water molecule by way of voltage stimulation, ionizes the combustible gases by electron ejection and, then, prevents the re formations of the water molecule during thermal as ignition..
releasing thermal explosive energy beyond "normal" gas burning heat based measurement levels. More force than heat is the result effect under a controlled state.
and the atomic energy process is environmentally safe and repeatable with our carbon or dangerous fossil fuel pollution
It is this voltage based reaction that changes the polarity to split water in to Hydrogen Atoms (H2) that bubble off the reactor tubes producing (H2 Gas) as the fuel used to operate the Gen Sets.
Thermal Explosive Energy
The Thermal Atomic interaction(gtnt) is caused when the combustible gas ions(from water) fail to unite or form a
Covalent Link-up or Covalent Bond between the water molecule atoms. The oxygen atom having less than four covalent electrons (electron extraction process) is unable to reach "Stable State"(six to eight covalent electrons required) when the two hydrogen atoms seek to form the water molecule during thermal gas ignition.
Rocket Propulsion
Add-on resonant cavities
(placed beneath the hydrogen gas assembly) arranged in
parallel to vertical Cluster Array increases the atomic energy-yield of the hydrogen fracturing process undergoing thermal gas ignition. This Cluster-Assembly or Cluster-Form is hereinafter called "The Water Power Gas Turbine" and "The Water Powered Rocket Engine".
In Summation
The Hydrogen Fracturing Process simply triggers and releases atomic energy from natural water by allowing highly energized sub-critical combustible gas ions to come together during thermal gas ignition.
The Hydrogen Fracturing Process has the capability of releasing thermal explosive energy ( with more force present than heat on combustion)
The Hydrogen Fracturing Process is environmentally safe.
License Agreement for the H2 Reactor
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. has been granted a worldwide license from Daniel Donatelli (Founder Secure Supplies Group - Technology Division) to manufacture, sell, and distribute products which incorporate the eco-friendly H2 Voltrolysis Reactor, the H2 Safety System, and the H2 Delivery and Storage System (the “H2 License”).
License Agreement for H2 Power plants - Engines and Turbines Gen Sets for Use Specifically
with Our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor.
Mr Daniel Donatelli has granted us a use, sale, and distribution license to the patented eco-friendly Hydrogen Power Plant technology and the patented Sequential Multi-Fuel Injection System for use only with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor (the “Power Plant Global License”).
The defined territory under this license is comprised of Global partnerships.. Under this license, Hydrogen Development Fund is our exclusive supplier for sourcing
Secure Supplies Turbines & Engines.
There are a number of Intellectual Property H2 / Ammonia Gas and Liquid Technologies that we have designed. Gaseous Hydrogen H2 cannot be used without these new advanced technologies.
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. is undertaking a Private Placement Offering to provide
working capital of up to $10 million, which is intended to be used to: (i) fund startup activities,
which include completion of research and development of the H2 Voltrolysis Reactor,
Obtaining COPYRIGHT protection in numerous locations throughout the world, as deemed appropriate, procuring manufacturing equipment, setting up production lines, recruiting and training plant workers, assembling our Management Team,
Structuring a go-to-market strategy and sales force, developing a marketing and branding strategy
and implementing an Information technology infrastructure to support operating and finance systems, among many other related activities; and (ii) continue ongoing research and development for improved and additional applications of our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor Technology.
The working capital from this Offering will be supplemented by deposits to be received for orders
for up to $24.4 million of our H2 Power Plants.
We believe that if we successfully carry out our short-term business plan, it will fulfill existing orders
and generate new working capital from sales and distribution of these orders that will be sufficient to further expand our production capacity to accommodate growth, introduce new products, and expand into additional markets.
Video of H2 Generator in Operation
H2 Generator Photo Gallery


The Safety Systems
and Flash Prevention System
The proprietary Quenching and Safety System or ignition prevention system manufactured by Daniel Donatelli performs of three primary functions. There are three blowback /Flashback systems or ignition prevention systems that are proprietary produced by Mr Daniel Donatelli.
Hydrogen Symbol H.A. colorless odorless gaseous element: A.N.1: R.A.M.1.008:d.0.0899.G DM-3:M.P. is the lightest element and most abundant in the universe. It is present in water and all organic compounds and there are three isotopes of this element: Naturally occurring Hydrogen consists of two stable isotopes. Hydrogen -1 (99.985%) and * Deuterium the radioactive * Tritium is made artificially.
The gas is diatomic and can be found in two forms; orthohydrogen in which nuclear spins are parallel, and parahydrogen in which they are antiparallel. At normal temperature, the gas is 25% parahydrogen. The main source of Hydrogen is from steam reforming natural gas. It is also made by the (Bosch-Herbert Process) for producing ammonia from the reaction of Nitrogen with Hydrogen (N2+3H2 = 2NH3) and by the chemical reaction from electrolysis of water. Gaseous Hydrogen H2 is one of the explosive gases that detonate in air or with oxygen, metal or static electricity and it cannot be safely utilized as a fuel without our proprietary Blow-Back Prevention Systems.
Without our Blow-Back / Flashback Prevention System, it is only possible to use compressed liquid Hydrogen as the engine fuel. However, this is not practical because the cost is over $7 per gallon.
By employing our Blow-Back Prevention System in conjunction with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor, we are able to safely generate and utilize Gaseous Hydrogen H2 both in Gas form and Nano Bubble Water Fuel Form, which is derived from water, at little or no cost.
There are no emissions in this process and the only by-product is water vaper.

The first blowback function senses the detonation and shuts off the fuel supply line instantly.
The second blowback function releases the pressure of any blowback should it occur. in Several Ways across the Fueling and engine System.
The third blowback function is the one that supplies the H2 fuel to the engine through a nonconductive system of Especially design Quenching tubes which even if cut or melted still will not allow flash back.
Our System allow Laser light ionization at the same and time as gas is delivered bend Flexibility is 75 degrees.
As this new technology is proprietary, details cannot be made available to the public until further copyright & patent protection is fully in place worldwide.
Mr Daniel Donatelli has granted us a use, sale, and distribution sublicense to the patented eco-friendly Secure Supplies Group and Turbine and Engine Technology and the copyright Sequential Multi-Fuel Injection System for use only with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor ( Global Sublicense”).
The defined territory under this sublicense is comprised of all major Markets .Under this sublicense, Mr Daniel Donatelli is our exclusive supplier for sourcing H2/Ammonia Engines and Turbine Power Plants. This includes Safety Systems and Energy storage Plants.

License Agreement for the Sequential Multi-Lean Fuel Injection System
The Sequential Multi-Lean Fuel Injection System has already been copyright registered and is protected in the U.S. and in industrial countries around the world. Invented by Mr Daniel Donatelli, the system functions like a distributor at the end of a valve shaft and is infinitely adjustable and computer controlled. This comprehensive fuel infection system can incorporate three or four different fuels separately or at the same time and the amounts of each fuel can be adjusted. Management believes there is nothing comparable to this anywhere in the world.
Mr Daniel Donatelli has granted us a use, sale, and distribution license to the patented eco-friendly Secure Supplies Engine and Turbine technology and the patented Sequential Multi-Lean Fuel Injection System for use only with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor (the “Rotary Valve Engine Global License”). The defined territory under this license is comprised of Global Market. Under this license, Mr Daniel Donatelli is our exclusive supplier for sourcing Green Fueled Engines and Green Fueled Turbines.
There are a number of Intellectual Property H2 Water Fuel Technologies that we have designed. Gaseous Hydrogen H2 cannot be used without these new advanced technologies. Many new Copyrights and patents are planned to be applied for this year to further strengthen our portfolio.
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. is undertaking a Private Placement Offering to provide working capital of up to $10 million, which is intended to be used to: (i) fund startup activities, which include completion of research and development of the H2 Reactor, obtaining patent protection in numerous locations throughout the world, as deemed appropriate, procuring manufacturing equipment, setting up production lines, recruiting and training plant workers, assembling our Management Team, structuring a go-to-market strategy and sales force, developing a marketing and branding strategy and implementing an Information Technology infrastructure to support operating and finance systems, among many other related activities; and (ii) continue ongoing research and development for improved and additional applications of our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor Technology. The working capital from this Offering will be supplemented by deposits to be received for orders for up to $19.7 million of our H2/ Ammonia Gen Sets.(engines and Gas Turbines).
We believe that if we successfully carry out our short-term business plan, it will fulfill existing orders and generate new working capital from sales and distribution of these orders that will be sufficient to further expand our production capacity to accommodate growth, introduce new products, and expand into additional markets.
Hyduino is growing all the time and new features are added regularly.

Here's some of the main ones though.

Tuning Interface

Vehicle Performance, Drivability & Hydrogen Efficiency. Simplified!

In today's world, a mechanics most important tools are no longer found in their toolbox.
Just think, in the 1980's Top Fuel dragsters made about 2500 hp using a 500 cubic inch ( 8.2 Liter) Aluminum Hemi headed engine, as amazing as this might sound, today this same displacement and very similar looking hemi headed and Rotary Valve engines are making over 10,000 hp!
Why? It is a matter of optimizing all aspects of the engine to improving efficiency.
This demands the tools to gather data to understand what is happening inside the engine at the completely and identify opportunities to improve efficiency.
Together TunerStudio and MegaLogViewer bring you the power to capture,
view and analyze vehicle data as your engine produces it, then act upon it.
These easy to use applications simplify making changes and even offer recommendations and automatic correction using data analytics at a level that is not offered by any other automotive tuning solutions.

Tuner Studio is unique in offering an extremely flexible interface that can adapt with the regular updates and extra features that come with new Hyduino versions
Fully customizable dashboards
Tuner difference reporting (Local tune vs controller)
3D and grid editing of maps
Automatic restore points
USB and Bluetooth connectivity
Unlimited length logging
Ability to add and store notes
Real time and offline tuning
Multi-project support
Customizable gauges
Hydrogen Gas Auto Start
Safety Control System
Saleable gas Production on Demand
License Agreement for the Hyduino
The Hyduino EMS ECU System has already been copyright registered and is protected in the U.S. and in industrial countries around the world. Invented by Mr Daniel Donatelli, the EMS /ECU system functions as a unique interfaced computer driven by the Gas Management systems GMS . This comprehensive Hydrogen fuel control system can incorporate three or four different fuels separately or at the same time and the amounts of each fuel can be adjusted. Management believes there is nothing comparable to this anywhere in the world.
Mr Daniel Donatelli has granted us a use, sale, and distribution license to the patented eco-friendly Secure Supplies Engine and Turbine technology and the patented Sequential Multi-Lean Fuel Injection System for use only with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor (the “Rotary Valve Engine Global License”). The defined territory under this license is comprised of Global Market. Under this license, Mr Daniel Donatelli is our exclusive supplier for sourcing Green Fueled Engines and Green Fueled Turbines.
There are a number of Intellectual Property H2 Water Fuel Technologies that we have designed. Gaseous Hydrogen H2 cannot be used without these new advanced technologies. Many new Copyrights and patents are planned to be applied for this year to further strengthen our portfolio.
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. is undertaking a Private Placement Offering to provide working capital of up to $10 million, which is intended to be used to: (i) fund startup activities, which include completion of research and development of the H2 Reactor, obtaining patent protection in numerous locations throughout the world, as deemed appropriate, procuring manufacturing equipment, setting up production lines, recruiting and training plant workers, assembling our Management Team, structuring a go-to-market strategy and sales force, developing a marketing and branding strategy and implementing an Information Technology infrastructure to support operating and finance systems, among many other related activities; and (ii) continue ongoing research and development for improved and additional applications of our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor Technology. The working capital from this Offering will be supplemented by deposits to be received for orders for up to $19.7 million of our H2/ Ammonia Gen Sets.(engines and Gas Turbines).
We believe that if we successfully carry out our short-term business plan, it will fulfill existing orders and generate new working capital from sales and distribution of these orders that will be sufficient to further expand our production capacity to accommodate growth, introduce new products, and expand into additional markets.

License Agreement for the GMS
Gas (On- Demand) Management System
The GMS Hydrogen Gas On Demand Control System has already been copyright registered and is protected in the U.S. and in industrial countries around the world. Invented by Mr Daniel Donatelli, the system functions as a Fuel Production and Pressure Control Systems. It Start Prior to Ecu and Engine to start making Hydrogens on demand from water. Once Fuel is ready and reaches correct pressure the unit turns on the EMS/ECU and starts the engine.
The System monitors water levels system performance and scaled the fuel being made and pressures to ensure best fueling performances are achieved. Safety monitoring is included in this system. Management believes there is nothing comparable to this anywhere in the world.
Mr Daniel Donatelli has granted us a use, sale, and distribution license to the patented eco-friendly Secure Supplies Engine and Turbine technology and the patented Sequential Multi-Lean Fuel Injection System for use only with our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor (the “Rotary Valve Engine Global License”). The defined territory under this license is comprised of Global Market. Under this license, Mr Daniel Donatelli is our exclusive supplier for sourcing Green Fueled Engines and Green Fueled Turbines.
There are a number of Intellectual Property H2 Water Fuel Technologies that we have designed. Gaseous Hydrogen H2 cannot be used without these new advanced technologies. Many new Copyrights and patents are planned to be applied for this year to further strengthen our portfolio.
Secure Supplies Group Ltd. is undertaking a Private Placement Offering to provide working capital of up to $10 million, which is intended to be used to: (i) fund startup activities, which include completion of research and development of the H2 Reactor, obtaining patent protection in numerous locations throughout the world, as deemed appropriate, procuring manufacturing equipment, setting up production lines, recruiting and training plant workers, assembling our Management Team, structuring a go-to-market strategy and sales force, developing a marketing and branding strategy and implementing an Information Technology infrastructure to support operating and finance systems, among many other related activities; and (ii) continue ongoing research and development for improved and additional applications of our H2 Voltrolysis Reactor Technology. The working capital from this Offering will be supplemented by deposits to be received for orders for up to $19.7 million of our H2/ Ammonia Gen Sets.(engines and Gas Turbines).
We believe that if we successfully carry out our short-term business plan, it will fulfill existing orders and generate new working capital from sales and distribution of these orders that will be sufficient to further expand our production capacity to accommodate growth, introduce new products, and expand into additional markets.