Secure Supplies Group

Profitable Acquistions
Beneficially owned by not more than one hundred persons and which is not making and does not presently propose to make a public offering of its securities.
This Private Asset and Equity Fund is currently Open to Join by opening private non Public discussion only. We are not calling for Public investment at all. Access is limited by board review as private fund.
Opportunity to Join this Fund can be closed at any time with out public notification as a Private Fund.
If fund managers choose to BREAK DOWN 'Or Close Fund'
We may stop new investment either temporarily or permanently preventing access to technologies by new investors.
If we do close fund we may not allow new investments or future investments may be closed only to new investors allowing current investors to continue to buy more shares.
And expand this or associated Funds foot print.
This Fund can close for various reasons. This fund may provide notice that we are liquidating or merging with another fund at any time such is the nature of Energy Investments very high yield and operation Roi opportunity surrounding the technologies we develop and deploy as fund assets with roi and cash flow.
A closed mutual fund should not be confused with a closed end fund. A closed mutual fund has a fixed number of shares, generally invests in specialized sectors, and trades like a stock on a stock exchange.
If our Fund Closes for new Investments When and if our fund announces it is closing access, it may be structured in various ways.
The fund company can close to new investors only or stop allowing new investments from any investors not passionate about the Funds Goals.
If our fund plans to remains in operation with out liquidating assets back to investors , the fund will continue to manage operations normally and provide returns to holders.
Existing investors have the advantage of owning shares and benefiting from further income and capital appreciation.
Current investors are often given priority when our fund begins limiting its asset inflows. Thus it may reopen only to current investors first before allowing additional investments again.
In some cases this fund may liquidate assets following the announcement of a closing to return to investors. If our fund liquidated our management of fund will sell all of the assets in the fund following a predetermined schedule. The fund will then provide investors with the proceeds. Fund companies may also merge shares of a fund with another existing fund. Our Fund will provide investors with notice of any closure from further investment any liquidation or merger. If the fund company distributes a payout to investors due to fund closing, the investors will be liable for tax implications. Companies may provide investors with reinvestment option in other new or affiliated funds which can avoid unstructured taxes for the investors into our Private fund . Factors Leading to a Fund Closing
If a company is liquidating or merging into fund shares, it is typically due to a lack of demand. If inflows have been decreasing or demand for a new fund has not generated enough inflow to keep it active then a fund company will take action to liquidate or merge the shares into a fund with a similar objective.
Oftentimes, a fund may need to close because of asset bloat which can occur from excessive inflows to a fund. This is most common when a fund invests in small-cap stocks or a small number of securities. With this fund, an excessive inflow of capital can significantly affect the market and the targeted stocks in the portfolio. Fund may also need to close and diversify for other reasons such as compliance with the 75-5-10 rule for diversified funds. The 75-5-10 rule is a rule for diversified funds outlined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 The rule states that a fund can have no more than 5% of assets in any one company and no more than 10% ownership of any company's outstanding voting stock. Diversified funds must also have 75% of assets invested in other issuers and cash.
Overall, fund closings are on a case by case basis and each fund will have its own individual reasons for closing. If fund is only closing access temporarily than both current and potential fund investors can seek to understand the specific parameters of the closing and when it may be opening again for further acquisition or investment beyond what has already been placed.